Excel Custom Add-Ins, VBA, Charts, and Graphs

Creating Custom Add-Ins for Excel

Add-ins allow users to package their macros and distribute them across multiple workbooks. Add-ins can be loaded or unloaded as needed, making them versatile for automating tasks across different Excel instances.


  • Create an add-in that automatically sorts data in ascending order.

Steps for Practical:

  • Create a macro that sorts data:

Sub SortData()
Range("A1:D10").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending
End Sub

  • Save this macro as an Excel Add-in (.xlam file).
  • In Excel, go to File > Options > Add-ins > Manage Excel Add-ins > Go.
  • Browse and select the add-in file to load it.
  • Test the add-in by running it in any workbook.

Advantages of VBA

  • VBA allows users to perform complex tasks with simple code.
  • It is well-integrated with Excel and other Microsoft Office applications.
  • Automation saves time and reduces human errors.
  • It enhances productivity by enabling customized workflows.

Disadvantages of VBA

  • VBA is platform-dependent and may not work on non-Windows platforms or cloud-based Excel.
  • Large or inefficient VBA code can slow down Excel.
  • Macros are vulnerable to security risks if not handled properly.
  • VBA is not as powerful as modern programming languages for more complex applications.

What are Graphs?

  • Graphs are a way to show how things are connected using dots and lines. These dots are called points or nodes, and the lines are called edges.
  • This is useful in many areas, like computer science, biology, and even in understanding social networks. There are two basic kinds of graphs.
  • First, we have Undirected Graphs where the lines don’t have a direction. It’s like having a road between two houses that you can travel on both ways. These are great for showing connections that go both ways, for example, if two people are friends with each other.
  • Then, there are Directed Graphs, or Digraphs, where the lines have a direction and are shown with arrows. This is like a one-way street where you can only go from point A to point B, but not the other way unless there’s another one-way street from B to A.
  • This type is good for situations where the connection only goes one way, for example, if one person follows another on Instagram but doesn’t get followed back.

What are Charts?

  • Charts are a way to show information so that it’s easy to understand. They use pictures like lines, bars, or pie slices to represent data. This makes it simpler for people to see comparisons, trends, and how different things relate to each other. Charts are used in many areas like businesses, schools, and newspapers because they can quickly show important information.

There are many kinds of charts, each good for different things. For example,

  • Bar Charts use bars to show how different things compare against each other.
  • Line Charts connect points with lines to show how something changes over time.
  • Pie Charts are like a pie cut into pieces, where each piece shows a part of the whole thing, helping to see what makes up the total.
  • Histograms are a bit like bar charts, but they’re used to show how often something happens within certain ranges.
  • Area Charts are like line charts but with the bottom part filled in, which helps to show how much of something there is over time.

Chart Basics

To create a chart

  • Select the data to appear in the chart (with labels if relevant).
  • Use the Insert tab and Charts Group and click on the relevant chart in this group.

The main types of charts used in the analysis of economic data are:

  • Column chart: for comparing data across categories
  • Pie Chart: for showing the relative shares of categories in a total
  • Line Chart: for showing trends in a series over time

Areas of a chart

  • Chart Title
  • Plot Area (the actual chart)
  • The x-axis (for charts other than pie chart) which is called a category axis for column or line chart and a value axis for a bar chart.
  • The y-axis (for charts other than pie chart) which is called a value axis for column or line chart and a category axis for a bar chart.
  • Legend Entry (explains the symbols used in the chart)
  • Labels for the x-axis
  • Labels for the y-axis.

Advantages of Graphs and Charts

  • Easy Data Interpretation: Graphs and charts provide a visual summary of data, making it easier to understand complex information at a glance.
  • Identifying Trends and Patterns: They help quickly identify trends, correlations, and patterns that may not be obvious in raw data.
  • Simplify Large Datasets: Large volumes of data can be summarized in a single visual, making it more digestible.
  • Support Decision Making: Visuals can guide informed decisions by highlighting key insights and comparisons.
  • Clarify Relationships: Charts like scatterplots can help visualize relationships or correlations between two variables, such as sales vs. marketing spend.
  • Engagement: Visual representations are more engaging and help maintain attention compared to raw data or textual information.

Disadvantages of Graphs and Charts

  • Misleading Data Representation: If not designed properly (e.g., wrong scale or unclear labels), graphs can mislead the viewer, giving incorrect conclusions.
  • Oversimplification: Complex data may be oversimplified, potentially leaving out important details or context.
  • Requires Accuracy: Errors in data input or chart creation can lead to incorrect analysis and decisions.
  • Time-Consuming for Small Datasets: Creating charts for small datasets might not add much value and can be unnecessarily time-consuming.
  • Limited Detail: Charts present summarized information and may not convey specific data points, requiring reference to the raw data for deeper analysis.
  • Dependence on Audience Understanding: Some audiences may find certain charts (e.g., scatterplots, histograms) difficult to understand without proper explanation or context.


  • A Scatterplot is used to show relationships or correlations between two variables by plotting data points on the x and y axes.
  • A scatterplot (or scatter diagram) is a graph used to display the relationship between two numerical variables. Each data point on the scatterplot represents a pair of values (x, y). It is often used to determine whether there is a correlation between the two variables.
  • Use Case: Scatterplots are helpful when you want to visualize the association between two variables, such as height vs. weight, or temperature vs. ice cream sales.

Key Characteristics:

  • Each point represents an observation with two values (one for the x-axis and one for the y-axis).
  • It shows patterns such as trends, clusters, or outliers.
  • You can add a trendline to see the direction of the relationship (positive, negative, or none).

Steps to Create a Scatterplot:

  1. Enter Data: Arrange your data with two columns—one for the x-axis (independent variable) and one for the y-axis (dependent variable).
  2. Select Data: Highlight both columns of data (e.g., A1).
  3. Insert Scatterplot:
    • Go to the Insert tab.
    • In the Charts group,
    • click on Scatter and choose the Scatter with Straight Lines option (or without lines).
  4. Customize Scatterplot:
    • You can add trendlines to observe the relationship between variables by selecting the chart, then clicking on Chart Elements > Trendline.
    • You can also add axis titles and adjust the data point markers for clarity.