Following Jesus Today: A Guide to Christian Living

Following Jesus Today

Following Jesus today means establishing a real, though not physical, relationship with Him. This relationship can be described as a friendship that springs from knowing Jesus personally. It is a life-changing experience that transforms us from the inside out.

The Transformative Power of Knowing Jesus

Consider the experience of Paul of Tarsus. His life was radically changed after encountering the risen Jesus. Paul, a Jewish Pharisee, meticulously followed the Law of Moses and persecuted Christians. However, upon meeting Jesus, he realized his understanding of God was flawed. He discovered that truth resided in God’s love, demonstrated through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Paul penned numerous letters to early Christians, recounting his experience of following Jesus. He discovered that life’s purpose was found in Jesus, and nothing could separate him from that love.

Characteristics of Following Jesus

  1. Feeling chosen and loved by Jesus Christ.
  2. Identifying with Jesus Christ.
  3. Finding strength in Jesus to live, love, and be happy.
  4. Loving and serving others, especially those in need.
  5. Experiencing the joy of life in Christ.
  6. Feeling joyful as a member of the Church.

Encountering Jesus

There are several ways to encounter Jesus:

  1. Through the Bible: The Gospels share the experiences of those who encountered Jesus.
  2. Through the Church: Engaging with Christian communities, particularly during celebrations, allows us to encounter Jesus.
  3. Through Personal Testimonies: Hearing how Jesus has impacted the lives of other Christians can lead us to an encounter.
  4. Through Prayer and Introspection: Quietly reflecting and praying can open our hearts to Jesus.

Understanding Key Terms in Early Christianity

Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the essence of God and Jesus residing within every follower of Jesus.

Grace: Grace is the unconditional love of God actively working in the lives of Christians.

The Saints: Exemplars of Faith

Among the saints, martyrs who sacrificed their lives for Christ stand out as extraordinary examples of faith.

The Greatest Commandments

  1. Love God above all else: This commandment encourages us to:
    1. Cultivate a relationship with God and mature in our faith.
    2. Dedicate time for prayer.
  2. You shall not take God’s name in vain: This commandment emphasizes using God’s name respectfully and recognizing its significance. It cautions against:
    1. Exploiting God or religion for personal gain or contrary purposes.
    2. Blasphemy.
    3. Perjury.

Jesus’ Mission for the Twelve Apostles

Jesus chose twelve apostles and entrusted them with the mission of making disciples worldwide, spreading the Gospel, and expanding the Kingdom of God.

To empower them, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit’s guidance and support in fulfilling this mission.

The Birth of the Church

The Church was born on the feast of Pentecost.

The early Christian community’s life revolved around three key aspects:

  1. Internal Communion: They shared possessions and lived in unity.
  2. Relationship with God: They prioritized prayer, rituals, and celebrations.
  3. Outward Activity: They actively engaged in mission work and preached the Gospel.

Understanding the Church

The word”Churc” signifies a call, assembly, or community. It represents the community of Jesus’ followers who proclaim the Gospel as the path to salvation for all.

Descriptions of the Church

  1. The Church as the People of God.
  2. The Church as the Body of Christ.
  3. The Church as the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

The Dual Nature of the Church

Human Element: The Church comprises individuals, and as humans, they are not without flaws and selfishness.

Divine Element: The Church’s existence stems from God’s plan to save humanity through Christ.

Traits of a Christian Community

  1. Faith in Christ.
  2. Connection with the Universal Church.
  3. Brotherly love and fellowship.
  4. Freedom for members to live their Christian lives.
  5. Celebrating faith through rituals and expressions.
  6. Proclaiming the Gospel.
  7. Solidarity and love for the needy.
  8. Working towards a better world.

The Significance of Charisma

Charisma, meaning”free gift” describes the qualities and abilities bestowed upon Christians by the Holy Spirit to serve the community.

Spiritual Gifts

Paul, in his letters, mentions gifts such as tongues, healing, and salvation. However, he emphasizes that love surpasses all other charisms.

The Church as the Body of Christ

Paul uses the metaphor”Body of Chris” to illustrate the interconnectedness and unity within the Church.

Belonging to the Church

  1. Laity: All faithful Christians are part of the laity.
  2. Hierarchy: This includes the Pope, bishops, priests, and deacons who serve in leadership roles.
  3. Religious: Individuals who live in a community and take vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty.

Structure of the Church

Diocese: The basic unit of the Church, led by a bishop.

Parish: A subdivision of the diocese, typically encompassing a neighborhood, and cared for by a priest appointed by the bishop.

Cathedral: The principal church of a diocese.

The Mission of the Church

  1. Continuing Jesus’ mission in the world.
  2. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
  3. Living out Christian principles and sharing them with others.

Essential Elements for Fulfilling God’s Mission

  1. Authentic Community: Sharing faith and bringing others to Jesus.
  2. Commitment to Justice: Advocating for the poor and oppressed.

Proclaiming the Kingdom of God

, 3-Doing this in the lives of Christians and share with the human community
What the Church needs to meet to perform the mission of God? 1 – Being itself, be a Cumün, share the faith and to bring to Jesus, 2-The church must be announced and committed to liberation for the poor and oppressed
What are the 4 ways for the Church to proclaim the kingdom of God? A) lives in communion, b) serves others in need, c) proclaims the gospel, d) celebrates the memory and the memory of Jesus