Four Hearts with Brake and Reverse: A Hilarious Play




A clear jungle on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. On the left is a dump barge, with keel looking at the sky, lost in the lateral. The barge is open two windows and a door. And on top of the keel, a fireplace. All these details mean that the home is habitable barge citizens who inhabit the island. In essence, forest. And on the right, trees, which constitute the output of that side. Behind and in front of the barge, on the left, two outputs. On both sides of the door of the barge, banks crudely made with wood from packing crates. And on the right, a tree and a table with books, several laboratory tools, flasks, test tubes, etc. In front of the barge, a little to the left, a rough stone kitchen and, suspended above it, the subject of stakes, a cauldron. Off the kitchen, pots, ladles, skimmers, etc. On the left, attached to the barge, a large tree with abundant foliage. Nailed to the trunk, a mirror and hanging tree branches through cuerdecita, different toilet utensils, combs, brushes the head and teeth, shaving brushes, machinery Gillette Cutex kits, scissors, etc.. Between the tree and the barge, a hammock stretched. Also hanged at the door of the barge, weapons and firearms and two or three “boumerangs.” On the side of the barge, a sundial, crudely built, but time is not noted, because the sun shines. Above the door of the barge, a sign that reads: “Residence Volunteers Castaway.” It is in the early hours of the morning, and, as mentioned, sixty years later than the time it developed the first act. The curtain rises on stage, and Ricardo Bremon. Bremon represents eight or ten years less than in the previous act and has a stronger and healthier air. Richard is the same as in the other event, but toast the sun, both dressed in shorts and leggings and leather jacket or sweater. ” Bremon sits in the trunk of the tree on the right, with his elbows on the table, reading a book. Ricardo is lying on the left, on the floor, sleeping. There is a pause, during which Bremon not lift the eyes of the reading. After the break you can hear the crowing of a rooster, which plays on the top of the barge, a little to the left. The crowing of the cock is repeated twice, the second time the door opens and appears Emiliano barge. Emiliano is also somewhat younger than in the first act. He wears a suit of real Robinson, made with animal skins, it is the only group of people in the barge that is experiencing the novel of shipwreck and enjoying it. Advances in the time when the rooster crows a third time. Check the sundial and makes a gesture of annoyance.


EMILIANO. – This cock is delayed. (Take one of the rifles of the barge, I check to the face and shoot. Falls into a dead rooster scene.)

Bremon. – What? What are you doing?

(Ricardo growls and becomes the other side.)

EMILIANO. – Stop the clock, doctor, there is no way to make a career of it, and after two years I’ve been trained to giving the hours when the sundial point that you made it, is that the day dawns cloudy and fails us the sundial, the rooster fails us. And I’m sick …

Bremon. – (Referring to a very old pocket watch.) Is nine and a half.

EMILIANO. – Already?

Bremon. – I have gone for hours on a flight.

EMILIANO. – Another night has passed you in clear, giving you hit the brain …

Bremon. – And what I do, Emiliano?

EMILIANO. – Have you happened to you any of those things that you draw phenomenal from under the hair and …?

Bremon. – Who knows, Emiliano? Who knows?

EMILIANO. – I give you fear, because as you have more talent than Matías López … With his permission, I will light a fire to heat water and to pluck the clock. (Taking the dog.) I’m not saying it will be a lunch of those who give time, because you saw how bad that was. But a dead rooster rice is always a solution. And if I do not homemaker here or have lunch, or eat, or live … (Leave the rooster on the kitchen and she took two pieces of wood and some weeds, sits down to rub the woods to shoot par.) In other words, we would live, for what we can not die, but that is because nobody has will to live …

Bremon. – So true is this, that I have often thought that all of us, the only immortality trained you are, Emiliano.

EMILIANO. – Well, you see, if I’m not ready, do not make the sales that day … Do you remember?

Bremon. – Sixty years ago …

EMILIANO. – Sixty years? … Oh, yes, if I turned on Friday hundred and three … And to think I still have wisdom teeth out! …

Bremon. – Who knows what it will take centuries still get away?

EMILIANO. – As much as I give him around the head, I can not get used to the idea of how many years can a living not dying ever.

Bremon. – You can live forever, but eternity is beyond the calculation.

EMILIANO. – The only bad thing is that, knowing that no one will ever die, feel a terror of not having enough money to live forever, and so we’ve made it as Ronica …

Bremon. – And so selfish.

EMILIANO. – It’s true, but gives a taste … I do not understand the despair of you, because I have fulfilled this Friday hundred and three further notice me when I was young postman brings me alegrísimo. And have kept the same boots …

Bremon. – Do the same boots?

EMILIANO. – (Lengthening foot.) Note: those who wore that evening. It occurred to me escurriduras rub them with salt water remaining in the cups, and since then, and half-soles … (Bremon laughs.) The first time I see you laugh from the Boer War, Mr. Bremon!

Bremon. – Female, no! Remember that I laughed twice in the summer of the seventies, when the Franco-Prussian War …

EMILIANO. – The Franco? Ah … Yes, well, is that one has known a war … How many wars have dealt with us, Mr. Bremon?

Bremon. – Counting the last large in 1914, and excluding the Balkans, fifteen, and counting the Balkans, ninety-nine.

EMILIANO. – And when he had always said that war was the last. Are not you?

Bremon. – Yes, but we do not we thought.

EMILIANO. – Male, of course! As as we are no one gives us! We have seen a lot.

RICARDO. – (Sitting up in a bad mood.) Well, okay. Enough!


Bremon. – What, Ricardo?

RICARDO. – First, shots, then talk … Since no one you let him sleep … Or sleep, which is tantamount to forget that we live … And that’s all you can do at home. Dammit! … And damn the day that pamper pamper! Do not be one worth more than …! (Take the blanket and the blanket dragging starts the third exit right.)

Bremon. – Where are you going?

RICARDO. – At the edge of the swamp again … To see if God wants it and mosquitoes day today … Damn, man! … (He leaves.)

Bremon. – See? As I look to it … Here is going to end up a disaster happening.

EMILIANO. – Come on, doctor, do not be pessimistic.

(By the door of the barge out Valentina, just as physical appearance in the previous act, also dressed in a suit of field and with the same air of someone tired of the life that was Richard. Look with absolute indifference to Emiliano and Bremon and starts the exit to the left.)

Bremon. – Good morning, Valentina.

EMILIANO. – Morning.

VALENTINA. – (Glacial.) Hello. (He stares at them both with pity and there is an uncomfortable pause.)

EMILIANO. – Here, lighting a fire for lunch.

VALENTINA. – Also do you want to linger over nonsense …

EMILIANO. – If I ever say to me that lunch could be regarded as nonsense …

Bremon. – Do you get up now?

VALENTINA. – Yes, and I’m going to palm it clear there next door to give me a while …

Bremon. – Do not you feel more cheerful?

VALENTINA. – Is there any reason to cheer?

Bremon. – No, of course, but …

VALENTINA. – What a day has dawned. And what does it mean for us another day? One more day to yawn, to vegetate, to look at us each other’s faces … If one day less! … In short, I have no desire conversation. (It is first left.)

Bremon. – Do you realize? You like him … And like everyone but you …

EMILIANO. – Who has seen and who sees this couple! I think that I have before me the day they were married, take us months after the sales: as happy and contented. Tuesday was a year sixty-two. The child who took the queue died after tax of the Supreme. Do you remember? “One with a white beard and gray vest?

Bremon. – I remember, Emiliano, I remember. And I remember like it was yesterday the birth of the children of Valentina and Ricardo … EMILIANO. – Elisa and Frederick. How old were already the day we said goodbye to them to retreat to the island! …

Bremon. – For account: Elisa is now forty-six, and Federico, fifty-one.

EMILIANO. – So the daughter …?

Bremon. – The granddaughter of Richard and Valentina?

EMILIANO. – That’s … Margarita walk and close to twenty years, is not it, doctor?

Bremon. – Has now reached eighteen, because he was born in 1900 two …

EMILIANO. – How time flies!

Bremon. – In his last letter received here telling their grandparents who have formal relations to marry.

EMILIANO. – And the point is that at first everything went well.

Bremon. – Yes, the first thirty years, yes, everyone turned their dreams. But all our friends we were dying of old age.

EMILIANO. – I once threw the account, and have attended three funerals in 1200, doctor … What I have laughed at me! …

Bremon. – But I do not deny that is to depress anyone. Everyone thought differently than we were initially only in accordance with the old, and later, or even the old, because they belonged to another generation, and even for us old were too young. The cities uninhabitable made us …

EMILIANO. – You tell me me that lately, to get through every street, took a taxi.

Bremon. – And thanks to me that I devised to withdraw to a desert island …

EMILIANO. – That cost us what is ours, because it is not already a desert island or to raise a turtle. Thirty-two put ads in The Correspondence of Spain “, saying:” Desert Island for a fix, needs. ” And if not …

Bremon. – And thank goodness we found this little American colony, in which there is no wild beasts …

EMILIANO. – No. Fieras there on the island. I have traveled the full length and width to width, and have not seen wild beasts. Crocodiles, lions, tigers, yes there is. But wild beasts, beasts that are said, no. Now, Wild …

Bremon. – What?

EMILIANO. – Before yesterday I discovered something I did not want to tell anyone …

Bremon. – How?

EMILIANO. – Now that we do not hear the other, you do want to communicate, because even scientific, you are all one man, doctor …

Bremon. – Emiliano, alarms me!

