Essential English Vocabulary: Personality, Health, Crime, Weather, Music, Media, Fashion

Essential English Vocabulary

Personality Adjectives

Ambitious: ambicioso, cheerful: encantador, eccentric: excentrico, insincere: insincero, self-confident: seguro de si mismo, impulsive: impulsivo, calm: calmado, arrogant: arrogante, conscientious: conciente, assertive: acertivo, funny: divertido, open-minded: libre de prejuicios, possessive: posesivo, insecure: inseguro, stubborn: obstinado, bad-tempered: mal caracter, immature: inmaduro, optimistic: optimista, vain: vanidoso, easy-going: facil de llevar, well-balanced: equilibrado, reserved: reservado, wise: sabio.

Shy Romantic Vocabulary

Nickname: apodo, trial: ensayo, wary: cauteloso, approach: enfoque, stunning: maravilloso, come up with: proponer, membership card: carnet de socio, register: registrado.

Badges and Actions

Badges: insignias, giggling: riendo, raised: elevado, chat up: callar, chatted: chatear, grimace: mueca.

Illness and Treatment


Temperature, cough: tosir, headache: mal de cap, rash: barisela, blister: llaga, a pain: dolor, being sick: vomitar, sneezing: mocar, bleeding: sangrar, swollen: inflamat, back hurts: mal d’esquena.

Illnesses and Injuries

Flu: gripe, caught a cold: contagiarse, allergies: alergico, asthma: asmatico, high blood pressure: presion arterial alta, a heart attack: ataque al corazon, a stroke: golpe, food poisoning: envenenar, twisted: torcido, burnt: quemar, a bruise: contusion.


Bandage: bendaje, injection: injeccio, medicine: medicina, operation: operacio, rest: descansar, specialist: specialista, stitches: punts, X-ray: rayos X.

Crime and Punishment


Blackmail: chantaje, bribery: soborno, burglary: robo con fractura, drug: droga, fraud: fraude, hijacking: secuestro, kidnapping: secuestro, mugging: asalto, murder: asesinato, rape: violacion, robbery: robo, smuggling: contrabando, terrorism: terrorismo, theft: robo, vandalism: vandalismo.

Criminal Process

Arrested, caught: capturado, charged: acusado, committed, investigate, questioned.

The Trial

Acquitted: absuelto, court: juzgado, evidence: prueba, guilty: culpable, judge: juez, jury: jurado, proof: prueba, verdict, witnesses: testigo.


General Weather

Below zero: bajo cero, breeze: brisa, chilly: frio, cool: frio, damp: humedo, drizzling: llovizna, freezing: congelado, gale-force: huracanado, mild: leve, pouring: torrencial, scorching: abrasador, showers: chubasco, warm: calentar.

Weather Adjectives

Bright: brillante, changeable: variable, clear: claro, heavy: abundante, icy: helado, settled: colocado, strong: fuerte, sunny: soleado, thick: denso.

Extreme Weather

Blizzard: tormenta de neu, drought: sequera, flood: inundacion, hailstorm: calamarsa, heatwave: ola de calor, hurricane: huracan, lightning: relampgo, monsoon: monzonico, thunder: trueno, tornado: tornado.



Bass: bajo, cello, drums: bateria, keyboard: teclado, organ: organo, piano, saxophone, trumpet, violin.

People in Music

Bass: bajo, choir: coro, composer, conductor, dj, lead singer: cantante, orchestra, rapper: rapero, singer-songwriter: cantante i compositor, soloist: solista, soprano, tenor.

The Media

Media Professionals

Commentator: comentador, critic: critico, editor: editor, freelance journalist: periodista independiente, newsreader: locutor del telediario, paparazzi, presenter, press photographer: fotografia en prensa, reporter.

Media Content

Advertisement: anuncio, cartoon: dibujos, crossword: crucigrama, front page: primera plana, horoscope, review, small ads: anuncios, weather forecast: pronostico del tiempo.

Media Adjectives

Sensational: sensacional, biased: parcial, objective: objetivo, accurate: exacto, censored: censurado.

Clothes and Fashion

Clothing Descriptors

Tight: apretado, loose: suelto, sleeveless: sin mangas, long-sleeved: manga larga, hooded: encapuchado, V-neck: v-cuello, spotted: manchado, plain: llanura, striped: estripado, checked: comprobado, patterned: con dibujos.


Cotton: coto, silk: pañuelo de seda, leather: cuero, stocking: medias, linen: un lienzo, lycra: licra, suede: piel de ante, denim: mezclilla, velvet: tercio pelo, fur: pieles, woollen: lana.

Fashion Styles

Old-fashioned: pasado de moda, scruffy: desaliñado, smart: elegante, stylish: con estilo, trendy: de moda, dress up: disfrazarse, hang up: colgar, fit: encajar, suit: traje, matches: cerilla, changed: cambiado, get undressed: desvestirse, get dressed: vestirse.

Conditional Sentences

Type 0

Talk about universal truth and automatic actions. Present tense in both clauses: If you heat water to 100ºC, it boils.

Type 1

Talk about a present or future probable case: if-clause-present/main clauses-future tense: If I feel sick, I will not go to school.

Type 2

Talk about a present or future improbable case: if clause-past tense/main clause-would, might, could + an infinitive: If he were a bird, he would fly across the harbor.

Type 3

Talk about a past impossible case. If clause-past perfect, main clause-would + present perfect: If I had had enough money, I would have bought the… yesterday.

Future Tenses

Shall: offering, suggesting. Will: prediction, sudden decision, promise. Be going to: prediction + evidence, plans, intention. Present Simple: time clauses. Present Continuous: arrangements.

Future perfect: will have + past participle. Future continuous: will be + verb + -ing: use when the action will be in progress in the future.