Essential Vocabulary for Environmental Awareness and Legal Terms
Average (medio), Beast (bestia), Benefit from (beneficiarse de), Black and white (blanco o negro), Carbon footprint (huella de carbono), Consist of (componerse de), Crop (cultivo), Disappear from (desaparecer de), Dump (acumular/tirar), Eco-friendly (ecológico), Endangered (en peligro de extinción), Expose to (exponer a), Face with (enfrentarse a), Flooding (inundación), Fossil fuel (combustible fósil), Get rid of (deshacerse de), Give or take (más o menos), Greenhouse effect (efecto invernadero), Hazardous (peligroso), Insulate (aislar), Knock down (derribar), Landfill (vertedero), Large-scale (masivo), Layer (capa), Leak (filtrarse), Lean (estar inclinado), Loud and clear (alto y claro), Melt (derretir(se)), Moisture (humedad), Name after (llamarse como), Now and then (de vez en cuando), Now or never (ahora o nunca), Plain (llanura), Plain and simple (así de claro), Pros and cons (pros y contras), Rain or shine (llueva o truene), Revive (revivir), Safe and sound (sano y salvo), Sick and tired (hasta las narices), Sink (hundirse), Sink or swim (sálvese quien pueda), Slow down (ir más despacio), Soil (suelo/terra), Sooner or later (tarde o temprano), Thaw (descongelar), Trample (pisotear), Tried and tested (más que comprobado), Vast (enorme), Waste (residuos)
Above board (de hecho y de derecho, en regla), Behind bars (entre rejas), Break in (entrar a robar, interrumpir), Breed (criar), Bring up (sacar a colación/relucir, mencionar, criar), Bypass (saltarse o evitar), Catch (someone) red-handed (pillar a alguien con las manos en la masa), Cell (celda, calabozo), Charged with (acusado de), Comply (obedecer), Concerned (preocupado), Convict (condenar), Court (tribunal), Cover one’s tracks (borrar las huellas), Crack down on (tomar medidas drásticas), Daylight robbery (robo o estafa), Defy (desobedecer), Enforce (aplicar, hacer cumplir), Fine (multar), Forbidden (prohibido), Gambling (juegos de apuestas), Get into trouble (meterse en un lío), Go straight (reformarse), Grab (coger o llevarse), Guilty (culpable), Lay down the law (dejar las cosas claras), Let (someone) off the hook (dejar en libertad), Mend one’s ways (reformarse), Offender (delincuente), On the run (a la fuga), Outlaw (prohibir), Pick up (aprender, recoger, mejorar), Pool (arsenal, conjunto, suma), Put down (soltar, dejar, menospreciar, apuntar), Repeal (derogar o abolir), Reward (recompensa), Robbery (robo), Set up (abrir un negocio, tender una trampa, crear o montar), Shoplifting (robar en tiendas), Term (término), Theft (robo), Thick as thieves (uña y carne), Think through (reflexionar sobre), Thoroughly (detenidamente), Trial (juicio), Turn a blind eye (hacer la vista gorda)
Ability (can, could, be able to), Permission (can, could, may, might), Advice (should), Obligation (must, have to), Possibility (might, may, could, can), Request (can, could, would), Necessity or Lack of Necessity (must, need to, don’t need to, don’t have to, needn’t)
Must have + P.P → it expresses a logical conclusion about a past fact (Peter has arrived late; he must have been in a traffic jam)
May/Might have + P.P → we use it to make a supposition about something in the past (Joe may/might have taken the wrong train)
Could have + P.P → ability to do something in the past which in the end was not done (You could have played better)
Couldn’t have + P.P → certainty that something did not happen (He couldn’t have passed because you hadn’t studied enough)
Would have + P.P → desire to do something in the past which in fact could not be done (I would have visited you, but I forgot your address)
Should/Ought to have + P.P → criticism or regret after an event (You should/ought to have warned me earlier)
Shouldn’t have + P.P → criticism or regret after an event, showing that it shouldn’t have happened (He shouldn’t have told them)
Needn’t have + P.P → an unnecessary past action (You needn’t have bought it)
Present Simple (direct: Joe works in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe worked in a hospital)
Present Continuous (Direct: Joe is working in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe was working in a hospital)
Past Simple (Direct: Joe worked in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe had worked in a hospital)
