Essential Maritime Terminology and VHF Procedures
- Underway (al garete): “I am underway.” This means that a vessel is not at anchor, made fast to the shore, or aground.
- Making Way (en navegación): “I am making way.” This means that a vessel is not at anchor and is actually moving through the water, either under her own power or with the help of tugs. The speed is measured relative to the water.
- Get underway, to (iniciar navegación)
- Last Port of Call (de donde venís)
- ETA: “Estimated Time of Arrival”
- ETD: “Estimated Time of Departure”
- Draught (Calado)
- Loll (Escora Por Superficie Libre): An inclination to port or starboard. It is caused by suspended weights or free areas.
- List (Escora por corrimiento del centro de gravedad): It is caused by off-center loading of her cargo.
- Heel (Escora normal por viento y oleaje): Normal inclination to port or starboard. It is caused by wind or waves.
- Fog (Niebla): It is announced when water droplets in the atmosphere reduce visibility to less than 1000 meters.
- Mist (Neblina): It is announced when water droplets in the atmosphere reduce visibility to between 1000 and 2000 meters.
- To be aground: “… I am aground…” A vessel is aground when her draught exceeds the depth of water over solid bottom.
- To beach: To stop a vessel voluntarily on a beach or a sand bank to avoid a collision or sinking.
- To run aground: The action that leads to being aground.
Grounding position: The place where a vessel is aground.
Cable: “… 1-8-0 degrees, one cable from Fish Haven…” One tenth (1/10) of a nautical mile.
Navigation is Closed: No ships can move in the area.
Upstream: In the inland direction, i.e., away from the river mouth = inward(s) = inbound = ingoing.
Downstream: In the seaward direction, i.e., towards the river mouth = outward(s) = outbound = outgoing.
Channel 16: It is VHF procedure that channel 16 is used as a calling, listening, and safety frequency only.
Casualty: Dead person in an accident.
To allocate: “… position … has been allocated to you.” To allot, to give. The vessel has been given a place to anchor by the Harbour Authority.
To obstruct: To be in the way of other ships.
Assistance: “Your assistance is no longer required.” Your help is no longer needed.
Sufficient Depth of Water: “Is there sufficient depth of water?” Is the water deep enough?
- Berths (Genérico de Muelle)
- Dock (Dique) Pto. Madero
- Dolphin (Dique de Alba) Most Rosario Berths
- T-Jetty
- Pier (Muelle Perpendicular a la costa) Mar del Plata Base Naval
- Quay (Muelle abierto) Libertad
- Wharf (Muelle cerrado) Rio de la Plata Terminal
- SBM (Single Buoy Mooring) Caleta Paula
Channel 16 (Channel 1 – 6)
IMO recommends that if there is an emergency, then all other uses of channel 16 must stop.
VHF procedure at sea should always be:
- Keep a listening watch at all times on channel 16.
- Use a dual-watch facility to listen on any other required frequency.
- Before transmitting on channel 16, make sure that there is no Mayday, Securite, or other priority message in progress.
- Use channel 16 to establish contact only and then change to another frequency at once. You will otherwise be certain to interfere with a message more urgent than your own. Never chat on channel 16 – it is dangerous and costs lives.
In some countries, continuous misuse of channel 16 will result in the withdrawal of the ship’s broadcast license.