Essential Shopping and Sustainability Vocabulary
Posted on Jan 3, 2025 in Training and Employment Advise
Shopping Terms
- Afford (v): Permitirse
- Auction (n): Subasta
- Bargain (n): Ganga
- Be bitten by the bug (exp): Picar el gusanillo
- Be hooked on (exp): Estar enganchado a
- Boutique (n): Boutique
- Brand (n): Marca
- Browse (v): Echar un vistazo
- Cashier (n): Cajero/cajera
- Changing room (n): Probador
- Charity shop (n): Tienda benéfica
- Customer (n): Cliente
- Department store (n): Grandes almacenes
- Exchange (v): Cambiar
- Get a discount (v): Obtener un descuento
- Get a refund (v): Obtener un reembolso
- Go on a spending spree (exp): Hacer compras de forma compulsiva
- Label (n): Etiqueta
- Order (v): Pedir
- Pay by credit card (v): Pagar con tarjeta de crédito
- Pay in cash (v): Pagar con dinero
- Personal shopper (n): Asesor de compras
- Retail therapy (n): Terapia de compras
- Rip off (v): Timar
- Sales (n): Rebajas
- Sales assistant (n): Dependiente/a
- Save up (v): Ahorrar
- Second-hand (adj): De segunda mano
- Shop on a shoestring (exp): Hacer compras gastando poco
- Shop till you drop (exp): Comprar hasta caer rendido
- Shopping trip (n): Viaje de compras
- Take something back (v): Devolver algo
- Try something on (v): Probarse algo
- Try something out (v): Probar algo
- Window-shopping (n): Mirar escaparates
Sustainability Terms
- Be on a high (exp): Estar de subidón
- Be up to your eyeballs in (exp): Estar a tope de
- Biodegradable (adj): Biodegradable
- Cheer up (v): Animarse
- Compost (n): Compost
- Consume (v): Consumir
- Consumer (n): Consumidor
- Consumption (n): Consumo
- Cost an arm and a leg (exp): Costar un ojo de la cara
- Deliver (v): Entregar
- Disposable (adj): De usar y tirar
- Dispose (v): Tirar
- Dump (n): Vertedero
- Dump (v): Arrojar
- Dumped (adj): Vertido
- Emission (n): Emisión
- Emit (v): Emitir
- Environmental (adj): Ambiental
- Face up to (v): Hacer frente a
- Feel down (exp): Estar triste
- Get out of hand (exp): Descontrolarse
- Get through (v): Salir adelante
- Go on (v): Hacer
- Incinerate (v): Incinerar
- Incinerator (n): Incinerador
- Landfill site (n): Vertedero
- Live from hand to mouth (exp): Vivir con lo justo
- Make up for (v): Compensar
- Manufacture (v): Fabricar
- Manufacturer (n): Fabricante
- Packaging (n): Envoltorio
- Pollutant (n): Sustancia contaminante
- Pollute (v): Contaminar
- Polluted (adj): Contaminado
- Pollution (n): Contaminación
- Recyclable (adj): Reciclable
- Recycle (v): Reciclar
- Recycled (adj): Reciclado
- Recycling (n): Reciclaje
- Sustain (v): Sustentar
- Sustainability (n): Sostenibilidad
- Sustainable (adj): Sostenible
- Sweatshop (n): Fábrica clandestina
- Tighten your belt (exp): Apretarse el cinturón
- Toxic (adj): Tóxico
- Waste (n): Desechos
- Waste (v): Desperdiciar
- Wasteful (adj): Derrochador