EMILIANO. – The day before yesterday, Mr Bremon, leaving the barge in the morning, as today, and go to the pens, to see if had the ostrich egg, because you know that the day we have the ostrich lays eggs and tortilla for all month …

Bremon. – What? Just …

EMILIANO. – As you near the fence of the pen on the floor, I discovered the imprint of a human foot …

Bremon. – How a human foot?

EMILIANO. – Yes, sir. A bare foot big: a forty-three wide last, it was not for either you or Richard, or me, but also as I say, was a bare foot. The footprints were away to the north … I followed them for about an hour, and I drove to the lake, and when you get lost in the footsteps and the clock, carrying in my pocket (the chest.) To lean over the water. A clock that my mother gave me the day he married Isabella II and who was getting better, because he also smeared with escurriduras of salts.

Bremon. – Well, but the tracks?

EMILIANO. – Well of the traces have not found more, but it is enough, because it shows that the island is not deserted, doctor.

Bremon. – Sure, sure …

EMILIANO. – And the mysterious inhabitant goes barefoot, so it’s a savage or a nudist …

Bremon. – A wild, Emiliano, a savage! I’m sure, because we carry five years on the island moving freely and he has ever had to hear our voices and shot, and see the smoke from the kitchen … If I was a wreck, it would have come here to hear us. But when we shy away, is that it is a poor savage who are afraid of us …

EMILIANO. – (Furiously rubbing with the two pieces of wood.) Street!

Bremon. – What?

EMILIANO. – Street … Street … Street … Ya! .., Ya … (In the woods appears a small flame that was just then.) Dammit! … But did you see this? Five years trying to light a fire by rubbing two wood procedure, and the only two times that, after sweating spurts, I managed to make calls, the sweat off me … What if it did not have matches in abundance … (Pulls out a box of matches, light the kitchen and puts the pot.)

Bremon. – We are failing all proceedings of the Robinsons, Emiliano.

EMILIANO. – Yes, sir. The only thing that went well was when I began to find out what time it was noon and I found that the 0:30. But when I wanted to know the wind speed, the total not only gave me a lot, and if the problem is the kitchen …

Bremon. – Well, man, I brought a culinary guide, which …

EMILIANO. – You brought me a manual for cooking, but for cities, not to desert islands. All recipes begin like: “You take a rabbit …” “It takes a partridge …” But what is not said is how we have to catch them, which is great.

Bremon. – Hunting them.

EMILIANO. – Yes .. But one must hunt them. I took me five years to learn to handle the “boumerang.”

Bremon. – Does “boumerang?

EMILIANO. – Sure! … Robinson’s gun. (Going to the front of the house and take two “boumerangs.”) Have not you heard of “boumerang” which is pulled from a distance, hurt the game and again just for the site from where you shot? Bremon. – Yes, but I had not seen any.

EMILIANO. – These have I done to me. Six hundred fourteen I lost, but now as the management domain, and does not fail me.

Bremon. – And back to the site from where you shot?

EMILIANO. – What if he returns? Note. (Throw the “boumerang” to the right. A pause, turns on his heel and is waiting on the left.) You will see, is already reaching …. Now come … Do not miss the eye … It seems it takes … Bremon. – I do not think coming.

EMILIANO. – I’ll be pulled loose. You attend this one. (Throw the second “boumerang” with all his heart to the left. Another pause, and both revolve, waiting to get on the right.) Well, that is, you see … Note. Pretty soon we see it … (On the other, opposite side, ie the left goes into a “boumerang” and herded him in the head Bremon.)

Bremon. – Ah … (Falls to the ground.) EMILIANO. – (Picking up Bremon.) Doctor! … Doctor! … What is that?

Bremon. – A “boumerangazo, Emiliano.

EMILIANO. – But where?

Bremon. – In there. (The left.)

EMILIANO. – Yoho … Then it is the first. Then when the second I pulled with all my soul, that divides the fish. Doctor! … Wow … It has deprived the spanking. Hortensia! … Valentina! … Ricardooo! … Nothing, ignore. Of course, as do not care about anything in this world and know that whatever we pass us, we do not spend anything … I’ll tell you who has died, to dare … Socorrooooo! … The doctor, dead! … Muertooo! Muertooo! … Muertooo! FETEN! (On the barge, Hortensia break.)

HORTENSIA. – Huh? Emiliano, what do you say?

EMILIANO. – Muertooo! … (For the left, at full speed, Val.)

VALENTINA. – What is it death?

EMILIANO. – It is not only silly, but something had to tell you to come to lend a hand … HORTENSIA. – Ah! C’mon … VALENTINA. – Well, not funny joke. (On the left, forward, Ricardo.)

RICARDO. – Dead? What is dead?

HORTENSIA. – Passed, thanks, do not kid yourself …

EMILIANO. – We were here talking, I threw two “boumerangs”to show you return to the site, and one of them has given a tremendous husk. Now that I warn you to beware, because the second” boumerang “has not yet returned , and when you arrive, which will take full …



RICARDO. – “Boumerangs” … (The three made derogatory gestures and indifferent. Hortensia sits on a bench in the front of the barge. Valentina lies in the hammock, and Ricardo sits where it was at the beginning of the act, playing absently with two stones.)

EMILIANO. – Do not know what is this indifference, because we can not die of old age, but a bump in the neck … I think that if it were herded to a good … (All three get up very happy and hopeful.)

HORTENSIA. – It’s true … V

ALENTINO. – It’s true …

RICARDO. – Gee, if possible! (Surrounding Bremon, Emiliano who has tended in the trunk of the tree and who espurrean face with water from the pot.) Is dead? HORTENSIA. – My God, if she had died! …

VALENTINA. – If it appears that we may die! RICARDO. – What a joy! … VALENTINA. – What a joy! …

EMILIANO. – You open your eyes! … (Disappointment in all three.)

HORTENSIA and Valentino. – (At the same time.) Open your eyes! …

RICARDO. – Bah … Now open your eyes …

Bremon. – Where am I?

VALENTINA. – He says: “Where am I?”

RICARDO. – To say, ‘Where am I? “

EMILIANO. – Was faint. Do you feel better?

Bremon. – Yes, son. Thank you. I’m fine. (Gets up.)

VALENTINA. – Nothing …

HORTENSIA. – Nothing … (They sit back to two.)

RICARDO. – But maybe if the coup had been stronger … (Aside to Emiliano.) And where you say you have to get that other “boumerang” that has not yet returned?

EMILIANO. – Does the “boumerang” ten-room? Over there. (Points to the right.)

RICARDO. – I’ll wait and see if I have the joy of giving me between the eyes. (She crosses her arms, front right, and remains immobile.)

Bremon. – Ricardo …

RICARDO. – Let me. At least, I do not say anything, and leave. Is there malaria in the tropics?

Bremon. – Sure.

RICARDO. – And if a man spends a night lying on the edge of a swamp of a tropical island, “is not likely to wake malarial lost the next morning?

Bremon. – Most likely, Ricardo.

RICARDO. – Well, no one, and sixteen nights I’ve spent lying on the edge of the swamp, surrounded by clouds of mosquitoes of twenty different species, and the sixteen nights I’ve gained four kilos …

Bremon. – Do not know how I’m sorry, but …

RICARDO. – With regret I do not die, Bremon, so let me, because for us there is no other solution and that suicide …

HORTENSIA. – Suicide …

EMILIANO. – Suicide?

VALENTINA. – Suicide, Richard?

Bremon. – Suicide?

RICARDO. – Suicide Bremon, and if I have not done is because I contain my religious ideas, but I can not endure life without end, neither are you, nor any outside Emiliano, and that because it is so gross .. .

EMILIANO. – Man, gross …

RICARDO. – … Which, if not, would be as miserable as us.

HORTENSIA: Not usually one to injury, or the hard iron, or the cruel post. Even though the violent soul, no one gets used to the bad. Bremon. – That’s true, because I can not get used to your poems. HORTENSIA. – At one time you asked me the …

Bremon. – But a poetic eternity is unbearable, Hortensia. You’ve written thirty-two volumes.

EMILIANO. – And he has time left to reach six thousand.

HORTENSIA. – It’s the only thing that makes me forget at times the bitterness that we have precipitated. Thanks to this, I have not fallen at all in the desperation of Richard and Valentina.

Bremon. – Despair that they should feel less than anyone, because they have something very worthwhile: his children, his …

VALENTINA. – (Taking a step, hard.) Shut up! I’ve said before that we do not discuss them … Why remind us? You will know that life among the loved ones, which is the basis of happiness, is unbearable for which we are condemned to live forever and ever … Not to age, and his discovery has made damn you have children, rather than a joy, be a horrible torment. How dare they talk about?

RICARDO. – Or how dare you talk about anything? You love life because you know you will end, but when you know it will not conclude, hates her. That’s why we hate. The life that is constantly moving for us, has stopped indefinitely, and instead of running like a river, has stagnated as a puddle. We brake hearts by dint of knowing that they will beat forever, we have the impression that no longer beat. Actually, it’s as if we had heart. We are one foot absurd. Being more despised in the world is happier than any of us.

HORTENSIA. – And we could not resist civilized life or contact with a fellow who did not have anything like us, we thought that on a desert island there would be more tolerable to us … And you see …

RICARDO. – What do we do now, exhausted this last resort?

Bremon. – (Grimly, like an echo.) What do we do?

RICARDO. – Sure, you are who you say it … You were to blame we got to this situation … Who else but you have to resolve it?

VALENTINA. – Naturally …

HORTENSIA. – You and only you, Ceferino. Bremon. – I forced myself not to take any salts …

VALENTINA. – Just had missed it … But you destroyed us every chance of peace.

