European Expansion, Monarchies, and Key Terms
Europe Dissemination
The reasons for the findings, five types of reasons:
- Economic: Castile and Portugal sought gold and silver to finance the monarchy and participate in beneficial commercial species.
- Political: To strengthen the prestige of their authoritarian monarchy, some aimed at conquering other territories.
- Scientific and Technical: With the help of scientific and technical progress (portulans, compasses, and astrolabes), they were able to perform multiple explorations of the sea.
- Religious: Christianity was extended.
- Social: To find new territories, increase social enrichment was achieved relatively quickly.
- Estamental Conference: A meeting headed by the king, including the nobility, the church, and representatives of the people.
- Bureaucracy: The administration of public officials that make up the group.
- Capitalism: An economic theory and practice focused on private property, economic regulation, and individual initiatives, with the market as the main mechanism.
- Levels: The rights of the human person must meet within a closed group.
- Court: Headed by the king, including the nobility and the church, with delegates from the third estate.
- Portulan: A map indicating the layout of the coast.
- Morisco: A Muslim who became Christian.
- Trades: Organizations from the Middle Ages, including employees of the same trade.
- General Assembly: Meetings of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.
- Regent: Representatives of the monarchy.
- Compasses: A needle that indicates the north point.
- Etxetiko Work: Farmers and merchants working in their homes under a system where traders provided tools and raw materials, especially for woven fabrics.
Catholic Monarchs Monarchy
Dynasty Unity: The main Hispanic kingdoms (excluding Portugal) united their dynasties in Castile and Aragon. While united in their laws and institutions, the land was not unified.
Territorial Expansion: The consolidation of the Catholic Monarchs’ power led to territorial expansion. Granada was conquered on January 2, 1492. The Canary Islands: Gran Canaria (1484), La Palma (1493), and Tenerife (1496). Roselló: 1493. Navarre: The Navarro Peninsula, belonging to the Crown of Castile, was incorporated in 1516.
Strengthen the Power of the Kings: The expansion of their power in different areas: society, religion, economy, and administration.
- Other authorities to take a few century: The defeat of the nobility, and the monarchs and aristocrats gained power. The third estate’s economic power was weakened, and the courts were often not collected.
- Administrative Policy: Included courts, the Royal Council, the Holy Brotherhood, regents, royal finance, and Armand.
- Religious Policy: Aimed for political union, including the Inquisition in Castile, the expulsion of Jews, and control of military orders.
- Economic Policy: Promoted wool export trade in the Netherlands. After the discovery of new worlds, they sought to control trade relations.
Foreign Policy: The efforts were focused on three directions: Africa, America, and Italy.
Mercenary: A professional soldier who fights for money.
Astrolabe: A tool used on ships to determine coordinates by referencing the sun and stars.