Essential Vocabulary for Business Meetings, Travel & Health

Topic 9

Scheduling Meetings

Attend, asistir / Break, descanso / Busy, ocupado / Check your calendar, comprobar tu agenda / Confirm, confirmar / Equipment, equipo / Free, gratis / Give a presentation, dar una presentación / Hold a meeting, celebrar una reunión / Light refreshments, refrescos ligeros / Make arrangements, hacer preparativos / Participant, participante / Previous commitment, cita previa / Projector, proyector / Schedule, agendar / Sharp, afilado / Take place, tener lugar / Tied up, ocupado.

Rescheduling Meetings

Appointment, cita / Arrange, preparar / Cancel, cancelar / Feel ill, sentirse enfermo / Get lost, perderse / Get the dates mixed up, mezclar fechas / Held up in a traffic jam, quedar atrapado en un embotellamiento de coches / Leave the office urgently, dejar la oficina urgentemente / Participate, participar / Postpone, posponer / Reorganise, reorganizar / Reschedule, reprogramar / Running late, llegar tarde / Suit, traje

Health Problems

Broken leg, pierna rota / Cold, resfriado / Earache, dolor de oído / Headache, dolor de cabeza / Sore throat, dolor de garganta / Toothache, dolor de dientes / Upset stomach, dolor de estómago.

Extra Vocabulary

Backache, dolor de espalda / Conference call, llamada de conferencia / Get better soon, mejorar pronto / Get confused, confundirse / Get well quickly, ponerse bien rápidamente / Have a meal, tener un almuerzo / Medical procedure, procedimiento médico / Mid-afternoon, a media tarde / Mid-morning, a media mañana / Schedule, programar / Set up, preparado

Topic 10


Brochure, folleto / Business card, tarjeta de negocios / Competitor, competidor / Display board, panel de exposicion / Exhibition, exposición / Free gift, muestra gratuita / Leaflet, panfleto / Name tag, etiqueta / Promotion material, material de promoción / Stand, puesto

Countries and Nationalities

USA, Estados Unidos / American, americano / Britain, Bretaña / British, británico / France, Francia / French, francés / Germany, Alemania / German, alemán / Ireland, Irlanda / Irish, irlandés / Italy, Italia / Italian, italiano / Japan, Japón / Japanese, japonés / Nigeria, Nigeria / Nigerian, nigeriano / Peru, Peru / Peruvian, peruano / Thailand, Tailandia / Thai, tailandés


Cloudy, nublado / Cold, frío / Cool, fresco / Freezing, congelado / Hot, caluroso / Rainy, lluvioso / Snowy, nevado / Stormy, tormentoso / Sunny, soleado / Warm, templado / Windy, ventoso


Aeroplane, avión / Bus, autobús / Ferry, ferry / Motorbike, moto / Ship, barco / Taxi, taxi / Train, tren / Tram, tranvía / Underground, metro

Giving Directions

Bus stop, parada de autobús / Cross, cruzar / Entrance, entrada / Exit, salida / Get off, bajarse / Get on, subirse / Junction, cruce / Pass, pasar / Route, ruta / Sign, señal / Traffic light, semáforo / Train station, estación de tren

Extra Vocabulary

At the corner of, en la esquina de / Attract, atraer / Catch, coger / Direct route, ruta directa / Impressive, impresionante

Lightning, brillante / Motorway, autovía / Popular, popular / Small talk, pequeña charla / Successful, éxito / Thunder, trueno / Zebra crossing, paso de cebra

Writing Examples

To: Sales Department, Management

From: Erik Smith

Subject: Meeting – 29th April

Dear All,

I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss our recent sales figures. The meeting will take place on Friday, 29th April, from 9.30 until about 11.30, in the second-floor conference room. I hope this is convenient for you all. Please confirm your participation or let me know if there are any problems.


Erik Smith

Director of Sales

An email accepting an invitation to a meeting

To: Erik Smith

From: Tom Red

Subject: RE: Department Meeting: 29th April

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your email regarding the meeting on Friday, 29th April, at 9.30. I am available on that date. Would you like me to send you a report on the sales I have made since the beginning of April?

Yours sincerely.

Tom Red

Sales Department