HORTENSIA. – And of that.

RICARDO. – And you should have guessed where it could lead … (Han Bremon cornered with the words and attitude. Emiliano, who had sat down to peel the cock before putting it in boiling water, and internal moves including defending the doctor.)

EMILIANO. – Well. This has been done!

Hortensius, VALENTINA and RICARDO. – Huh?

EMILIANO. – Who have completed the complaints and cries. (Waves the medium pluck cock.) Let nobody here raises the cock more than I … And you did not knock down this man because I do not feel like it and because it would be unfair … Because the doctor … (In one shot sounds. Emiliano is silent.)

HORTENSIA and Valentino. – (A one time.) What is that?

Bremon. – A shot …

EMILIANO. – A shot?

RICARDO. – And it sounded very close …

HORTENSIA. – Voices are heard … (They look to the right.)

Bremon. – Someone looking for us …

RICARDO. – Over here … Over here …

EMILIANO. – They are sailors … American …

Bremon. – Americans?

(On the right are, in fact, Oliver Meighan and two American sailors, armed with rifles. Meighan is a man in his fifties, dry, friendly, dominant, but ceremonial.)

Meighan. – Does the colony shipwrecked on the island volunteers Stanley?

Bremon. – This is, sir.

Meighan. – We are then, indeed, to the doctor and his companions Ceferino Bremon retirement? Bremon. – Yes, sir, Dr. Bremon me.

Meighan. – (Bowing) It gives me inexpressible pleasure to meet you … Ladies … Gentlemen … (He bows.)

EMILIANO. – What a guy says fine.

Meighan. – Gentlemen, my delegation, the forty-eight States of the Union greet them. Bremon. – Forty-eight times thank you, gentlemen, but do not understand the cause of …

Meighan. – They will understand. But, sit, sit …

EMILIANO. – From the finest.

Meighan. – I’m Oliver Meighan, the Ministry of Colonies. As you know, this island is a U.S. Colony, you enjoy it at home and my country sent me to tell you that you are proud and honored to have them installed in it …

Bremon. – Mr Meighan …

RICARDO. – Knight …

HORTENSIA. – We did not know how to thank. EMILIANO. – The height of refinement …

Meighan. – But, of course, that must be paid …

EVERYONE. – How? What should you pay? Meighan. – Well I think I speak Castilian. But here I bring a dictionary.

Bremon. – No, no, if we understand.

EMILIANO. – Yes, we have understood, right?

RICARDO, VALENTINA and hydrangeas. – (At the same time.) We have understood.

Bremon. – But, come on, surprise us …

Meighan. – Are they strange? However, everywhere you live rent is … You have been here five years: the price per year is six hundred dollars per person.

RICARDO. – Very expensive …

EMILIANO. – Dearest …

Meighan. – In addition, consuming natural products: wood, fruit, game … Finally, the total debt in 1300 is nine dollars, and we make a bargain price.

EMILIANO. – I do not say that balance is …

RICARDO. – Prices impossible …

EMILIANO. – An abuse …

HORTENSIA. – Dearest …

VALENTINA. – Dearest …

Bremon. – Yes really unacceptable. We, for special reasons, we have to look much we spend … We are concerned about the future, which is long …

EMILIANO. – That it hurts! … That hurts! … The length is the future! …

Meighan. – Bah … In exchange for living at home, you should forget a bit the future … After all, when you least expect it dies a …

RICARDO. – What is going to die one, man …

Bremon. – What is one to die! “…

HORTENSIA and Valentino. – (A one time.) Dying! EMILIANO. – Yes, yes … You will die … This does not know that we do the autopsy and grow …

Meighan. – The island is not expensive. Only this beautiful glance offered by the forest from here, okay, ill-paid, three hundred dollars.

EMILIANO. – The forest glance is not worth two reals, man. As the forest, all you want I leave I look for nineteen pesetas for one another. Meighan. – But I will not deny that the beaches …

Bremon. – Excuse me, Mr Meighan, but the beaches themselves are an apology.

EMILIANO. – All full of sand. A disgusting man! A disgusted island! Meighan. – I do not agree with you, but I see with pleasure his disdain for this colony.


Meighan. – Because the mission that brings me a double, and then collect rent from these five years, bring orders are to leave the island …

Bremon. – Evacuate the island?

EVERYONE. – Evacuate the island?

EMILIANO. – Throw ourselves!

Meighan. – Exactly: to exploit these areas. The Americans, gentlemen, we are on energy, as well as on energy, we are out of work on men, who were also on energy, from here on we use our energies to employ our men out of work.

EMILIANO. – It’s a very aggressive behavior.

Bremon. – And how are you going to exploit this island of Stanley is so far from the inhabited world and does not produce anything of importance?

Meighan. – We will make it a picturesque place, with a view to tourism. Announce that it is the authentic island where Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked. Build his house in ruins and kill the first tourists who come …

Bremon and EMILIANO. – (At the same time.) Eh? Meighan. – Universal To excite curiosity, my friend and the world go en masse to visit the island …

EMILIANO. – Is a procedure to patent it. Meighan. – And now, gentlemen, what I hope is the payment of rent. I have come to cash, and get paid … (Enter a “boumerang” on the right, and gives Meighan, who almost fainted.) Oh … EVERYONE. – Huh? Bremon. – Mr Meighan … EMILIANO. – It has become! … The “boumerang”, the “boumerang” … Ten-room! Ja, ja! He’s knackered! … Ha, ha, ha! (All around you.) Bremon. – It was nothing. It was nothing, Mr. Meighan. A “boumerang” we’ve thrown a while ago and that on returning unexpectedly … Meighan. – What has happened I will explain you on board, and the payment of rent expect to receive it there too … Bremon. – Yes, Mr. Meighan, here we go.

EMILIANO. – I will not leave you alone, Dr. Meighan. – And be careful with what you do! (Mutis to the right of Meighan, Emiliano, the Doctor and the Mariners.) VALENTINA. – No more than we needed this! …

HORTENSIA. – It’s clear: we can no longer live or on a desert island! … (It is on the left. Valentina and Ricardo left alone.)

VALENTINA. – In Europe!

RICARDO. – In Europe!

VALENTINA. – Again to civilization with all the suffering that civilization reservation.

RICARDO. – Y or malaria, or the “boumerang” or nothing kills a … VALENTINA. – Do not think about getting the completion of our suffering at the expense of a mortal sin. You must have courage and fight to the end … RICARDO. – Until the end … To what end? If not for us to exist … VALENTINA. – If we could assume that we would come to this … RICARDO. – Yes, if we could show it off … VALENTINA. – (Approaching him and leaning on his shoulder.) But we loved a lot …

RICARDO. – Much! … VALENTINA. – And what love would not have received with joy one thing that allowed them to extend the love for years and years, forever? Do not you remember the excitement and joy that afternoon, to take us the salts, you said: “It is the first time that a lover can rightly ask if you are wanting forever!” RICARDO. – Yes I agree. But for Humanity, to the word “always” has a limited sense and only makes sense for us precisely the word “forever” … And it’s horrible! VALENTINA. – Horrible! … Thinking that there was a day we rejoiced the idea that, thanks to immortality, we would know grandchildren, great grandchildren, and sons of great-grandchildren and great-grandchildren!… And look, or old age of the children we were able to resist! For all parents, with the aging and degenerate over the years, feel the joy of seeing the arrogance of youth for their children, and we have witnessed the decline and degeneration of us, as we kept a youth up to them. And it was as if the steal.

RICARDO. – Our youth, Valentina, is just outside. Although no age is older. And I have ninety-three years and you eighty-eight. And as much as we want to forget, the truth is that in our souls, most centenarians, there are no desires, no hopes, no dreams, there is no longer something frozen that it is old age.

VALENTINA. – However, I … There are days that recapture the mood and I think that if we made an effort about ourselves, maybe we could see us each differently.

RICARDO. – What other way?

VALENTINA. – As before … Since then …

RICARDO. – (Breaking into laughter.) Since then … With two children and old … With a granddaughter who will soon marry … And with nearly a century in the soul … So you think we can reach us as before? (Back to laugh.) Valentina, you are an old fool.

VALENTINA. – Ricardo …

RICARDO. – Well, of course, Valentina … Do not think about that. To me love and one thing I find bizarre, and you, but sometimes I hesitate, too.

VALENTINA. – (Desesperada.) But that’s life hell …

RICARDO. – Sure it is … Do you understand now? (Inside, on the left, Daisy hears anguished cry.)

HORTENSIA. – Ah … Ah … Help! … Help! …

VALENTINA and RICARDO. – (At the same time.) Eh?


RICARDO. – It’s Daisy … (On the left is Heliodorus.’s An old very old, going completely naked, except for a small loincloth, and is a constant curtidísimo life in the sun. It is the wild has been discovered whose footprints Emiliano. Heliodoro is white, but the island is seventy years and has forgotten the native language, and emit only inarticulate sounds. A alborotadísima hair, absolutely white, covers the head and falls in Grenada on all sides, and face the beard is invaded by that, at the front, you get near the knees. Heliodoro appears from the left, as if from running away scared of the screams of Hortensia. When I saw him, Valentina shrieked in horror.)


RICARDO. – Huh? VALENTINA. – Aaaaaay! … (Before the scream of Valentina, Heliodorus is scared again, and giving a start, crosses the stage and disappears rapidly from the right. Valentina, terrified, took refuge in the arms of Ricardo.) Have you seen? Have you seen? RICARDO. – A wild! … There is a savage on the island! … Wait! Do not move! (It is released and starts the exit on the right.)

