Essential Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs and Character Traits
Posted on Mar 24, 2025 in Spanish
Essential Phrasal Verbs with Spanish Translations
- Go without (Prescindir)
- Have a big heart (Tener un gran corazón)
- Let down (Bajar)
- Rely on (Confiar en)
- Say what you mean (Di lo que piensas)
- Stand by (Atenerse a)
- Stand up for what you believe in (Luchar por lo que crees)
- Take responsibility for (Asumir la responsabilidad de)
- Tell the truth (Decir verdad)
- Treat (the same way) (Tratar de la misma manera)
- Break into (Forzar)
- Bring up (Criar)
- Carry out (Llevar a cabo)
- Come across (Venir a través de)
- Get on (Subir a)
- Give back (Devolver)
- Give up (Renunciar)
- Go ahead (Seguir adelante)
- Kick off (Empezar)
- Pull over (Detenerse)
- Put up (Poner)
- Rip off (Arrancar)
- Run over (Atropellar)
- Take out (Sacar)
- Tell off (Reñir)
- Turn up (Aparecer)
Positive Character Traits
- Bravery (Valentía)
- Compassion (Compasión)
- Fairness (Justicia)
- Generosity (Generosidad)
- Honesty (Honestidad)
- Loyalty (Lealtad)
- Self-reliance (Autosuficiencia)
- Reliable (Seguro)
Negative Character Traits
- Dishonest (Deshonesto)
- Disloyal (Desleal)
- Disobedient (Desobediente)
- Illegal (Ilegal)
- Immature (Inmaduro)
- Improbable (Improbable)
- Incapable (Incapaz)
- Irrational (Irracional)
- Irresponsible (Irresponsable)
- Unethical (Poco ético)
- Unfaithful (Infiel)
- Unpredictable (Imprevisible)
- Unsurprising (Sorprendente) Note: This should likely be “Not surprising” or “Predictable”, depending on intended meaning.
- Untrustworthy (Indigno de confianza)