Essential Transportation Requirements and Regulations
1. Tipos de transporte:
- Ltd: Limited liability company, es lo mismo que S.L.
- PLC: Public limited (UK).
- INC: Incorporated (USA), ambas son como S.A.
2. Dep. Comercial:
- Su organización se divide en Marketing, ventas y tráfico.
- Organización regional:
- Small goods vehicle.
- Large goods vehicle.
- Full truck load.
- Less than truckload (carga fraccionada). El servicio de paquetería o la paletería son una variante del LTL.
3. Grupos de tareas en una empresa transportista:
Cargadores: divididos en Fabricantes, Mayoristas y Minoristas (85%). Empresas de transporte (8%). Operadores e intermediarios (7%).
What to do?
- Look for load in the short run with customers, reps…
- Deliver our catalogues, services, fares, discounts on the Internet, reps calls…
- Customer assessment and training with customized service.
- Get the orders that arrive by e-mail, fax…
- Gather information about contacts.
- Analyze what competitors are offering: frequency, technology…
- Look for “new” customers in the long run.
- Quick problem solving.
- Rejoin all the delivery notes and check modifications.
- Our own fleet (de nuestra compañía).
- Owner operators (autónomos) – Puede ser preferencial, exclusivo o esporádico para la empresa.
- Collaboration with other companies (ceder parte de los camiones a otra empresa).
- Intermediarios o “Transport Operators” (with commissions of 10 or 12%).
4. Drivers and routes (RUTA):
We have to respect the drivers’ preferences; el conductor está vinculado a un vehículo, un destino o un producto. Tres formas de motivar a los conductores:
- Económicamente: aumento de salario, pluses por km…
- Psicológica: respeto, reconocimiento, amigabilidad.
- Física: rutas que lleven a sitios donde sea fácil encontrar carga, operaciones triangulares.
5. Documentos requeridos:
- International licenses.
- TIR (to avoid customs inspections).
- T document.
- Otros:
- STGO (autorización especial).
- ADR (peligroso).
- ATP (perecedero).
- Livestock (animales).
6. Planning de transporte:
- Receiving orders (dar órdenes).
- Rejoining orders (por cercanía al destino).
- Scheduling timetable: dates, hours… (horarios…).
- Assigning drivers and vehicles (asignar vehículos y conductores).
- Fulfilling documents (cumplir con los documentos).
- Transporting goods (supervisar la capacidad, palets) y pedir ayuda si es necesario, con la obtención de otro camión, por ejemplo.
- Delivering freight (entrega de la carga).
- Doing the way back (camino de vuelta).
7. Requerimientos para crear una compañía de transportes:
- CPC of managers (certificado profesional o capacitación para demostrar que se está preparado teóricamente). Es requerido para el transporte de personas o mercancías.
- Financial standings (capacidad financiera) 9000 € for the first vehicle.
- Good repute (honorabilidad).
- Social labor and taxes charges paid.
- National from E.U (UE) or countries with bilateral agreement.
- Minimum number of vehicles.
- Minimum number of drivers (lo mínimo el 80% de los camiones durante 6 meses).
8. Licencias y documentos:
- Tarjeta del vehículo, con una tarjeta de empresa, copias certificadas, no es necesario para vehículos de MAM inferior a 3,5 MAM. También tarjetas de transporte público, de MDL (<2000), mdp (>3500) o MPC (privados), eso depende del tipo de camión.
- ITV o VTI, los LGV renovación anual tras diez años, los SGV cada dos.
- Digital tachograph. Control de horas de conducción (max. de 4 horas y media).
- Vehicle traffic license.
- Compulsory vehicle insurance policy.
- Speed limiters of 90 km/h in MAM > 3,5.
- Vehicle homologation ATP, ADR or Livestock (con su registro).
- Compulsory road of landing (el que y a donde).
- Journey plan.
- POD: proof of delivery.
- Origin, certificate, quality certificate.
- Import licence, authorizations.
9. Driver requirements:
- Permiso C. MAM > 7500 kg. 18 years and the CPC for drivers of 280 hours.
- CAP (Certificado de actitud).
- C1+E MAM < 12000 kg.
- C+E for articulated trucks.
- Personal digital tachograph card.
- ADR card for dangerous goods.
- Identification card.
10. Int. transport. RETIM: Registro de empresas de transporte internacional de mercancías.
1. Int. Transport licenses or permits:
- 1.1 Licencia comunitaria (UE + Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) – “Is multilateral, temporal for two years, not quoted and allowed cabotage. Non-EU drivers need a driver attestation.” In EU. Maximum of 3 consecutive cabotage operations. Maximum of 7 days counting from the initial unloading operation. Maximum of one cabotage per country in 3 days.
- 1.2 CEMT licence: Is multilateral temporal for 3 years or short term for 30 days, quoted and allowed cabotage. – Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Morocco – If we have to pass to another country, we need a bilateral licence. – Bilateral licence (between two countries). Is bilateral, temporal for 2 years or single-journey, quoted, usually not allowed.
2. TIR Carnet o cuaderno TIR: Is a certified transit document for covering taxes and duties during international transport of goods operations without payment. All the information must have ratified in TIR; it may have 4, 6, 8, 14 or 20 vouchers (o permisos), el número máximo de países por el que se puede pasar. The validity to start the journey after being issued is 60 days. It has some advantages, like it minimizes administrative burdens because it is simple and flexible, it reduces thefts, it reduces delays and insurance payments, it postpones the duties and taxes and it harmonizes inspections, controls…
Data: It is used in 66 countries, in Russia is used by 405,000 and in Spain by 3,500.
3. T Document:
- Interior transit: among the EU members.
- Exterior transit T1: Non-EU goods that have not paid duties and taxes because the companies prefer doing it at destination.
- EU agricultural, dairy and meat products to be exported with restitutions.
11. Road transport to Spain, France, Europe, and Morocco:
We have two over-collapsed pass ways to those places; we need to develop updated LGV and train entries in the middle of the Pyrenees, because the passes that we have are inappropriate for LGV. The most active regions to pass are La Jonquera y Catalonia and Irun in Basque Country. To go to Great Britain, it is necessary to pass under the sea, going through the tunnel of the English Channel. To go to Morocco, we have to go by ships, because it is impossible to build a tunnel or a bridge.
12. Types of vehicles:
- 1. LGV: payload > 3.5 t. and MAM > 6 t.
- 2. MDL: payload < 3.5 t. and MAM < 6 t.
- 3. Possible combinations of vehicles: (Semi trailer truck, articulated truck = truck unit + semi trailer. Rigid truck + trailer. Truck unit + semitrailer + trailers. Rigid truck + dolly + semitrailer. “B Train” = Truck unit + semitrailer + dolly + semitrailer.
- Length: rigid truck 12 m. Articulated 16 m. Train on road 18.75 m.
- Width: 2.55 m.
- Height: 4 m.
- MAM: 2 ejes 18 t. 3 ejes 26 t. 4 ejes 32 t. En los articulados 6 ejes 40 t. o 44 en algún caso.
The common LGV is: 16.5 m long x 2.55 m wide x 4 m high x 40 t MAM 25 payload 15 tare x 33 euro pallets of 800 kg load.
13. Pallets:
- 2000 kg resistance.
- One use or several uses.
- The material is wood, metal, plastic or cardboard.
- The europalet dimension is 80×120 cm.
- The problems are that some are lost, for internal handling. The rotation is quite low.
- The advantages are that it makes the transport easier, faster, cheaper and safer.