VALENTINA. – Ricardo! …

RICARDO. – I’ve seen where it’s gone! Be still here … (He goes right for the second term.)

VALENTINA. – Do not go! … Do not leave me alone! … Hey! … (For the second term left is Daisy, still not recovered from the shock that has given Heliodorus.) HORTENSIA. – Valentina! VALENTINA. – Hortensia! … (It’s on each other’s arms.)

HORTENSIA. – A wild! … It was a wild! …

VALENTINA. – A wild, yeah!

HORTENSIA. – Have you seen him?

VALENTINA. – He went through here, and I cry, fled there. Ricardo is going back. HORTENSIA. – My God … I thought to die of fright! … Across the square of the coconut trees! … But when you say you fled you scream? VALENTINA. – Yes

HORTENSIA. – It would be because they shy away from Ricardo. Because I ran it so suddenly and, as I got out the voice of the throat, scream, and he then came up to me …

VALENTINA. – Jesus! … Can you approached?

HORTENSIA. – Yes, I was approached, but without giving any sign of ferocity, but rather with a look seductive …

VALENTINA. – With a seductive gesture? … Is it a wild satyr, Hortensia?

HORTENSIA. – Do not know, but it terrified me even more and began to call for help, and hearing me for help, was when he fled in that direction …

VALENTINA. – Yes, yes …

HORTENSIA. – God forgive me, Valentina, I have not seen more than a moment, but …

VALENTINA. – But what?

HORTENSIA. – That I’d swear that those crazy eyes I do not completely unknown.

VALENTINA. – What things you, Hortense!

HORTENSIA. – Of course many people have known a hundred and one years … (Inside, on the right, sounding voices.) Do you hear? EMILIANO. – (Offstage) Hold on this side, doctor!

RICARDO. – (Offstage) Hard to him!

EMILIANO. – (Offstage) Let’s see if we catch you live ..

Bremon. – (Offstage) Caution!

EMILIANO. – (Offstage) Over here, over here.

Bremon. – (Offstage) Here goes! Here goes! Here goes! Here goes!

EMILIANO. – (Offstage) It’s mine! …

RICHARD and Bremon. – (At the same time. In.) It’s ours is ours …

VALENTINA. – (Looking for the right.) Emiliano Son and the doctor, who returned … And watch … They have hunted the savage, assisted by Ricardo … Here they come, and come …

HORTENSIA. – Poor thing! … How to bring it! …

VALENTINA. – They’re here. (On the right, Emiliano, and Richard and Heliodoro Bremon. The first three bring to Heliodorus, caught by the arms and knees, in a twinkling, so that the savage does not touch the ground and the only thing that drags the ground are beards.)

EMILIANO. – Doctor, collect the beard, I am going to be stepping …

RICARDO. – Trae, we will make a knot, it will be more comfortable. (Heliodoro angry debate.) Gee, what a genius you! …

Bremon. – Loose him, let him quiet, not forced myself to anything. Keep in mind that is accustomed to absolute freedom …

RICARDO. – And mind, we are not large. (Enter Emiliano and he placed in the trunk of the tree. He is surrounded by all watching him.)

EMILIANO. – To see what he does and see what makes … HELIODORO. – Atajú … Atajú … Agatula … Nitacaual …… Atajú au …

EMILIANO. – Go problem it is taking me. Bremon. – That’s who does not like to be touched beard. Same happened to a friend of mine, Professor of Chemistry. EMILIANO. – You see, doctor, what was really my discovery of footprints? HELIODORO. – Cataxca butler … Nitacaual … EMILIANO. – And to think that maybe we are saying is called Pepe … (A Heliodorus.) “Parlez-vous français?” Bremon. – “Do you speak English? Sprechen sie Deutsch?” RICARDO. – “Parlato italiano?” (New silence.) EMILIANO. – “Fable Vostro lingua de Camoes escelenza year?” EVERYONE. – (Desalentados.) Nothing! RICARDO. – No French, No English or German, or Portuguese, or Italian … EMILIANO. – To see if an idiot … Bremon. – My personal impression is that, because of a long existence in the midst of loneliness, has completely forgotten the native language, which is one of just listening. It’s probably thrown a drowning man to these shores, God knows how many years ago, for the appearance, is very old. RICARDO. – What years do you think may have? Bremon. – Too many. We see that the outdoor life has been strengthened, but I do not miss anything that had even next century… HORTENSIA. – (Nerviosísima.) is not possible! It would be too coincidental … God, what a horrible idea assaulted me! Bremon. – An idea! You? HORTENSIA. – Without knowing why … What horror! … I just thought, Ceferino, at … … My husband, who died in a shipwreck seventy years ago, do not you remember? Bremon. – But that’s crazy. VALENTINA. – A folly … RICARDO. – No way. HORTENSIA. – But what if he is? I can not believe … Bremon. – Oh, come on … HORTENSIA. – Let me, Ceferino; I do a test. My conscience obliges me to do … Even if true, this would reopen an abyss between you and me … Let me … (Moving to Heliodorus, the smiles on the spot.) VALENTINA. – The smiles politely! Bremon. – The smile! EMILIANO. – If the kindly smile, not her husband. HELIODORO. – Atajú … VALENTINA. – And says “Atajú” … EMILIANO. – Good: this also told me to me before. Bremon. – Come on closer and slowly pronounce his name. HORTENSIA. – (Obeying Bremon.) Heliodoro! HELIODORO. – (Looking at it as a suggestion and speaking slowly and without expression.) Hor-ten-SIAA!

HORTENSIA. – AAAAAA! … It’s him! … It’s him! … (Huye.)

Bremon. – Hortensia! (He goes to her.) VALENTINA. – Holy Virgin! … Bremon. – Good God! … EMILIANO. – (A Heliodorus, which covers it completely indifferent.) Well, Rich, have you made it already … HELIODORO. – Atajú … EMILIANO. – Yes, yes, atajú, but have you made … HELIODORO. – Hortensia … Hortensia … (She goes to her.) HORTENSIA. – No, no. I do not want to see you! … Bremon. – Do not approach, Emiliano. Do not go near it because I do not answer me. HORTENSIA. – Ceferino … (Enter Ricardo Emiliano and subjected to Heliodorus.) EMILIANO. – Quiet, man! What dog has caught on quickly. Sure seventy years to live separately from the missus is reason to be willing to devote a parrafillo, but … But you, doctor, has to hurt. Bremon. – Take it … Where I do not see … Where not know you exist. EMILIANO. – Yes, sir. We are going to tie a coconut tree, Ricardo. RICARDO. – Go. Check this one hand, Valentina. EMILIANO. – Anda, Heliodorus, son, come with us. Come here, from coconut … HELIODORO. – Coconuts? EMILIANO. – Yes, son, yes, and if you stay here, coconut party may be yours. (We are on the right. Bremon has sat hopelessly in the trunk of the tree. Hortensia, who has been alone with him, approaches him.) HORTENSIA. – Ceferino! … Bremon. – Let me … HORTENSIA. – Jealousy, Ceferino? … When there is no rival, we consider it inappropriate to be jealous, it’s true … But when there is rivalry, children, teenagers and grandparents, everyone is jealous … See what a coincidence! … Bremon. – Accurate and beautiful! HORTENSIA. – Huh? What? Bremon. – I do not know. The appearance of this unfortunate and verify that your husband has disturbed me in a way … Perhaps it symbolizes the obstacle that human beings need to wake you desire. HORTENSIA. – Is it possible? Is it possible? My God … Then we will have almost be thankful that did not die in shipwreck. Bremon. – No. Because I had found the solution to our torture … He had found … And it was wonderful … HORTENSIA. – What? Bremon. – Listen, Hortensia. A while ago, when Emiliano defended me against your accusations, I’ve been about to discover to the success of my new work, and say, “Suffer and suffer, because if I want, we’ll all be fatal as before, only better off than before … ” HORTENSIA. – Huh? Bremon. – I have been ready to scream: “I can give you back a taste of life we have lost.I’ve been about to discover the greatest prodigy who conceived the human mind: a prodigy even better than that of immortality … “HORTENSIA. – Ceferino! Bremon. – But Heliodorus appeared, your husband … And resolved quiet, because the only way out of the way is definitely remain immortal until he dies. HORTENSIA. – But is it that you’ve discovered one thing for …? Bremon. – Yes, to die … But after a life of happiness … Quintessential of that unspeakable … Of infinite enjoyment …

HORTENSIA. – Ceferino! Bremon. – Hush, hush, they’re coming! Do not tell them anything.

