Flight to Terror: A Pilot’s Drug Trafficking Ordeal


  • Tony: A young commercial pilot living in Miami, Florida.
  • José González: The leader of a drug cartel.
  • Luis: Works for José.
  • Roberto: Works for José.
  • Fernando: Roberto’s brother, who also works for José.
  • Carmen: The sister of José’s girlfriend, Rosa.
  • Manuel: Works for José in Peru.

Story Setting and Summary

The story is set in three different countries: The United States, Colombia and Peru. The main character, Tony, is in constant danger as he gets involved with drug traffickers in Colombia, is sent on a dangerous mission to Peru, and finally escapes by parachuting over the Gulf of Mexico. There’s a lot of action in the story with fighting, shooting, and people trying to escape. “Flight to Terror” is also interesting because we learn a lot about drug trafficking in Colombia and Peru.

Plot Summary

Tony is pulled out of the sea onto the deck of a boat. He begins to remember his past. After his father retired, he was offered a job in the aviation industry. Tony’s dream was to become an airline pilot. At 22 years old, he gets his commercial pilot’s license. Tony gets an interview for the job and meets Luis and Roberto. They tell Tony that they want him to fly to Colombia to bring an old lady to Miami to visit her son on his birthday. He accepts the job.

When flying to the Guamez Valley, he approaches his destination, some bushes separate, revealing a hidden runway. Tony begins to suspect something is wrong. Tony sees José treat Luis very badly, and he is shocked. He soon realizes that the story about the old lady is a lie and tries to leave, but is warned that he will be killed if he doesn’t do what José wants. He learns that his job is to fly coca leaves from Peru to Colombia for José and then drop packages of cocaine onto boats off the Gulf of Mexico. Tony tries to escape, but Fernando stops him. Finally, Tony is forced to fly Fernando, Roberto, and Luis to Peru. In Peru, they meet Manuel.

When Manuel tries to delay the men’s departure, Luis suspects that something is wrong. He forces Manuel to admit that he is trying to trick José. His men are replacing some of the coca leaves with other plants so that Manuel can keep the coca leaves for himself and make a lot of money. Luis and Roberto are furious. They kill Manuel and his men, and Tony flies them back to Colombia.

Tony has to fly Luis and Fernando to Peru. Luis tries to escape, but he and Fernando get into a fight, and Luis kills Fernando. José falls and hits his head on the ground and loses consciousness. Luis quickly loads the jeep with cocaine. When he has almost finished loading all the packages, Roberto tries to shoot him, but he misses. Luis fires his gun at Roberto and kills him. Just as Luis and Tony are about to drive away, Carmen runs up and gives Tony a parcel with Mick’s parachute inside. Tony promises to come back and see Carmen. Tony and Luis drive to the runway, load the plane with the cocaine. Tony points the plane towards the sea and jumps out, opening the parachute. He is picked up by the US Coast Guard. Tony returns to Colombia to get Carmen.

Key Events

  1. Tony gets a job offer.
  2. Tony flies to Colombia.
  3. Tony realizes he is involved in drug trafficking.
  4. Tony is forced to fly to Peru.
  5. Manuel is killed for trying to cheat José.
  6. Luis kills Fernando.
  7. Luis kills Roberto.
  8. Tony escapes by parachute.
  9. Tony is rescued by the US Coast Guard.
  10. Tony returns to Colombia.