Federal President and Parliament in Germany
As for communal politics, the allocation to the districts and communities the ability to organize local affairs is enshrined in the constitution. The local authority has the same safeguard clauses which the Länder have, and the decentralization principle valid for the scope of the Länder is also applicable here.
The Federal President
The memory of the political implications of the post of Federal President for the Weimar Republic led to the Basic Law in this paper figure being varied substantially. On one hand, his duties were limited to merely representative; on the other, renouncing his citizenship by direct election, which deprived him of a legitimacy that it was to have the Bundestag. The Federal President, whose minimum age must be 40 years, is elected for a period of five years with the possibility of a single re-election, called by the Federal Assembly, who will make the decision without prior discussion. The Federal Assembly consists of the Bundestag and an equal number of members elected by popular representations of the Länder in proportion. The Federal Assembly shall elect the President from among persons who participated actively in politics, first by an absolute majority, and if it is not reached in two votes, by simple majority.
The ceremonial work of a President as an integrator of the nation necessitates the widespread recognition by the nation and its representatives. He can only be removed from office by the Constitutional Court after being indicted by the Bundestag or the Bundesrat, approved by a qualified majority of 2/3. Because of disability or early termination of the mandate, functions are performed by the President of the Bundesrat. The President’s action capacity is limited and must be endorsed either by the Federal Chancellor or the competent Minister in each case. It is for the President to propose a Chancellor for election to the Bundestag, and their appointment, although it really is the parliamentary majority that decides.
Only in the event that a third vote on the nominee does not meet the simple majority, does the President have the option of naming the Chancellor or dissolving the Bundestag. As for their functions, he represents the Federation at the international level, he concludes treaties with foreign States, accredits and receives the ministers plenipotentiary, appoints and dismisses judges and federal officials, as well as officers and non-commissioned officers, and exercises the right of pardon on behalf of the Federation.
The neutral power in the FRG is not for the Federal President, but the Constitutional Court, which is responsible for the interpretation of the Basic Law. Therefore, corresponding to the President the promulgation of the law is interpreted as contrary to the system, because in a conflict between organs (e.g., between the Government and the Bundesrat), the president is granted the ability to opt through enactment. This does not hamper the president’s job to be inclusive and consensus-building, exercising the functional work of symbolic unity of the nation. Hence the development of their role is closely linked to the task to develop the Chancellor; a line of compensation policy or style of the Foreign Ministry is expected by the citizenry.
The figure of the President is closely linked to the personality of whoever represents it, taking the opportunity to score an own stamp through the speeches. However, this should not be confused with any rivalry, as might happen in the French model of cohabitation, as strong parliamentarisation of the German political system must be understood as an attempt to overcome the mistakes of Weimar, where a major bicephaly produced the existence of a strong Federal President.
Compared with other European countries of your environment, the parliamentary system was introduced late in Germany. The weakening of parliamentarism during the Weimar Republic by the strength of the post of Federal President took a great interest by the Parliamentary Council that drafted the Basic Law, strengthening the parliamentary system.