HORTENSIA. – My God … God of my soul … (Da signs of great agitation. For the first right, Valentina and Ricardo are contemplating the landscape.) RICARDO. – Five years living in it and is the first time we realize that the island is beautiful! VALENTINA. – True, Ricardo. RICARDO. – And he was right that Meighan glance offered here in the woods … Huh? VALENTINA. – Actually, great. RICARDO. – It’s great! … VALENTINA. – Magnificent! … (On the right is Emiliano, and leans grateful, and if the compliments were for him.) EMILIANO. – Thanks, Richard! Thanks, Valentina! RICARDO. – We are referring to the woods, you idiot. Bremon. – The forest and the island, Emiliano, who now love it because they know they have to leave. EMILIANO. – As it seems incredible that such a law take them a few coconut trees twenty-eight different families of mosquitoes! RICARDO. – (Turning to Bremon.) Just … Since we love life itself if it was not … So it is, and who is … EMILIANO. – Have you started? I agree I said no blame for the doctor! HORTENSIA. – And now less than ever. Bremon. – Silence, Daisy! HORTENSIA. – I will not shut up! … All we have wronged you, and I do not keep quiet … Ceferino has discovered something that neutralizes the effect of the old salts … VALENTINA, EMILIANO and RICARDO. – Huh? HORTENSIA. – And we are going to live for years of happiness unspeakable. VALENTINA. – Doctor! … RICARDO. – Speak, Ceferino. EMILIANO. – This tiger science frightens me. Bremon. – Have not you repeatedly mutinied against me because you feel unable to cope with eternal life? For what I was going to propose to you is … Fixed-term death. RICHARD and VALENTINA. – Fixed-term death … EMILIANO. – Wow, what a proposition! Bremon. – I was going to propose you expose them to young people in earnest, and be every day, and finally … Die of children. RICARDO, VALENTINA and hydrangeas. – How? EMILIANO. – Dying of children? I lose my head … Bremon. – Do you think I’m crazy, just like in 1860? (Taking a test tubes on the table.) And yet … Can you believe these test tubes? They contain an alkaloid …, that of “alga frigidaris.” Like all alkaloids, the “frigidalina” has an extremely aggressive power and goes beyond the old salts. This not only preserves the tissues, but the younger so that whoever you take it, each year will have a year less, to reach youth, then a teenager, then to children, and finally, the disappearance, death … EMILIANO. – And we would die with a pacifier? Bremon. – As kids, but after living years delicious, in full and real youth and the encouragement of certain death, which would give us a constant desire to aspire to everything and enjoy everything … RICARDO. – And hearts would not be stopped. EMILIANO. – Now would you hearts with reverse. VALENTINA. – Five hearts with brake and reverse. EMILIANO.- No. Four, because you will do what they want, but I this time I took the concoction. EVERYONE. – What? EMILIANO. – Not. Because one of us should remain immortal to care for others when they are toddlers. You will see how well they give me the bottle you … RICARDO. – Ceferino, are you sure about all this? Bremon. – Yes I checked the bugs also in the yard, as I did with the salts. And the power of the alkaloid is so intense, that animals which have not previously given the salts, to give the alkaloid childhood again instantly. RICARDO. – But we would return to childhood gradually? Bremon. – Year after year we would live, in reverse, all our past life. VALENTINA and hydrangeas. – Jesus! … (Emiliano takes a test tube and goes off on the right.)

RICARDO. – Well, I take it … (Taking another tube.)

Bremon. – Ricardo!

RICARDO. – I’ll take … (A Val.) And you too. And Daisy … All …

Bremon. – Daisy and I, no. We need to remain immortal to give rise to die Heliodorus.

HORTENSIA. – But, Ceferino … If Heliodoro can not live more than two or three years ago … If is a hundred and three, without salt …

RICARDO. – Of course, what gives you the most? (There are separate speaking. On the right, Emiliano with the empty tube.)

EMILIANO. – It is … Bremon. – What’s it? Can you have taken you, Emiliano? EMILIANO. – I’ve pushed Don Heliodorus.


EMILIANO. – Have not you said that giving it to anyone who has not eaten before the salts that someone becomes a child at the time? As I rocked him for re Atajú child, and stop being an obstacle for you. You are here playing gua … Look …

EVERYONE. – What? (Moves to the right and pulls the child from seven or eight years that has been agreed Heliodorus, and is dressed just like him.)

HELIODORO. – Atajú …

EVERYONE. – (Looking back with a cry of horror.) Oh …



Parlor room in the house of the sons of Richard and Valentina. A luxury is being seen in the smallest details and a fashionable modernism presides over everything. Wide doorway in the last term on the right corner by the forum, which lets you view forillo lobby. The forum left, a large window forillo of modern town houses. Another door on the right and another on the left, second and first, respectively. Modern furniture. A sitting area between the windows and the door of the left first, and a few chairs and a table in the first right, near the door of the second term on that side. Lamps, etc.. Hanging on the wall, a mix with some of the weapons that appeared at the door of the barge in the previous document, the Emiliano fur suit, two or three “boumerangs, a knife, an ax and a leather sanda-lies . It’s four o’clock, more or less, a good spring day. When the curtain rises on stage Emiliano, Elisa, Margarita, and Florence. Elisa, the daughter of Richard and Valentina is a woman in her sixties, very nervous and fitted with a mental disorganization that makes very difficult any dialogue with her. Margarita, his daughter, and granddaughter, therefore, Valentina and Richard, is a beautiful woman of about thirty years. And in regard to Florence, it is a maiden. Emiliano is unknown, well dressed and groomed, and remains, steadfast, how old accounts in previous act. Elisa, sitting on the couch, crying hopelessly, helplessly comforted by Margarita and Emiliano. Florence, standing, waiting with a cup of lime in a tray. ACTION BEGINS

EMILIANO. – Courage, Elisa! MARGARITA. – Come on, Mom, relax. ELISA. – How can you reassure me, my child? How do you want to calm me down, if we are going to kill trouble? What day is today? Friday “?

EMILIANO. – No. Tuesday. ELISA. – (Turning to them, more tears than ever.) Ah! Tuesday … You see how I have I right when I say that Saturdays are for me days of bad luck?

EMILIANO. – (Aside) Come, morena! FLORENCE. – Take the lady is tila … (Providing the cup.) ELISA. – How is a linden?

MARGARITA. – Drink, Mom.

ELISA. – Oh dear soul, what a cross! … What cross! … But what have I done to deserve this punishment old age? And the picture that … (Señalando.) put it right, Emiliano, you know I can not stand anything twisted, man …

EMILIANO. – Next. (Obedece.) This is easy. The worst was yesterday, in the lounge, who insisted on seeing the picture right the tower of Pisa.

ELISA. – Virgen del Carmen … What misfortunes bigger! (A Florence.) What did you say this is?

FLORENCE. – Tila, ma’am.

ELISA. – Drink?

MARGARITA. – Yes, of course, mamma, to drink.

EMILIANO. – (Aside) Poor lady! It’s made a mess. MARGARITA. – Go on, take it … (Doña Elisa to take sips.) EMILIANO. – (A Florence.) Anyway, what’s happened? FLORENCE. – You know the drill, not a change, Don Emiliano. That, as usual, Ms. Valentina and Master Ricardo have gone back to sleep at dawn, and drunk. MARGARITA. – And together with my husband, who follows his companion in carousing, as usual, too. ELISA. – And if that’s just what they have done … MARGARITA. – Is not that only, Mom? ELISA. – No, dear, no. Today they have done nothing worse than have dared … Today they have dared to the most terrible … A most terrible! … These parents are going to take life! FLORENCE. – (A Elisa.) Parents, ma’am? MARGARITA. – (A Florence, very bad air.) Grandchildren mean woman … FLORENCE. – It’s that calls parents often miss. EMILIANO. – Because you know that is becoming increasingly … (He bit a temple with the index.) ELISA. – (Always in tears.) And yet your father and husband (A Margarita.) Are men, and men are excused many things, but Mom takes the life he leads … FLORENCE. – (A Emiliano and Margarita.) Do you see how mother called Miss Valentina? MARGARITA. – (Abruptly.) Well, Florence, you’re good … Take the cup and go to your chores. FLORENCE. – Yes, ma’am. (He takes the cup and goes down the forum.) MARGARITA. – (Spying on the exit of Florence. A Elisa, in a hurry.) For God’s sake, Mom, ten carefully and note what you say and who is ahead when you talk! … ELISA. – Huh? MARGARITA. – Have you been putting their foot, discovering the true personality of the grandparents. ELISA. – Me? But do you hear, Emiliano? EMILIANO. – Yes It’s true. ELISA. – What is it? EMILIANO. – Yes the girl in front of you called mom to Valentina. MARGARITA. – Dad And Grandpa Richard. ELISA. – For what I have to call them? EMILIANO. – (Aside) Go with God! MARGARITA. – You have to call grandchildren, as always, to justify his youth and mislead the people … ELISA. – Sure … And everyone, since they came to Spain and began to rejuvenate, I have presented as my grandchildren … MARGARITA. – But in front of the girl, now, have called parents. ELISA. – As my parents are really … MARGARITA. – Yes, but you know you have to hide it. ELISA. – And I bear no hiding for years? MARGARITA. – But now … EMILIANO. – (Interrupting, aside.) Leave it, it’s useless, ELISA. – Well, dear, get some rest. Good night, Emiliano. I’m going to bed. (Starts the exit on the left.) MARGARITA. – To sleep? But if it’s four o’clock, Mom.ELISA. – Takes! … I was surprised by something I do not feel sleepy … Then I will see if they have brought the evening papers. (Down the forum.) EMILIANO. – (Gazing at the exit.) If you go looking. MARGARITA. – Poor Mom! It is impossible. The best day I discovered everything, and if you knew the truth, says Dr. Bremon to find out the secret of his discovery, would have to riots and disturbances. EMILIANO. – Female, calculated with revulsion that humanity has for death! The day known to me with this face, I have a hundred and nineteen years, the doctor and Hortensia, who spend two newlyweds have met one hundred fifteen and one hundred and thirty, and Richard and Valentina, who are two boys revelers wandering walk five hundred and one hundred and ten … Cisco imagine the world as … The current international conflict would be “silly symphonies.” That would have to intervene Geneva, simply! MARGARITA. – For that is so poor mom. EMILIANO. – For fear to intervene Geneva, of course.

