Essential Industrial and Construction Terms
Construction and Engineering
Jib (Brazo): The arm of a mechanical crane.
Ballast (Lastre): Heavy material placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability.
Beams (Viga): Any rigid member or structure loaded transversely, e.g., a wooden, metallic, or stone bar to support a building’s roof.
Borderline (Línea Divisoria): A line that establishes or marks a border.
Buffering (Amortiguación): The act of lessening or absorbing the shock of an impact.
Crane (Grúa): A device for lifting and moving heavy objects.
Filler (Relleno): Something added to augment weight or size or fill space.
Gantry (Pórtico): A mount for a traveling crane, consisting of a large arch-like or bridge-like frame designed to move along a set of tracks.
G-Force (Fuerza de Gravedad): A force acting on a body due to acceleration or gravity.
Grab (Agarre): A mechanical device for gripping (agarrar) an object.
Hacksaw (Sierra para Metal): A saw with a tough, fine-toothed blade stretched taut in a frame, used for cutting metal.
Jolting (Traqueteo): A sudden blow or strike, as from a heavy blow or an abrupt movement.
Layout (Distribución, Trazado): An arrangement or a plan, especially the schematic arrangement of parts or areas.
Low-Loader (Plataforma de Carga Baja): A road or rail vehicle for heavy loads with a low platform for ease of access.
Plinth (Plinto, Pedestal): A block on which a pedestal, column, or statue is placed.
Sandstone (Arenisca): A sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation and compaction of sand, held together by a natural cement.
Shortcoming (Defecto): A failing, defect, or deficiency.
Sling (Eslinga, Cabestrillo): A rope, strap, or chain for supporting something.
Stonemason (Cantero): A person skilled in preparing stone for building.
Thrust (Empuje): Forward-directed force.
Timescale (Escala Temporal): The span of time within which certain events occur or are scheduled to occur, considered in relation to any broader period.
To Baffle (Desconcertar): To frustrate or perplex.
To Envisage (Prever): To consider as a possibility in the future; foresee.
To Hook (Colgar): To catch, suspend, or connect with a hook.
To Oversee (Supervisar): To watch over and direct; supervise.
To Revamp (Renovar): To patch up or restore; renovate.
To Strap (Atar con Cinturón): To fasten or secure with a strap (a long, narrow strip of material such as leather).
To Strip Down (Eliminar): To take away or remove.
To Withdraw (Retirar): To take back or away; remove.
Industrial Equipment and Safety
Silos (Silos de Grano): A pit or tower used for storage and protection (e.g., grain).
Shift (Turno de Trabajo): A group of workers that relieve another on a regular schedule, or the working period of such a group.
Asphyxiation (Asfixia): To experience or cause asphyxia; suffocate.
Forklift Truck (Carretilla Elevadora): A vehicle with two power-operated horizontal bars that can be raised and lowered for loading, transporting, and unloading goods, especially goods placed on wooden pallets.
Grille (Rejilla): A grating of metal, wood, or another material used as a screen, divider, barrier, or decorative element, as in a window or on the front end of an automotive vehicle.
Grinder (Molinillo): A mechanical device that grinds, i.e., crushes, pulverizes, or reduces to powder.
Guardrail (Baranda): A railing at the side of a staircase, road, etc., as a safety barrier.
Helideck (Plataforma para Helicópteros): A landing deck for helicopters on ships, oil platforms, etc.
Hoop (Aro, Argolla): A rigid circular band of metal or wood.
Industrial Blower (Aspirador, Soplador): A device that pumps/blows air to generate a rapid airflow.
Ladder (Escalera de Mano): A portable framework of wood, metal, rope, etc., in the form of two long parallel members connected by several parallel steps fixed to them at right angles, for climbing up or down.
Lever (Palanca): A simple machine with a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point, used to transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on the other.
Lock-Out (Cierre): A situation in which something is closed down, here for safety reasons.
Off-Cut (Restos): A piece of paper, metal, wood, fabric, etc., remaining after the main pieces have been cut; remnant.
Oxy-Acetylene (Oxiacetileno): A mixture of oxygen and acetylene, commonly used for cutting or welding metals at high temperatures.
Rash (Erupción Cutánea): A skin eruption.
Spring (Muelle, Resorte): An elastic device, such as a coil of wire, which regains its original shape after being compressed or extended.
Sump (Carter, Sumidero): A receptacle into which liquids, especially lubricants, can drain to form a reservoir.
Switchboard (Conmutador): One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits.
Switchgear (Sistema de Conmutación): Any of several devices used for opening and closing electric circuits, especially those that pass high currents.
To Ban (Prohibir): To officially or legally prohibit.
To Breach (Incumplir): To break or violate (an agreement, for example).