Essential Obstetrics and Gynecology Terms
Posted on Jan 22, 2025 in Medicine & Health
Medical Instruments and Procedures
- Mask: Cover for the face to avoid contamination.
- Syringe: Instrument to apply or extract fluids.
- Cotton swab: Instrument used to get a sample.
- Pap smear: Preventive exam to detect cervical cancer.
- Uterine curettage: Scraping of the uterus.
- Sonogram: A visual image produced from an ultrasound examination.
- Speculum: A metal instrument that is used to dilate an orifice or canal in the body.
- Hysterometer: Instrument for measuring the depth of the uterine cavity.
- Incubator: Enclosed apparatus in which premature or unusually small babies are kept.
- Operation room: A room in a hospital in which surgical operations are performed.
- I.V (intravenous): Within a vein. IV is the abbreviation for “intravenous.”
Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Colostrum: First dairy secretion postpartum.
- Vaginal fluid: Vagina’s natural lubricant.
- Oxygen therapy: Medical treatment that applies oxygen inhalation.
- Postpartum period: Period after birth.
- Mammary gland: Milk-producing gland.
- Premature: Baby who was born before the expected time.
- Dilatation: Opening of the cervix.
- Stillborn (child): Baby that was born dead.
- Fundal height: Measurement of the uterus.
- Infant: A very young child.
- Fraternal twins: Twins resulting from the development of separate fertilized ova.
- Attachment: Affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something.
- Clinical chart: A medical chart is a complete record of a patient’s medical history.
- Work shift: The time period during which you are at work.
- Induced labor: Is the process or treatment that stimulates childbirth and delivery.
- Placental abruption: Is when the placenta separates early from the uterus.
- Gestational age: Age of a pregnancy, which is taken from the woman’s last menstrual period.
- Miscarriage: It is the spontaneous loss of a fetus before the 20th week of gestation.
- Womb: Organ of the female reproductive system.
- Fetus: Viviparous vertebrate in development, from the embryonic stage to before birth.
- Cravings: Desire for specific food.
- Ultrasound: Examines the internal structures of the body or controls fetal development.
- Blood pressure: The pressure exerted by the blood on the inner walls of the arteries.
- Epidural: Anesthetic method that is applied in the epidural space of the spine.
- Pain relief: Process which reduces or eliminates pain, may be with medication or other alternatives.
- Breastfeed: Feed the baby with breast milk.
- Cesarean section: Surgical operation that consists of extracting the fetus from the mother’s womb.
- Doctor’s appointment: Meeting in a place and time agreed with the doctor.
- Labor: The last part of pregnancy beginning with contractions in the uterus.
- Morning sickness: When you are pregnant, you sometimes feel sick in the morning.
- First trimester: The first stage of pregnancy (0-12 weeks).
- Second trimester: The second stage of pregnancy (13- 27 weeks).
- Third trimester: The third stage of pregnancy (28 weeks to birth).
- Unborn baby: A baby that is still in your womb.
- Belly/tummy/abdomen: A pregnant woman’s stomach.
- Pain: Something that hurts or feels uncomfortable.
- Midwife: A person who delivers babies.
- Doctor: A person who cares for sick people.
- Folic Acid: A vitamin pregnant women need to take.
- To be pregnant: When you are carrying an unborn baby.
- Prenatal care: Taking care of a baby before it is born.
- Childbirth: The process of giving birth to a child.
- Check-up/exam: What happens to you at the doctor’s office, to check that you are healthy.
Other Important Terms
- Menopause: Last menstruation.
- Stretch mark: Stretching of the skin.
- Precocious puberty: Is puberty occurring at an unusually early age.
- Contraception: Artificial methods or techniques to prevent pregnancy.
- Pediatrician: Medical specialist in the health and illness of children.