MARGARITA. – The immortality of you, and above all for the immortality of the grandparents, who have completely unbalanced. EMILIANO. – Yes, It is known that the good lady could not bear the thought of growing old and that her parents are still young. In fact, any brain would suffer a bit by having to accept that, and as, apparently, the brain of Elisa has never been something to write home … MARGARITA. – Emiliano, my mother! … EMILIANO. – Sorry, but this mess to pass to each other, do not you realize who you’re talking … MARGARITA. – And in recent years I believe that Mom has been even worse. EMILIANO. – Yes, and also tell because, as since we returned from the island her parents not only are young people, but each year have one less, because, for many scientific explanations to be given, the poor worse every day understands , and increasingly more chala. And this is nothing: for now the good lady just need to digest what their parents are two crazy boys, but in ten years, for example, when you have to dismiss every morning they go to school … MARGARITA. – Terrible, Emiliano! EMILIANO. – And the day I have to attend the desbautizo of the two. MARGARITA. – Calle, by God! EMILIANO. – And when, in fifteen or eighteen, if he lives, find that you have to give talcum powder to their parents … MARGARITA. – Jesus! EMILIANO. – We expect a future mental horror. MARGARITA. – A future awaits us all a terrible, even to me. EMILIANO. – Do you? MARGARITA. – If what I suspect is true of my husband, Emiliano. EMILIANO. – Huh? MARGARITA. – Do not want to think, but that that Fernando did not separate or sun or shade of the grandparents, especially Grandma … Fernando has always been a very serious man, but extremely passionate … EMILIANO. – Wow … You’re not going to suspect that walk behind Fernando Val … It would be too far-fetched: a husband in love with his wife’s grandmother! … MARGARITA. – Unlikely, when the grandmother represents seventeen years and is ten times more attractive than me? EMILIANO. – Yes that’s true. MARGARITA. – Well, thank you very much! EMILIANO. – Sorry. I did not know what he said … MARGARITA. – It is much more serious than it seems, Emiliano. EMILIANO. – Yes If it is really a disaster. MARGARITA. – And as a mom has said before that have now done more than paint the town red … EMILIANO. – Well, see if we learn what they have done … FEDERICO. – (Within shouting indignantly.) Can not stand it! … Do not take it anymore! … MARGARITA. – Here comes Uncle Frederick.He will tell us. (From the right comes Frederick, brother of Elisa, and the other son, therefore, of Richard and Valentina. He is a gentleman of more than sixty years, yet strong and robust and great vitality. Comes desperate. I still timidly Fernando , Margarita’s husband, who is thirty years long.) Fernando. – But, man, Federico … FEDERICO. – Do not tell me anything, because you are as guilty as they, or more. Because if you did not accompany revel in his life, or make them laugh thank my father and my mother did not follow this path of destruction … Because my parents, basically, are good, and what are the bad company spoils … (By Elisa enters the forum, and forgot nothing and very astonished at the attitude of Frederick, so.) ELISA. – But what? What happens? EMILIANO. – (Aside) This is no longer remembers anything … ELISA. – What are these voices, Federico? FEDERICO. – And you ask me, sister? And until you’ve gotten sick to discover the new deed of parents? ELISA. – Oh Jesus of the soul is truth! (She sits.) MARGARITA. – But what is it that …? FEDERICO. – After having wasted two or three years what they failed to inherit their uncle Robert, and why not charged until the age of ninety years, now want to leave us also in the street. Where are those two? MARGARITA. – Grandparents? Rising, Uncle Frederick.

FEDERICO. – Get up at four in the afternoon! … A good example that we give the children! … Fortunately, one need not and example of parents. (He walks desperate) Emiliano: Go you to tell them when they are ready to be submitted. EMILIANO. – Voy. (It is on the left.) Fernando. – And last night I assure you I have not spoken at all … FEDERICO. – Do not know if you’ve spoken or not, but that is no doubt you’re spoiling. Because my parents were not previously the case. Fernando. – Because before were older and more aplomb and have now entered the age of fun … ELISA. – That is true, Federico; think that if our parents have fun, after all are in the age … FEDERICO. – (A Fernando.) Exactly, so you, you ought to have the trial that starts to cut them, I believe in the obligation to second step leaving your wife. ELISA. – This poor girl, who is a saint … MARGARITA. – I resolve this issue myself, man. Fernando and I’ll talk. Fernando. – I have nothing to say. (On the left re-enters Emiliano.) EMILIANO. – (A Frederick.) So nice, Federico, who now come. FEDERICO. – How have you found? EMILIANO. – Well, I found them … Worried a bit different … FEDERICO. – You can … After what I have dared to do … MARGARITA. – But what has become what they have done, Uncle Frederick? FEDERICO. – That what happened? I have removed nine thousand pesetas of the box … That is what has been! MARGARITA. – God! EMILIANO. – Gee! ELISA. – And in small bills, bulking more. FEDERICO. – A life that leads idle and think only about having fun, and brand cars, and “cabarets” … We begin by taking money to the son … EMILIANO. – The parent. FEDERICO. – To the son, because I have taken from me. EMILIANO. – I say it often starts by taking money to the father … FEDERICO. – Ah … Yes .. Of course … That’s how often, and terrible in our case. Because when it is the children that take the money to the father, the father gets into Santa Rita to their children. But what about me? How to get into Santa Rita to my parents? EMILIANO. – Yes, of course, do not tolerate other parents. FEDERICO. – Do parents from whom? EMILIANO. – Parents of Santa Rita. The monks, come on… ELISA. – You’re crazy, Federico! Our parents in a reformatory! … To limit! … FEDERICO. – I know it is not possible, but you can not go on like this … What would you do in my case, Emiliano, you, a man of experience and years? … EMILIANO. – One hundred and nineteen, Federico. FEDERICO. – What would you do in my place, my father? EMILIANO. – Why do not you force him to enlist? ELISA. – Jesus! FEDERICO. – It’s a bit strong … It really is a bit strong, Emiliano. (For the forum, Florence, advertising.) FLORENCE. – Dr. And Mrs. Bremon. EMILIANO. – Man! … ELISA. – (Rising) I love the coming of the doctor, I have to ask opinion to line armchairs. MARGARITA. – But, Mom! … (Goes to the forum, through which enter Bremon and Hortensia. Florence go back instantly. Bremon is splendid young, smart and worldly, representing some thirty years. Hortensia, elegant too, is made a girl of twenty Aprils .) ELISA. – Dear doctor! Bremon. – Mrs. ELISA. – Hortensia! Bremon. – Don Frederick Friend … EMILIANO. – Don Ceferino … Blessed are the eyes … Bremon. – Emilia

HORTENSIA. – What, Daisy? MARGARITA. – (A Hortense, on the couch together with Elisa.) You, Hortensia, younger every day … And it is not complimentary … HORTENSIA. – No, of course. As we increasingly being young is a reality. Last Tuesday, exactly, was my descumpleaños. ELISA. – And how many has descumplido you? HORTENSIA. – How many years have descumplido, Ceferino? Bremon. – Twenty-five, Chatita. And I will be the first to descumpla thirty. ELISA. – How lucky you Against Non-Compliance are so many! When I think that my poor parents have descumplido and eighteen and sixteen, and that will soon enter into childhood! … HORTENSIA. – Come on, Elisa, you throw these ideas funeral! ELISA. – You do not know how all this upsets me! … HORTENSIA. – Sure … Bremon. – It’s natural … But think you that what upsets you, little girl, is the happiness of ourselves and, especially, that of your parents. FEDERICO. – Are you really happy? Bremon. – (Turning to Hortensia.) Do you hear, babe? What if we are happy? HORTENSIA. – Wow, that if we are happy! … Bremon. – But you do not realize what it is to relive the youth and see that her hair is coming to an … The speed with which they fell … And that he goes back to one of its original color? HORTENSIA. – And that the body gets stronger every day until the day comes that you do not need a belt. EMILIANO. – And be felt more and more health, the doctor had a final stomach ulcer and was removed on Thursday … EVERYONE. – Is it true? Bremon. – Word, word. And a wheel that had minced Despic me yesterday. HORTENSIA. – And more to revive the hopes of love … Bremon. – And go forgetting everything you learned … FEDERICO. – What! Do you forget? Bremon. – Claro. Can not you see we live down? As each day passes we know less. I, of my career, and am in the fourth year. And happy to get to the preparatory, because happiness is ignorance, youth, passion … Especially in the passions! … (Rising and going to Hortensia.) Hortensia mine! … HORTENSIA. – Ceferino! Bremon. – Excuse me, but not so long ago I kiss you! … (He kisses her.) And also, we know this now that is not eternal, we have counted the years, because every minute lost digs into the soul. (Transición.) course, also the joy of our love is clouds! MARGARITA. – Clouds? HORTENSIA. – Come on, Ceferino, do not start… FEDERICO. – Then what happens? HORTENSIA. – Jealousy, that you can not live. ELISA. – Wow, how funny! … Has jealousy! … As my late before you die! Bremon. – You know it is not jealousy, Hortensia, they’re facts. Because the lieutenant of Engineers that round the balconies … And the State Attorney mezzanine … And the circus tightrope that … HORTENSIA. – Well, Ceferino, well. Bremon. – Flirt with every living creature, this is the truth. And as is so young and pretty, and the only thing you forgot is the experience of one hundred and fifteen years of cute … Brings me head! MARGARITA. – Yes, apparently, women who enjoy the mixture of old age and youth are an irresistible attraction. EMILIANO. – (Aside to Fernando.) Over there shooting with a bullet, Fernandito! Bremon. – Now, for my part, this has been done. On Tuesday, we’ll be rich, we go abroad to a country where Hortensia not understand the language. FEDERICO. – What are you rich on Tuesday, doctor? Bremon. – Yes, and Emiliano too. And Ricardo. And Valentina. EMILIANO. – Huh? “I rich? Doctor, do not play you in the heart of the points … Explain … Bremon. – For this was the future: because, after this week, life insurance expire we did in 1860, when we take the salts. EMILIANO. – Gee! It’s true! FEDERICO. – And you are …? Bremon. – One million pesetas each. T he OTHERS. – A million?

