Foundation and Retaining Wall Construction Processes

Sequence of Processes for Constructing Foundations and Retaining Walls

The foundations of a building are the parts that are in contact with the soil, which transmit the loads. The strength of a building depends upon its foundations, as they fulfill the conditions necessary for the proper transmission of loads to the ground on which they settle.

Seating Area

Terra is called total or differential, according to whether the entire land settles or only one or more points of it.

Classification of Land

  • Rocks: Geological drilling, solid and resistant to compression. They are grouped into isotropic rocks and layered rocks.
  • Cohesionless Soil: Formed fundamentally by arid, gravelly sand and inorganic silt. They may contain clay and small amounts of aggregates.
  • Consistent Soil: They consist mainly of clay and may contain small amounts of aggregates.
  • Poor Soil: Land not suitable for foundation. They are inorganic sludge, organic land, and landfill.

Overall Survey of Soils

Types of Recognition

The determination of the resilience of a soil or the effects of a foundation pile can be set with various procedures:

  • Surveys: Direct methods for exploration or recognition of the land, by digging or drilling. The probes may be:
    • Large section: Excavations of the ground in pits or trenches where you can see the terrain layers to sample.
    • Small section: Using special tools and equipment for drilling and sampling.
  • Testing: Procedures to determine the ground bearing capacity (CBR). The object of this test is to determine the maximum load of a field unit to award a work allowable fatigue, according to a safety factor.
    • Measurement of intelligibility in the laboratory: It is mainly through the edometric test, consisting of submitting a sample of the ground to vertical loads.
    • Granulometric test: Sorts the various grains or particles of a soil sample by testing.
    • Modified Proctor test: Plots with particles retained by sieves. Used to determine the relationship between moisture and dry density of soil or land when compacted by hitting a mass of steel.
    • Atterberg Limits: Analyzed through liquid limits, plasticity index saucers, and a floor to find their plastic characteristics.

Types of Foundation Piles and Retaining Walls

  • Superficial foundation
  • Semi-deep foundation
  • Deep foundation

Spread Footing

Spread footings are made of mass concrete or reinforced concrete with a square or rectangular vertical support as a foundation belonging to building structures.

  • Spread footing for the foundation of each bracket, generally centered with the MSIM, aramid ant firm surface, or deep, firm dough.
  • Combined footing for two very close media foundations, if the solution is not feasible with isolated footings due to interference. The foundation is completed with bracing beams.

Continuous Footing

Continuous footings are made of ants or mass concrete, vertical walls, and foundation load, closing or fastening, centered or party walls, outside building structures.

Foundation Beams

Foundation beams are made of reinforced concrete, with a straight guideline and a constant rectangular section, as a superficial foundation support focused on it.

Mat Foundations

These are horizontal slabs of concrete flooring with aramid reinforcement in medium to low-quality residential buildings.

Retaining Walls

Retaining walls are made of concrete with aramid superficial foundation piles, a straight and steady guideline section, to hold fillings.

Building Process

The first step will be the redesign, followed by the dig. The base of the shoe should be leveled off, and the walls of the excavation should be refined to maintain horizontal and vertical planes.

Employee Resources

  • Materials
  • Machines
  • Energy
  • Aids
  • Labor
  • Protective equipment
  • System
  • Tools
  • Transport and maintenance

Measurement of Work

The measurement of work will be in m3.