Film Studies, Politics, and Grammar: Key Concepts Explained

Film Techniques and Effects

  • Do movies stick to the facts? No, facts or incidents may be combined or changed for dramatic effects.
  • Why are movies predominantly a visual medium? Because viewers acquire information for each scene through visual elements like clothing and camera angles.
  • How can camera angles reveal information? They reveal the characters’ relationships and importance to the story.
  • How do dialogue, sound effects, and music affect us? They enhance the film’s visual message.
  • What is viewer’s bias? It’s the point of view shaped by prior experience, knowledge, beliefs, and values.
  • How can movies change ideas or values based on current political or historical events? They can promote values and ideologies.
  • What is a stereotype? A stereotype is a simplified representation of a group of people who share specific qualities.

Lighting and Shot Types

  • What is the difference between high-key, low-key, and graduated tonality? High-key lighting is bright with few shadows. Low-key lighting has sharp light and sharp shadows. Graduated tonality features soft light and soft shadows.
  • What type of lighting is typically used in a comedy versus a drama? High-key lighting is used in comedy, and low-key lighting in drama.
  • What does establishing the shot mean? It refers to the initial wide shot that establishes the location of the next scene.

Sound in Film

  • What problems did sound films create for filmmakers at the beginning? Actors were forced to stay close to the microphones on set.
  • What are wild tracks and wild sounds? Recordings made on the set when the camera isn’t running.
  • Why is it good to use a song in a movie? It transmits rhythm, tempo, harmony, emotions, and mood in a way dialogue can’t.
  • Do songs have any special function in a musical? Yes, songs function as a type of dialogue.
  • When do characters in musicals begin to sing? When they experience a strong feeling they can’t contain.

Early Filming and Editing

  • What are some characteristics of early filming? The camera was locked in one place, recording the entire event.
  • What did the Russian filmmaker Kuleshov demonstrate? When two separate shots are projected in succession, the viewer assumes a connection between them.
  • What does continuity editing mean? To present the action in a logical, chronological sequence.

Art Direction in Film

  • What does an art director do? It’s a broad concept that includes many visual elements such as set setting, location, decor, props, and costumes.
  • What’s the difference between theater production designers and film production designers? The camera; when the camera moves, the frame changes.
  • If the film is set in the 18th Century, do the film designers have to do anything special? They have to do research in libraries and archives.
  • What do colors transmit? They have cultural symbolic meanings. For example, white symbolizes purity, and red symbolizes danger.

Understanding Political Systems

  • What is a shadow minister? Shadow Ministers belong to the opposition and they question and challenge the work of the government’s minister.
  • Why do Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have their own Parliament? To give them more say in what happens to the country.
  • Who cannot be a Member of Parliament in the UK? Those under 18, those in prison, or members of the House of Lords.
  • Who investigates through committees? The House of Lords.
  • What is the difference between the House of Lords and the House of Commons? Who has the most power? The House of Commons shapes laws. The House of Lords questions and challenges the Government. The power is equal.
  • Can the Queen refuse to sign a law? Yes, she can, but it’s very unusual.
  • Who are cross-benchers? Members of the House of Lords who don’t belong to any political party.

The US Government

  • Can your English teacher be president in the USA? Why? No, you have to be born in the USA.
  • When did the USA’s constitution become effective? 1789.
  • Can Harry Potter be a Senator in USA? No, he has to be 30 years old.
  • How many executive departments are there? 14.
  • What is a caucus or a primary? Where the party votes for their delegates or candidate that will vote for their delegate in the next stage of election.
  • What is a bill? A proposed law.

Conditionals in English Grammar

  • 0 Conditional (if + simple present + simple present): If you heat water to 100ºC, it boils.
  • 1st Conditional (if + simple present + will): If she gets good grades, she will go to…
  • 2nd Conditional (if + past simple + would + base form): If I were you, I would tell her…
  • 3rd Conditional (if + past perfect + would have + past participle): If I had known, I would have helped.

Film Shot Types and Camera Angles

  • SHOTS:
    • Extreme long shot (gran plano general)
    • Long shot (plano general)
    • Medium shot (plano medio)
    • Close up (primer plano)
    • Extreme close up (gran primer plano)
  • ANGLE:
    • Bird’s eye view (vista panorámica)
    • High angle (plano picado)
    • Eye angle (frontal)
    • Low angle (contrapicado)
    • Oblique/ Canted angle (oblicuo, inclinado)
  • CAMERA MOVEMENTS: Pans, Tilts, Dolly shots, Hand-held shots, Crane shots, Zoom lenses, The Aerial Shot

Phrasal Verbs

  • Fell down: caerse
  • Put up with: soportar
  • Stick out / project: sobresalir