Bremon. – I phoned the director of the insurance company and I have quoted here, that we are all together when it comes. EMILIANO. – But … And we paid? Because I do not believe in insurance companies or Pink pills. Bremon. – They refuse to believe that we live, and think that we are phishers, but when we show them that we are we have no choice but to pay. EMILIANO. – Fortunately, because this is not a never die, if money is being achieved. FEDERICO. – What really glad my parents, doctor, for taking money again, may go on without me anything to take away from the box. Bremon. – How? Did he have taken from you …? FEDERICO. – Yes, sir. That was his last prank. Bremon. – Come on … What these guys! … What guys! … EMILIANO. – (You’re on the left with Fernando.) Here come the kids, Federico. Fernando. – I do not want to witness the upset. (He goes to the right.) MARGARITA. – You are right. Neither do I. And talk about two words you and me. Excuse … (He goes after Fernando, on the right.) ELISA. – By God, Federico! … No scolded them a lot! … Think that, after all, are our parents! Oh, this is beyond my strength! (He returns to his tears.) HORTENSIA. – (Comforter) Ms. Elisa … (On the left are, first, Valentina, and then Ricardo.) VALENTINA. – (Tímidamente.) Is it possible? ELISA. – Angels … Ask if they can … FEDERICO. – Go … (Enter Valentina and Ricardo. They seem, indeed, two boys of sixteen and eighteen years respectively. They stop at the door.) VALENTINA. – Good afternoon, everyone … RICARDO. – Good afternoon. HORTENSIA. – Valentina Darling (goes with Bremon toward them.) VALENTINA. – Hortensia! RICARDO. – Hello, Ceferino! Bremon. – Hey, kid! VALENTINA. – How beautiful and how young you are! HORTENSIA. – Yes, you can talk to you, you’re a girl! ELISA. – Actually, Fred, glad to see them! … What parent suns! … FEDERICO. – Yes, very rich are the two. Very rich! … (Valentina and Ricardo stop in his conversation with Bremon and Hortense to hear the last sentence of Frederick.) EMILIANO. – (Aside to Valentina and Ricardo, Federico.) Is biting! And opened last month dentures, go to the eye. (Bremon and Hortensia prudently return to their previous positions.) FEDERICO. – What? Satisfaction of your feat, eh? RICARDO. – We assure you, my son … FEDERICO. – Yes, I know what you’re going to say, Dad, apologies and lies and promises that will not happen again, but we are tired … We had enough! … ELISA. – Frederick, by God! FEDERICO. – And what fills the measure did yesterday! … You have squandered it and now your have reached the most they can get some parents! … In the most embarrassing thing already …! VALENTINA. – Well, my son is fine. FEDERICO. – What? VALENTINA. – That is well, my son. That, for my part, I am not prepared to allow us gritéis, because you never what I endured, and I will not stand it now over the years. (A Ricardo.) You have always had the defect of being too soft on the children, and you see the result: we disrespect. RICARDO. – Yes, you’re right. FEDERICO. – (A burst.) But … VALENTINA. – No buts about it, Chichin. Assuming that we we did something bad, that we are only a feature of our age, children’s duty to apologize to the parents, not accuse. FEDERICO. – (Compungido.) But, Mom!

RICARDO. – (Recovering his dignity as a father.) That’s … And if we are distracted a lot of the box, anyone have to realize, because we are parents and as parents, own everything. FEDERICO. – (Compungido.) But, Dad! RICARDO. – And you are silent! … VALENTINA. – Chichin, not a word. Take example of Chichita, which is far more docile than you … FEDERICO. – Well, well … That’s all I heard was that, at my age … EMILIANO. – And a month to release the teeth! VALENTINA. – More years have we … RICARDO. – Do you have seen similar urchin? EMILIANO. – Give it a couple of lashes, Ricardo. FEDERICO. – On top of that! … On top of that! … Having to endure that! … (He goes to the left fuming.) ELISA. – Good heavens! This situation makes me Tarumba, Emiliano! EMILIANO. – And to anyone, daughter to anyone! ELISA. – (At the exit, talking to himself.) And then are surprised that say one thing for another and that makes a soup with a fork. (It is on the right.) EMILIANO. – (Referring to those who have gone.) Well, you have made the dust, eh? And I think they are right. RICARDO. – All we are right, Emiliano. They are old and think and feel old, but that’s no reason to want us to sacrifice his youth happy that we get out of hand for days … Bremon. – That hurts, that we must use every hour! VALENTINA. – Is every hour? Every minute … Every second you have to use it and squeezing it, and consume laugh and enjoy the sun, air and light that leads one into. And in the desire to … (He hugs Ricardo.) Bremon. – In loving each other. It is said. (He hugs Daisy.) You, Emiliano, you can not understand … EMILIANO. – No, sir. For me, dying is wrong. Bremon. – What will be! T he TRES. – No way! Bremon. – Dying is a great success … To die is to live … When life has taken advantage of, to die is to live. Just as when you have not taken advantage of life, to live is to die. RICARDO. – So live your life, but also living death. Bremon. – Yeah, yeah … EVERYONE. – Vivaaa! Bremon. – Do not envy you your immortality, Emiliano. What will you do with the times in Europe? Jaleos “politicians? EMILIANO. – I do not believe me I’m not interested in that. The only thing I can think Chincha is to get the deal…, Because as I’ve been postman … (For the forum appear Florence with a tray and a card in it.) FLORENCE. – Doctor … Bremon. – What? FLORENCE. – This gentleman, who says that the lord has said here to an issue. Bremon. – Ah! Will the director of the Insurance Company … Happens. (Florence is going again.) It is true that I have told you. In this week due to insurance we did the year sixty. RICARDO. – I thought not due until June … Bremon. – In June we will all be rich. VALENTINA. – Rich … RICARDO. – Rich … Bremon. – (Reading the card.) Just … He is … “Welcome Corujedo, director of …” EMILIANO. – Corujedo? But listen, do not Corujedo also called the agent who signed our policies? Bremon. – It’s true. HORTENSIA. – Is it the same? Bremon. – How will be the same, if that makes seventy-five years! EMILIANO. – To see if there was someone else who has invented you salts? Bremon. – Do not talk nonsense. What may happen is that either son or grandson of that Corujedo that the insurance business has passed from father to son … VALENTINA. – Yes, of course … RICARDO. – That will be. (For the forum, Florence.) FLORENCE. – Go, sir.

(The forum appears Corujedo. Is a man of thirty years, almost identical to Corujedo the first act, very well dressed. Florence is gone. The characters are on stage staring at Corujedo.) Bremon. – Yeah, right … That’s … Relative to the other. RICARDO. – No more than him. HORTENSIA. – Stop him. VALENTINA. – The same face. EMILIANO. – Same … Same … CORUJEDO. – (Somewhat strange.) Good afternoon. Bremon. – And the same voice. HORTENSIA. – The same … (Look closely.) EMILIANO. – What to see? And the very noses … Bremon. – No, sorry, Emiliano, but the nose the less sharp is this sir. CORUJEDO. – Huh? EMILIANO. – Absolutely not! … Unless specifically marked otherwise you well, in profile .. Tan apinochadas as the other. (He turns it over to Corujedo like a piece of furniture.) Bremon. – (Examinándole.) SHPs! … In profile, yes, but … Ease Up head. (Emiliano down her head.) Súbasela Now … (Emiliano it rises.) Yeah, yeah. They are the very noses. CORUJEDO. – What can we know to what the hell is this? Bremon. – Excuse me, sir Corujedo … I do not know what to say to excuse our behavior, but we were surprised to see both … CORUJEDO. – No, no, no … If all is because it has to happen. If properly. Bremon. – Huh? CORUJEDO. – What do I want to know, being of paramount importance, is who you are now referred when speaking of my nose. Bremon. – We referred to the agent who in 1860 hired our insurance … CORUJEDO. – At the agen … EMILIANO. – And Corujedo also named Elijah Corujedo. CORUJEDO. – My mother! EMILIANO. – Do you see how I told you they were relatives? It was his mother. VALENTINA. – But how could he be his mother, Emiliano? CORUJEDO. – My grandfather! EMILIANO. – Your grandfather. It was his grandfather. CORUJEDO. – But then … But, then, is it true? EVERYONE. – What? CORUJEDO. – (Running his hand across his forehead, as he is obliged to believe the unbelievable.) So you are those who purchased insurance with my grandfather, Ceferino Bremon, one hundred and thirty years, and Hortensia Alvarez, one hundred and fifteen? EMILIANO. – Were mad, of course. CORUJEDO. – And Emiliano Menéndez, one hundred and nineteen. EMILIANO. – Server. Bremon. – And Ricardo Cifuentes, one hundred and ten, and Valentina Diaz, one hundred and five … (Corujedo makes a slight pause, looking at turns, and jumps suddenly running at top speed for the forum.) RICARDO. – Let go… EMILIANO. – Loco lost, of course. RICHARD and VALENTINA. – (At the same time.) Corujedo! HORTENSIA. – Mr Corujedo … (They run all behind him.) Bremon. – Do not get out there! That is going to count. EMILIANO. – Do not worry, doctor, that I hold. (Mutis of all the forum, running at full speed. On the right are Margaret visible victim of a terrible disappointment, and Fernando, also with live demonstrations of a strong attack.) Fernando. – You streets … Do not tell anyone. MARGARITA. – Right now I tell everyone to take matters into. Infamous! … But what I say infamous idiot and thank you! … That’s what you are: an asshole! Fernando. – Margarita. MARGARITA. – Any other infidelity you would have happened, because I have loved you, and when you will, forgive the things … But less with me … My grandmother! … Knowing that you’re in love with my grandmother! … From my grandmother !!…