Past Continuous (Direct: Joe was working in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe had been working in a hospital)
Present Perfect Simple (Direct: Joe has worked in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe had been working in a hospital)
Present Perfect Continuous (Direct: Joe has been working in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe had been working in a hospital)
Past Perfect Simple (Direct: Joe had worked in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe had worked in a hospital)
Past Perfect Continuous (Direct: Joe had been working in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe had been working in a hospital)
Future (Direct: Joe will be working in a hospital) (Reported: she said that Joe would be working in a hospital)
Connectors: But: Pero However: Sin embargo Nonetheless / Nevertheless: No obstante Yet / Even so: Sin embargo / Aun así Still: De todas maneras Instead: En lugar de Whereas / While: Mientras que On the contrary: Al contrario On the other hand: Por otro lado In other matters: Por otro lado Nor: Ni Notwithstanding:A pesar de que While: Mientras que Because: Porque Because of: Debido a For: Porque Since: Puesto que As: Puesto que Due to / Owing to: Debido a In order to: Para / Con tal de By means of: Por medio de For lack of: Por falta de Thanks to: Gracias a This is the reason why: Esa es la razón de This is why: Es por eso For this reason: Por esto Although / Though / Even though: Aunque Despite / In spite of: A pesar de Even if: Incluso si Not even if: Ni siquiera si Regardless of: Sin importar
[p] oclusiu, bilabial, sord, [b] oclusiu, bilabial, sonor, [t] oclusiu, dental, sord, [d] oclusiu, dental, sonor, [k] oclusiu, velar, sord (casco, cu, que, qui)
[g] oclusiu, velar, sonor (galguee, gui, gos, gu) [f] fricatiu, labiodental, sord [v] fricatiu, labiodental, sonor [s] fricatiu, alveolar, sord (s inicialice, ci, ç, -ss-, -sc)
[z] fricatiu, alveolar, sonor [n] nasal, bilabial [l] lateral, alveolar [j] semivocal, paletal [w] semivocal, velar
Ensordiment: en posició final absoluta, i abano de vocal dins del mot, les consonants obstruents sonores (oclusives, fricatives i africanes) esdevenen sordes [b] -> [p] club, tub, [d] -> [t] david, plenitud [g] -> [k] amarg, gag [z] -> [s] jazz
Sonorització: abans de consonant sonora, les consonants oclusives sordes es converteixen en sonores. [p] -> [b] cap d’any, [t] -> [d] fred nòrdic [k] -> [g] puc mentir. Abans de vocal o consonant sonora, les consonants fricatives i les africades sonores esdevenen sonores.
Usos del guionet: quan el primer element acaba en vocal i el segon comença amb r-, s- o x- (cerca-raons, penja-robes, galta-xuclat), quan el primer element és un punt cardinal (nord-oest), els números cardinals segons la regla DUC, complots onomatopeics repetitius (xino-xano), quan el primer element té un accent diacrític (mà-llarg) per evitar lectures errònies (pit-roig), abans-d’ahir
Prefixos: afixos que van davant del lexema (no canvien la categoria)
Sufixos: afixos que van darrere del lexema (poden canviar la categoria del mot original)
Infixos: afixos que van entre lexema i sufix (no tenen significat propi)
Parasitesi: paraules derivades que tenen sufix i prefix, sense aquests no existeixen (ensuciar, esdentregar)
Familia de paraules: grup de mots que comparteixen lexema
Composició: procediment de formació de mots a partir de la unió de dos o més lexemes (nominals: V+N (buscabregues), N+adj (altaveu), adj+N (altafulla) o N+N (filferro)), adjectivals: N+adj (drogoadicte), adj+adj (agredolç), verbals N+V (ullprendre), Adj/Adv+V (malparlar, menystenir)
Habilitació: consisteix a assignar una nova categoria i significat a una unitat ja existent en la llengua (N habilitats com a Adj=verd oliva) (adj habilitats com a N=ventilador, mòbil), V habilitats com a N=berenar, dinar)
- Ennuvolar, envernissar, arrecerar, condicionat, irremeiable, claredat, brillant, perseverança, afavorir, pidolera, emblanquinar, ineptitud, tediosa, s’encaboria, pencaire, ennegrit, ingratitud, rogallosa, entaulem, encoratjar, amuntegar, assedagat, agror, polseguera, honestedat, escostonar, boirat, aterratge, escabellat, trencadissa, abaratit, encarnissament, alfabetització, venturosa