Expand Your Vocabulary: Advanced Words and Phrases
Advanced Vocabulary and Grammar
Synonyms for Common Words
Here are some synonyms to enhance your vocabulary:
- Angry: Furious
- Bad: Awful
- Cold: Freezing
- Hot: Boiling
- Dirty: Filthy
- Hungry: Starving
- Crowded: Packed
- Good: Wonderful, Fantastic
- Scared: Terrified
- Tired: Exhausted
- Big: Huge, Enormous
- Small: Tiny
- Funny: Hilarious
- Clean: Spotless
- Clever: Brilliant
- Interesting: Fascinating
- Large: Enormous
- Long: Endless
- Old: Ancient
- Pretty: Gorgeous
- Sad: Miserable
- Strange: Bizarre
- Surprising: Astounding
- Tasty: Delicious
- Ugly: Hideous
Essential Phrasal Verbs
Learn these common phrasal verbs:
- Looking forward: Waiting for something
- Put off: Delay, postpone
- Put up: Place something in a visible spot
- Hang up: Suspend something from above
- Wrapping up: Enclosing something in paper
- Give something up: Stop doing something
- Ended up: Find yourself somewhere unplanned
- Go out: Participate in a social activity
- Bump into: Meet someone by chance
Crime and Punishment Vocabulary
Key terms related to crime and punishment:
- Abduction
- Bribery
- Drug dealing
- Drug possession
- Drunk driving
- Fraud
- Kidnapping
- Manslaughter
- Mugging
- Blackmail
- Perjury
- Robbery
- Arson
- Assault
- Burglary
- Child abuse
- Murder
- Genocide
- Smuggling
- Pickpocketing
- Shoplifting
- Vandalism
Criminal Roles
- Crime – Criminal
- Burglary – A burglar
- Pickpocketing – A pickpocket
- Arson – An arsonist
- Robbery – A robber
More Useful Phrasal Verbs
- Get on: Subirse
- Come in: Entrar
- Put out: Apagar
- Take off: Despegar
- Keep them on: Mantenerlo puesto
- Calm down: Calmarse
- Work out: Hacer ejercicio, resolver
- Put off: Posponer
- Call off: Cancelar
- Ask her out: Invitarla a salir
- Drop by: Pasar por un lugar
- Move in: Mudarse a un lugar
- Turn up: Aparecer
- Do without: Arreglárselas sin algo
- Eats in: Comer en casa
- Eats out: Comer fuera
Warm-Up Vocabulary
- Hemisphere: Hemisferio
- Devour: Devorar
- Trivialise: Trivializar, hacer algo menos importante
- Suicidal: Suicida
- Irritable: Irritable
- Worthless: Inutil, sin valor
- Antidote: Antidoto
Passive Voice Examples
Present Continuous: (is/are eating) —- (is being eaten)
Present Perfect: (has/have eaten) —- (has/have been eaten)
Past Simple: (ate) —- (was/were eaten)
Past Perfect Simple: (had eaten) —- (had been eaten)
Will: (will eat) —- (will be eaten)
Going to: (is/are going to eat) — (is/are going to be eaten)
1st conditional: (If + Present Simple / Will + infinitive) or (will + infinitive / if + present simple)
If you do the race, I will sponsor you. /// I will sponsor you, if you do the race.
2nd conditional: (If + past simple / would + infinitive) or (would + infinitive / if + past simple).
If I had a lot of money, I would set up a commune. /// I would set up a commune, if I had a lot of money.
3rd conditional: (If + past perfect / would have + past participle) or (would have + past participle / If + past perfect)
If you had applied, you would have got an interview /// You would have got an interview, If you had applied.