Fitness Assessment: Key Questions and Answers

Understanding Fitness Assessments

Body Composition and Measurements

  1. What is George’s classification?
  2. How is waist circumference measured?
    With feet together and at the narrowest part of the torso, above the umbilicus.
  3. Which of the following is not an assumption of submaximal testing?
    There is a linear correlation between blood pressure and VO2.
  4. What is the duration of the single-stage treadmill test?
    8 minutes.
  5. After the first 4 minutes of the single-stage submaximal treadmill test, if the heart rate is between 50-70% of the age-predicted maximum, at what percentage grade should you set the treadmill?
  6. If during the last minute of the YMCA test, the heart rate is not within 5 bpm, what do you do?
    Extend the test for one minute to see if their heart rate will reach a steady state. If it does not, then stop the test.

Blood Pressure Assessment

  1. What is considered “Normal” blood pressure?
    120/80 mmHg.
  2. Which best describes the optimal position of the participant when taking blood pressure?
    Seated with their right arm resting at approximately the level of the heart.
  3. When taking resting blood pressure, how high should you pump the cuff?
    170-180 mmHg.
  4. Over which artery is the stethoscope placed when taking blood pressure?
    Brachial artery.
  5. When taking blood pressure, you are listening for what sounds?
    Korotkoff sounds.
  6. What happens to diastolic blood pressure with increasing workload during aerobic exercise?
    Decreases slightly or no change – Both B and C are correct.

Skinfold Measurements

  1. When taking skinfolds, once the caliper pressure is released:
    Allow the jaws of the caliper to rest for 1-2 seconds and then take the reading.
  2. The 7-site abdominal skinfold is described as:
    A vertical fold, 2 cm to the left of the umbilicus as you are looking at the client.
  3. The chest skinfold is a ___ fold:
  4. The subscapular fold is described as:
    A diagonal fold, 1 to 2 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula.
  5. What is the proper procedure for the number of skinfold measurements that should be taken at each site?
    Two measurements should be taken at each site. If the difference between the two measures is greater than 2 mm, a third measurement should be taken.

Physical Activity and Fitness

  1. Physical activity is defined as:
    Any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that results in a substantial increase in caloric requirements over resting energy expenditure.
  2. Physical fitness is defined as:
    A set of attributes that relates to their ability to perform physical activity.
  3. Which of the following has been defined as “moderate” physical activity?
    3-<6 METs.
  4. Which of the following is the proper sequence for a testing session?
    Resting heart rate, blood pressure, height, weight, and body composition should be obtained first, followed by tests of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness, and flexibility.
  5. Which of the following is an example of self-guided screening for physical activity?
  6. An individual who has Type 2 diabetes and does not participate in regular exercise does not need medical clearance prior to engaging in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise?
  7. Regardless of participation in regular exercise, an exercise professional should advise an individual to seek medical clearance prior to participating in an exercise program under which of the following?
    If the individual is symptomatic, yet has no cardiovascular, metabolic, or renal disease.
  8. A sedentary 35-year-old female with controlled Type 2 diabetes mellitus and no signs or symptoms should get medical clearance prior to starting a moderate-intensity exercise program?
  9. Which CVD factor is considered “negative,” meaning that it takes away from risk?
    Elevated HDL cholesterol.
  10. The information obtained from health-related physical fitness testing, in combination with the individual’s health and medical information, is used by the health and fitness professional to:
    Enable an individual to achieve specific health/fitness goals.

Body Composition and Muscular Fitness

  1. Which of the following is considered to be an anthropometric method of determining body composition?
    Body mass index (BMI).
  2. The principle behind body composition assessment by using skinfold measurements is that:
    The amount of subcutaneous fat is proportional to the total amount of body fat.
  3. Which of the following is incorrect in a properly administered muscular endurance push-up test?
    The examiner should place his or her hand on the lower back for support.
  4. The sit-and-reach test is an excellent way to evaluate total body flexibility.
  5. The 1-RM is determined for each exercise by:
    Trial and error.
  6. Assuming proper technique and equations have been used, the plus/minus error of using skinfold equations to predict percent body fat is:
  7. Flexibility is the ability to move a joint:
    Through its complete range of motion.
  8. Muscular fitness refers to the:
    Combination of muscular strength, endurance, and power.

Testing Environment and Exercise Benefits

  1. Which of the following is the appropriate room temperature and humidity for a health-related fitness test?
    68 to 72°F (20 to 22°C) and humidity of <60%.
  2. Exercise is defined as a type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve and/or maintain one or more components of physical fitness.
  3. Physical fitness is defined as a set of attributes that are related to their ability to perform physical activity.
  4. There is strong evidence today for an inverse dose-response relationship between physical activity and:
    All-cause mortality.
  5. Which of the following may NOT be considered a benefit of regular physical activity and/or exercise?
    Increased morbidity and mortality.