Essential Vocabulary for Travel and Social Interactions
Posted on Jan 12, 2025 in Philosophy and ethics
Travel and Transportation
- Agreement: The act of agreeing.
- Airline: A system or organization that provides flights for passengers or cargo.
- Appointment: An agreement for a meeting arranged in advance.
- Balance: A state of being steady.
- Billboard: A flat surface on which large advertisements or notices are posted.
- Cruise: To sail on a pleasure trip.
- Damage: Harm or destruction that reduces value.
- Darkness: Having very little or no light.
- Decision: The act or process of deciding.
- Departure time: An act or instance of departing.
- Difference: The state or relation of being different.
- Environmentalist: An expert on environmental problems.
- Flight: A trip by or in an airplane.
- Information: Knowledge given or received about a particular fact.
- Landscape: A picture representing such scenery.
- Luggage: Suitcases, trunks.
- Possibility: The state or fact of being possible.
- Purpose: The reason for which something exists or is done.
- Queue: A file or line of people waiting their turn.
- Relationship: An emotional or other connection between people.
- Research: Careful, patient study of a subject in order to discover facts.
- Return ticket: A round-trip ticket.
- Tourist: One who makes a tour for pleasure.
- Youth hostel: Inexpensive place to live for young travelers.
- Delay: To put off to a later time.
- Leak: An unintended hole through which liquid or gas escapes.
- Rescue: To save from harm.
- Sink: To fall or descend to a lower level.
- Aware: To be conscious of.
- Concerned: Interested or affected.
- Overnight: On or during the night.
- Treacherous: Unstable or insecure.
Honesty, Behavior, and Social Interactions
- Brain: Mass of nervous tissue that is located in the head and is the center of the nervous system.
- Choice: The opportunity or power of choosing.
- Figure: An amount expressed numerically.
- Liar: A person who has lied or usually lies.
- Signal: Sign, gesture, or token to give some information.
- Staff: A group of people employed by a company.
- Thief: A person who steals something from another.
- White lie: A lie that is said with the purpose of being polite.
- Admit: Confess or acknowledge a crime or a mistake.
- Behave: Act or function in a specified way.
- Blame: Attribute the responsibility of something to somebody.
- Cheat: To lie to or behave dishonestly.
- Conduct: To do or carry out an action.
- Deceive: Mislead deliberately and intentionally.
- Ensure: Make something certain or sure.
- Get caught: Be captured, usually by the law.
- Plagiarize: Copying ideas from somebody else.
- Put up: Build or erect something.
- Shoplift: Steal goods from a shop during shopping hours.
- Steal: Take something from somebody without their permission.
- Suspect: Have a suspicion about something.
- Take place: Happen or occur.
- Tempt: Persuade somebody to do something wrong.
- Tend to: Have a general disposition or be likely to do something.
- Trust: Have confidence or faith in somebody.
- Astounding: Causing amazement and wonder.
- Frank: Honest and straightforward in speech or attitude.
- Guilty: Responsible for an offense or misdeed.
- Likely: Tending or inclined to something.
- Rough: Unsafe and troublesome.
- Worldwide: Applying or extending throughout the world; universal.
- Good at: To be good at doing something.
- Good for/to: To be beneficial for something.
- Interested in: To have a special interest in something.
- Late for: Occurring after the usual or proper time.
- Pleased about: Feeling satisfied due to something.
- Proud of: Feeling pride due to something.
- Similar to: That shares some features with something else.
- Sorry about: Feel or express pity or sorrow.
- Worried about: Feel concerned about something.
- Change (my) ways: To change (my) behavior.
- Get away with: To escape without punishment after doing something bad.
- Get into trouble: Get yourself in a problematic situation.
- It’s a pity: Expression used to show sadness about something.