Everyday Life Insights: Residence, Education, and Technology
Living Preferences and University Residences
1) I don’t want to live in a flat. 2) I prefer a university residence. 3) I don’t have to clean or cook; everything is done there. 4) What about finding 5) I can’t believe my ears; last week you said you hated her. 6) Why don’t you stay in the university residence?
Leisure Activities and Choices
1) We could watch a movie on TV. 2) What movie? 3) I don’t want to see that one. 4) Why don’t we go to that new discotheque? 5) How about bowling? 6) We liked it.
Exam Experiences and Academic Integrity
1) I failed it. 2) Answer two out of five questions. 3) Well enough. 4) Was going to be on the test. 5) Of course not! 6) Were trying to cheat.
The Role of Robots in Modern Life
One thing to consider is that robots are used routinely to carry out many tasks that people don’t want to do because they are boring, dirty, or dangerous. They can also be programmed to carry out some tasks that are too difficult for humans.
Nowadays, we can find robots doing work in restaurants, medicine, and education, or even helping with housework. One of the main activities is assistance to children, the elderly, and disabled persons.
People claim that robotics will generate job losses, but I feel that robots will open the door to a new reality. Also, technology has always created jobs.
In conclusion, robots are slowly but surely making their way into our daily routines. In the future, robots will become an essential part of our lives.
The Importance of Education and Skills
Of course, studying is essential! Parents often say that for a better tomorrow, education is the key to our prosperity. You have to do this lifelong. One thing to consider is that there are thousands out there who are as good or better than you and have a degree as well.
Apart from that, I think that education is not the only criterion for getting a good job. Almost every company looks for people with capacities for problem-solving, decision-making, and who have a positive attitude to the job.
To sum up, it seems to me that to get a good job, we must study hard, but also people should have other skills that are particularly important.
The Value of World Heritage and Environmental Preservation
When most people think of the most important places on Earth, they think of World Heritage sites. There are currently 1073 Heritage of Humanity sites. But there are other places in the World that are really important and are not included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
It is clear that World Heritage sites are judged important to the collective interests of humanity. We have all become concerned that we must take care of those places, but we cannot forget that we have an obligation to preserve every corner of the world.
To conclude, I believe that anywhere in the world should be considered an important place, because this will contribute to taking care of the environment.
Letter Regarding Smartphone Use in Class
Subject: Smartphones in class.
Dear Ms. Dolores,
My name is Alejandro González. I am a class representative. I am writing with regard to the possibility of using smartphones in class. I am going to explain some motives.
Firstly, who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? Children and adolescents aren’t an exception. If we are preparing students for occupational life, we should allow them to use smartphones in class. Many professionals use the smartphone as a working tool.
Secondly, the device can help to search for information on the Internet; even students can use the smartphone to schedule exams and papers too.
Finally, I believe that smartphones are used for many things, and the school should allow their use.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Respectfully, Alejandro González Ramos