Fixism vs. Evolution: Understanding the Origin of Species

Fixism: The Position Opposed to Evolutionism

Fixism was the dominant concept until the nineteenth century. Fixism may also be referred to as: creationism or intelligent design. According to this theory, species are:

  • Fixed
  • Created by God
  • Unchanging
  • Not derived from each other or related

The most important representative of this theory was Linnaeus. Linnaeus established the first classification of animals and plants according to the degree of similarity between them, which is called taxonomy.

Philosophical Perspective of Fixism

Fixism is attached to the current metaphysical claims regarding the immutability of the essence of things. Fixism involves a hierarchical conception of reality, whereby each individual in nature has its place. There is something fixed and immutable that we call human nature. The human being is the subject of creation and therefore well above the characteristics of animals.

Evolutionary Theories

The first theory of the evolution of species is attributed to Lamarck. Lamarck developed a theory of change:

  • Nature forms a continuum, where species are not invariable but are gradually transformed from one to another in accordance with a trend toward perfect forms.

“Giraffes have long necks because they need to have it that way to reach the highest branches, and this need makes their necks lengthen.”

Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory was ultimately completed. Its main theses are:

  • “The giraffe gene is mutated and is born with a longer neck than others by chance.”
  • Common origin of species.
  • All species are related to each other.
  • The fight for survival.
  • All species tend to reproduce. In this situation, food is scarce and therefore a struggle for survival ensues.
  • Natural selection theory.
  • Only the fittest tend to survive and reproduce.
  • Concept of “best qualified”.
  • The most suitable is one that has more favorable mutations to adapt genetically.
  • Inheritance.
  • Advantageous changes are genetically transmitted to their descendants, increasingly better adapted to their environment.
  • Natural selection.
  • Nature works at random.
  • For Darwin, there is no end in nature, or directed or prescribed order.


The Origin of Life and Evolution of Species

The origin of life lies 3.6 billion years ago. Appropriate conditions were given that allowed the first unicellular life forms to appear. Science agrees that all living beings share the same biochemical organization and the same genetic code, which shows that:

  • All living things have a common origin.
  • The development of life has been continuous.
  • Homo sapiens originated from a primate mammal from which our species has evolved.

Evolution is the process by which individuals of a species undergo qualitative changes that lead to species changing from more primitive life forms into more organized ones. Living beings experience two mechanisms:

  • Adaptation: They undergo changes that improve their conditions of survival in the environment they inhabit.
  • Inheritance: The gene ensures the transmission of these changes to the descendants.