Essential Vocabulary for Legal and Employment Contexts

Set Off: Start a journey

Hand Over: Give something to someone officially
Share Out: Divide something between people
Move Out: Leave your home (forever) for a new home
Set Up: Establish/start something
Spring Up: Appear or develop quickly
Come Up Against: Be faced with or opposed by something
Put Up: Build or erect something

A Curfew: Times when someone is not allowed to leave their home
Witnesses: People who saw something happen and can give evidence
Disorderly Conduct: Violent or noisy behavior in public
Juries: Groups of people who listen to court cases and decide verdicts
Judge: Person in court who has authority to decide a punishment
Courts: Places where criminals are judged
Admit: Say that you committed a crime
Sentence: Say officially what punishment someone will receive
Young Offender: Person who committed a crime under 18
Commit a Crime: Do something breaking the laws
Shoplifting: When you steal something in a shop
Vandalism: Break something which is public
Petty Theft: Steal something which is not so important
Underage Drinking: Drink illegally because you don’t have the age
Defendant: The accused person who has no lawyers
Lawyers: Person who defends the accused person in a court
Community Services: Work you do as a punishment
Pay a Fine: Pay money as a punishment
Jury Service: Serve as part of the jury in another case as a punishment
Get a Criminal Record: What the police department has about you
Repeat Offences: Repeat the same crime more than once
A Life Sentence: Sent to prison for life
Suspect: Who is accused of a crime
Arrest Somebody: Take someone to the police department
Burglary: When someone steals from a house
Dismiss a Case: When there is no evidence and the case is forgotten
Mugging: When someone threatens you with a knife and steals from you in the street
Murder: Killing a person
Police Officer: Who works in a police department
Reach a Verdict: Decide if the accused is guilty or not
Send Somebody to Prison: Sentence someone to jail
Arson: Set fire to something
Joyride: Drive around in a stolen vehicle
Attorney: A person legally appointed or empowered to act for another
House Arrest: Confinement to one’s home instead of incarceration in a jail

Apply for a Job: Ask for a job
Claim Benefits: When you are unemployed, you can ask for money from the government.
Do a Degree: When you are in university studies
Do an Assignment: Do business; do your homework; do a course;
Get Fired: Dismissed
Drop Out (of University): Give up your studies
Get a Job: Be employed
Get Good Grades: Pass with flying colors
Get Paid: Receive payment
Get Promoted: You get a better position
Graduate from University: When you finish a degree
Leave School: Drop out
Pass an Exam: Scrape through
Pass Your Driving Test: Successfully complete the driving test
Start a Business: Set up a new venture
Start a Career: Begin working in a profession
Start Work: Begin employment
Teach Yourself: Learn something by yourself
Applicant: People who have asked for a job (candidates)