Evolution of Latin Literature: Epic, Lyric, Theater, History
Epic Poetry
- Narrative poems about legendary or historical events.
- Focus on heroes and the origins of myths.
- Popular Epic: Oral tradition, anonymous authors.
- Cultured Epic: Written by known authors for a defined audience.
- Livius Andronicus (Odusia)
- Gnaeus Naevius (Bellum Poenicum)
- Quintus Ennius (Annales)
- Virgil (Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid)
- Ovid (Metamorphoses)
- Lucan (Pharsalia)
Lyric Poetry
Expresses personal feelings and thoughts, often set to music.
- Eclogue
- Epigram
- Elegy
- Ode
- Hymn
- Catullus
- Horace (Satires, Ars Poetica, Carmen Saeculare)
- Ovid (Amores, Fasti, Tristia, Epistulae ex Ponto)
- Depicts conflicts leading to a fatal outcome.
- Protagonists are heroes or gods.
- Fabula graeca (adapted Greek tragedies) and fabula praetexta (Roman historical tragedies).
Notable Author
Seneca (Hercules Furens, Phaedra, Oedipus, Agamemnon, Octavia)Comedy
- Portrays everyday situations with social and political commentary.
- Fabula palliata (Greek-themed) and fabula togata (Roman-themed).
Notable Authors
Plautus (Mostellaria, Miles Gloriosus, Captivi, Trinummus)Terence (Andria, Eunuchus, Heauton Timorumenos, Phormio, Adelphoe)Historiography
The science of narrating historical events objectively.
Notable Authors
- Cato the Elder (Origines)
- Julius Caesar (Commentarii de Bello Gallico, Commentarii de Bello Civili)
- Livy (Ab Urbe Condita Libri)
- Tacitus (Annales, Historiae)