Fitness, Poetry, and Basque Culture: A Brief Overview
Fitness Book: Register
Depending on the characteristics of the situation, the sender needs to know how to select the speech. Who, where, with whom, what… there is always some communication with those we create in our state and jarduna. Hitz change the way we do; we have in front of children or the banks or the main diren. We are in a tavern, hospital, or non-important issues for funtsik we are speaking, to express feelings or ditugun. Hiru new record levels: Level-1 culture or received. Garrantzia. Hauek fairness and accuracy are the characteristics of: careful pronunciation, grammatical errors and lack of ortografikorik, extensive vocabulary and accurate speech, easily and continuous, and suggestions limurtze strength, is clearly structured and ideas, talk about a high-flow, mastering the elements of cohesion, nuances.
Normal Levels
Level 2: The language and the lack of resources cannot be characterized, and often has so much reduce the speech- fully the frustration of the wishes of the speaker that the communication options that appear, and the person’s social and nortasunerako erlazioetarako limit gaindiezina happens den. Laprastada erdarakadaz full of grammatical and will appear in the message to the difficulties generated by the words full of crutches, and so on.
Colloquial Level
Level 3: Cultural Level and is among the ordinary, and this is the language most commonly used mold: family, friends, work, street… oral, improvisation and expressive features nagusi. Idatzizkoan, especially when new-and, as a model for the game today today’s media, is a good and easy to understand.
Alphabet fully free society slowly began to create a new literatura. Estilo enjoying writing is that, between the oral and written, both with regard to the characteristics: semi-style improvisation. Involve the testimony of the traditional social-hierarchical. Church and the Christian faith is perceived shade. The time-a reflection of the political conflict: the loss of charters and the responsibility of the Basque language. Highlight the uniqueness of the Basque: oldest, most beautiful language. Farm-world-view is nagusi. Naturaren mistizismoa: as a symbol of the tree. Bertsolarien-write the traditional molds, the first half we won the advantages of orality.
Etxahun Peter Topete (1786-1862)
Life: life was not easy izan. Zuberoako Barkoxen born, it was not fatal childhood was zuen. Gurasoek maite. Gaztaroan house maid they fell in love with a girl who did not accept his son zen. Gurasoek option, and the daughter of a wealthy house ezkonarazi zuten. Ez ekarri. Harreman good thing that the poor, and that the intermediate branches, and shot his wife’s lover, a friend of his had been tiro. Ondorioz, for several years He had to leave the prison and then, pilgrims have been killed arte. Bertsolari zen. Eskale was highlighted as a poet and a romantic in zen. Olerkari.
Home of his manuscripts were burned, but the memory of the people and the verses of the work of collectors aspergaitzen Thanks, we know the age of the material Etxahunen verse form.
- Autobiographical poem.
- Malerusik world-satirical poem.
- Kastero Maria Solt.
- Poems-and-circumstances: in honor of someone or placed in a marriage, and so on.
Critical Review
The satirical verses-or wedges are expressly goraipatzekoak. Atso old man and the love and relationships that we have a poet is to prevail zituenak. Etxahun erromantikotasunez.