Fernando. – Why the dismissive tone of “my grandmother, my grandmother? To see if your grandmother is wonderful! MARGARITA. – Fernando … Fernando. – Do I have the guilt of living in a house where all rezumáis sadness, children and granddaughter, and the only people who are cheerful and optimistic are the grandparents? What I am attracted by the grandmother? Naturally … And my shame is not having met the great-grandmother, because they say that Valentina is her spitting image! … MARGARITA. – That was missing. Fernando. – And if I like your grandmother, ultimately, lie the blame on yourself, you do not have the grace of her, and her charm and freshness. MARGARITA. – Freshness … That’s the word. Fernando. – Do not be offended. That itself is to blame for what happens for me, or is even aware. MARGARITA. – But it will be so soon … And now I know mom and uncle. Fernando. – Margarita! MARGARITA. – Never mind the scandal … I do not care to find out everything … But this can not stand … I’ll have to see you face to face with the grandfather. (Goes, furious, to the left.) Fernando. – With Grandpa! … I will oblige with the grandfather hit me! … With how young he is! … Margarita! (She goes behind her, on the left. By re-enter the forum Corujedo, Bremon, Ricardo, Emiliano, Valentina and Hortensia. Come and talk quietly. Corujedo in the center of the group, listening to the explanations given. ) CORUJEDO. – But, gentlemen, if you like a dream. Bremon. – A dream is a reality outright, Mr Corujedo. VALENTINA. – Five realities. HORTENSIA. – That’s … Five realities: one per person. EMILIANO. – In short, do you see that mix? Well there you have the costume and weapons he used me in the island. And those are some boots that I used more than sixty years, because smeared with salts, and then it occurred to me also rub them with the alkaloid of youth, and you can see: I have become sandals … (All laugh.) CORUJEDO. – … It’s wonderful! (A Bremon.) And you, doctor, the greatest scientist in the world! Bremon. – I was, I went … But now I do not know a word of anything … I made one twit … EMILIANO. – So, Mr. Corujedo, do we pay you insurance? Because I have a child some financial scale. CORUJEDO. – Cases of you is unprecedented, and it would be natural to go to litigation, but not unprecedented Bremon doctor’s findings, and what prize is worth less than the five million? … Bremon, RICARDO, VALENTINA and hydrangeas. – (At the same time.) Corujedo! CORUJEDO. – After all, in so doing, the insurance company that does nothing but address ahead of the tribute world order will soon be you, doctor. Bremon. – No, not that, by God! I beg you, my friend, the most absolute reserve about… CORUJEDO. – But do you think that can be hidden? You will learn my partners. Run the news … Bremon. – What if we all go undercover to live abroad? CORUJEDO. – That could be a solution. Of all speak more slowly, I, for the moment, with your permission … (Starts the exit. In Frederick scream is heard.) FEDERICO. – Right now! This must be solved now. CORUJEDO. – What is that? RICARDO. – Nothing. My son, who is an impossible genius. (Van doing exit Emiliano, Bremon, Corujedo and Ricardo, speaking on the forum. At that moment, on the left, enter Frederick, who is beside himself, Margarita, Fernando and Elisa, cisco made again, follow.) FEDERICO. – The last straw! … The limit! … Dad! RICARDO. – What? MARGARITA. – Dude. Fernando. – Federico … ELISA. – Federico, by the Virgin! … FEDERICO. – Mom! VALENTINA. – What? FEDERICO. – What? Want to know what happens? Fernando. – Federico, silent. FEDERICO. – I callus. Come in, my nephew, your niece’s husband is in love with you … It happens. VALENTINA. – Huh? RICARDO. – How? FEDERICO. – That have led to your madness … A house that is Sodom and Gomorrah …

ELISA. – In this … Of this was nuts. (She falls down on the couch.) MARGARITA. – Mom! RICARDO. – What are you saying? What nonsense is that? Fernando. – It’s not silly … RICARDO, VALENTINA and hydrangeas. – Huh? (At this point, the forum, come and Bremon Emiliano, returning to dismiss Corujedo.) Fernando. – I’ve had enough of pretending … I’m in love with Valentina. Yes, so what? EMILIANO. – Gee! Bremon. – Fernando! Fernando. – I am in love with her like crazy! Yes what? RICARDO. – But how to and why? Well, I broke your heart now! (He advances toward him.) VALENTINA. – Ricardo! … EVERYONE. – Ricardo! … (They pin.) ELISA. – Aaaaay! … MARGARITA. – Mom! … Do not chifles, by God! HORTENSIA. – Elisa! … VALENTINA. – Child, Take her away! … Take her away, not hear it! FEDERICO. – Poor sister! Come. ” ELISA. – Ah … These parents! … These parents! … (It is carried by the left, between Frederick, Hortensia and Margarita.) Fernando. – Go! … Go! … If I am not afraid! … RICARDO. – Do not be afraid of me? … Damn! EMILIANO. – Now you Fernando! Dare a man who has one hundred and ten years! … VALENTINA. – Quiet, Ricardo! … And you, shut up, brat! Fernando. – Brat? VALENTINA. – Brat, yes … (Hortensia back out on the left.) The one who has to fix this issue myself, and I will arrange with two words. I called brat because you have no more than thirty years, and I hundred and five, and for me you’re a brat. But think also that with each passing year I have one less memory and pick out – and do not forget – that when you’re thirty-five, I will have eleven, and when you have forty, I’ll have six. Fernando. – What if I have forty, she will have six? Hortensia … (He embraces her.) HORTENSIA. – Sure, man! The grandmother is very young for you. Bremon. – Hey … You … Chicken. (Takes Daisy’s arms.) EMILIANO. – (A Fernando.) You Embrace me, I’m single! VALENTINA. – Ay! (He hesitates, as if marease.) RICARDO. – Valentina? … Bremon. – What is it? HORTENSIA. – Valentina! … (Goes to her.) VALENTINA. – Nothing, nothing. I was expecting. (She tells Hortensia aside.) RICARDO. – What do you expect? HORTENSIA. – But is it? … VALENTINA. – Yes, Hortensia. RICARDO. – What? What? (He embraces her, excited.) EMILIANO. – (A Fernando.) Dear Romeo: Juliet is going to have an heir … You renounce definitively. Fernando. – A child! … A son, her! (Goes destrozadísimo first left.) Bremon. – A child! … Youth round! … HORTENSIA. – Your complete happiness! … VALENTINA. – (Hiding his face.) Poor thing! … Poor thing! … RICARDO. – Valentina! … HORTENSIA. – But are you crying?

VALENTINA. – What can I do? Poor boy! … Who will attend? Who will ensure it? EMILIANO. – Man, I who am the caregiver for life! VALENTINA. – Destiny I quickly check to the face before my words: when my son gets two years, I will have fifteen, when he is four, I shall consist of thirteen … Then the two children we … How we will want! … What love and what infinite happiness will be in our games! … But he will continue to grow, and I, and I … Oh, how horrible! … What horror! (He hugs Ricardo and there is an impressive silence.) Bremon. – Who knows … You have to rely on the forces of life! VALENTINA and RICARDO. – (At the same time.) Eh? EMILIANO. – My mother! What that something else has happened yet? Bremon. – Not that I want to encourage you … But I … The only thing not clear to me in my experience, is the end. When the child became the husband of Daisy, I proposed to study the phenomenon in it, but as we had the bad luck to die of whooping cough two years … I still do not know what will become of us. We’ll do children get to have nothing more than a month, and then a fortnight later, just a few hours of life, and finally, since we only had a few minutes … But in nature nothing dies not, and who knows if in performing the last second of life, we will not meet the first again? (Everyone heard it, seem to revive and return to joy.) RICHARD and VALENTINA. – (At the same time.) Bremon! … HORTENSIA. – Ceferino! … EMILIANO. – And you live again … Was smelling me. I would wait a foothold, the son of Valentina, who already go to college, and you, doctor, will review the medical career. Bremon. – Medicine? What if you discover any other salt? EMILIANO. – That, no … Then you will be devoted to football. HORTENSIA. – And I’ll be your referee. EMILIANO. – And I pitaremos all. (Great joy. On the left, Federico.) FEDERICO. – Mom! … A brother? A brother? VALENTINA. – Or a sister, yes. EMILIANO. – Or a brother and a sister at a time, that there are cases. VALENTINA. – But, by God, do not say nothing to Eliza, if you know this is when you upset at all. ELISA. – (Offstage) Ja, ja, ja! Bremon. – There. Already been told. RICARDO. – Chalada! EMILIANO. – I will phone the asylum. (On the left is Elisa.) ELISA. – (Trying not to laugh, but without success.) If I’m not crazy, if I’m not crazy … If I laugh at that …, ja, ja !…, that if you who are my parents, I have grandchildren calling you, ha, ha, ha !…, how do I have to call is born?
