Exploring Powerful Words and Their Meanings
1. Powerful Words: powerful, poignant. Mature: mature, Proper: appropriate, Sense: sense, Whole: overall, Waste: wasted, Lonely: lonely, Crossings: crossings, Childish: infantile, Confident: sure, Get to: llegar a, Lazy: lazy, Prove: demonstrate, Realize: realizing, Selfish: selfish, Stressed: stressed.
2. Actuality: really, Alive: alive, Beam: beam. Beliefs: beliefs, Blind Date: blind date, Bright: brilliant, Bury: bury, Claim: declare, affirm, Coffin: actaud, Confuse: confused, Deny: deny, Dig Up: dig, Fade: fade, Gaze: stare, Get Away: escape, Get Back: back, Get Down: down, Get In: go, Get On: moving, Get On With: be evil or bn, Get Out: go, Get Up: get up, Harm: to hurt, Host: anfitrión, Hum: hum, Manage: arrange, Proof: proof, React: react, Regret: feel, Spin: spin, Spooky: espeluznante, Stunned: stupid, Suck: suck, Suitable: adequate, Take Place: happen, Thief: thief, Tiny: tiny, Vanish: to disappear, Witness: witness.
3. Attraction: attract, Beyond: beyond, Blank: white space, Blast Off: off, Chase: chase, Clue: clue, Comeback: turn, Crowd: crowd, Dare: dare, Development: novelty, Disappointed: disappointed, Dive: submerge, Doubt: doubt, Edge: extreme, Fast: fasten, Found: erect, Glide: slide, Goggles: safety glasses, Hardly: almost, High Speed: high-speed, Hunt: search, Journey: travel, Last: last, Major: important, Miss Out: let go, Race By: go fast, Rocket: rocket, Screen: screen, Script: script, Seat Belt: belt, Take Part In: participate, Thrill: emotion, Viewer: espectador, Wildly: violently, Wish: deseo.
4. Advantages: advantage, Ahead: go ahead, Carry On: to continue, Casual: casual, Come Apart: apart, Come Down: down, Come Off: discard, Come Up With: suggest, Council: council, Estate: urbanization, Esteem: believes, Fine: fine, Furthermore: besides, Hint: track, However: sin embargo, Issue: question, Lie Ahead: wait for the future, Linked: connected, Moreover: in addition, Mugger: atracador, Neighborhood: neighborhood, Nevertheless: however, Rate: index, Right: right, Rise: increased, Spot: identifier, Steam: steam, Straight: straight, Strike: strikes, Striking: llamar atención, Target: target choice, Average: average, Slim: slim.
5. Achievements: achieve, Although: although, Beat Yourself Up: given a beating, Boost: improve, Breath: breath, Chore: boring, Concern: worry, Confidence: security, Defined As: stress, Drop: leave, Envy: envy, Fairly: quite, Fit: fit, Glad: happy, Healthy: healthy, Notice: comments, Pretty: very, Refuse: refuse, Request: request.
6. Awareness: be aware of, Belong To: membership, Campaign: campaign. Closely: carefully, Coach: coach, Coal: coal, Common: common, Date: dates, Deserve: to deserve, Dwarf: dwarf, Fairly: fair, Fairy Tale: fairy tale, Injured: injured, Look Forward: be willing, Look Out: be careful, Mine: mine, Tidy: sort, Treat: order, Who Cares: a quien le importa!
7. Emotions: amazement, wonder, Among: between, Avoid: avoid, Behavior: behavior, Charming: encantador. Customs: customs, Flu: influenza, Forbidden: forbidden, Lack Of: lack of, Land: land, Leader: chief, Luggage: luggage, Naked: naked, Pile: pile, Pity: pity, Shame: shame, Solve: solve, Spoil: strop, Survive: to survive, Therefore: por lo tanto, Tickle: hacer cosquillas, Tremendously: enormously, Whisper: whispering, Anger: anger, Envy: envy, Pity: pity.
8. Actions: yell: shouting, Willing: willing, Waste: waste, Take Up: you do start, Take Out: to remove, Take Down: point, Take Back: retractarse, Take Away: quitar, Take Apart: disassemble, Set An Example: to example, Relentlessly: sin descanso, Invest: investing, Income: income, Grow Up: crecer, Gain: gain, Earn: ganar dinero, Childhood: childhood, Bitter: bitter, Approve Of: approve.
9. Health: ancient: old, Appointment: appointment, Approach: focus, Available: available, Basil: parsley, Be Against: to be against, Be For: to be in favor of, Calming: relaxing, Coriander: coriander, Discharge: discharge, Disease: illness, Endless: endless, Entirely: totally, Fail: fail, Fennel: fennel, Fine: thin, Fingertip: fingertip, Flow: flow, Folk: folk, Ginger: ginger, Grapefruit: grapefruit, Heal: curing, Healing: healing, Illness: illness, Improve: improve, Increasingly: increasingly, Influenza: flu, Mood: humor, Needle: needle, No Wonder: it is not surprising, On Average: as a rule, Pain: pain, Physician: doctor, Pill: pill, Poison: poison, Prescribing: prescribing, Proper: adequate, Raw: raw, Relief: relief, Rely On: trust, Replace: replace, Restore: restore, Sharply: suddenly, Slice: slice, Soothing: relaxing, Stick: nails, Succeed: tener éxito, Turn Away: away, Unconscious: unconscious, Vaccination: vaccine, Wide: grande.
10. Career: apprentice: apprentice, Attend: to attend, Attribute: attribute, Background: origins, Brand-Name: brand, Chauffeur: driver, Chick: girl, Chief: head, Command: command, Denim: vaquero, Firm: firm, Headline: headline, Hire: hire, Influential: influential, Late: late, Own-Label: label, Partnership: partnership, Promote: promote, Quadruple: duplicate, Quote: quote, Rave: enthusiastic, Sale: sale, Satin: satin, Sequined: cn sequins, Stardom: stardom, Statement: affirmation, Tick: shine, Trendsetter: trend, Upbringing: education, Wedding Gown: gown de novia.