Ethics and Politics: A Framework for Citizen Welfare
The reflection on ethics and politics are closely linked, as both seek the same goal: the welfare and happiness of citizens. Political activity is subject to ethics. Those who claim primacy of ethics over politics argue that political activity should follow the dictates of the moral system. Ethics provide guidance and criteria for politics.
Two Basic Attitudes:
There are two basic attitudes:
- Rejection of political activity. An example is the Epicurean philosophy, which states that political activity impedes achieving ataraxia.
- Moral dogmatism. Political activity should materialize a determined moral system. The task of politics is to establish the conditions necessary to perform the principles and values of a concrete moral stance. This is called dogmatic because it believes that ethics policy drew moral values and principles unique and universal.
Political realism, located at the opposite end, claims that ethics and politics are two completely separate areas. Ethics would be valid for privacy, while politics would address important public life. The ethical manage for political activity is to propose the means to achieve the intended purpose.
Ethics is an ethical system that guides political action and, at the same time, can be accepted by all citizens.
- Principle of respect: This consists of recognizing that other groups have the right to exist and maintain their own beliefs. It implies accepting tolerance as a value.
- Establish a set of civil and political freedoms for all, along with laws requiring their respect, and a power handle that laws are fulfilled. This is responsible freedom.
- Ensuring equality of all before the law, equal opportunity, and access to essential social goods.
- Develop a universal solidarity to cooperate with others selflessly, without expecting anything in return, and without excluding anyone.
- Use dialogue as a means to resolve conflicts.
Policy must respect and promote these thresholds (minimum of justice) that ensure the dignity of the person. The different moral systems that exist in a society can live together as long as they accept such minimums. Along with these thresholds are other differentials, which are those not shared by all members of society who make up the supply of every moral system.
Constitutional Values:
The constitutional values are those about which the basic norm of a state is organized. These fundamental values are in Article 1.1 and 10.1 of the Constitution:
The Spanish nation proclaims its will to:
- Guarantee democratic coexistence within the Constitution and the laws under a just economic and social order.
- Strengthen the rule of law, which ensures the rule of law as an expression of the popular will.
- Protect all Spanish people and the peoples of Spain in the exercise of human rights, their cultures and traditions, languages and institutions.
- Promote progress of culture and economy to ensure a dignified quality of life.
- Establish a democratic society advanced.
- Collaborate in the strengthening of peaceful relations.
Article 1.1: Spain holds as values of its legal freedom, justice, equality, and political pluralism.
Regulation 10.1: The dignity, the inviolable rights which are inherent, the free development of personality, respect to the law and the rights of others are the foundation of the order political and social peace.