Francoist Spain: A Historical Overview of Political, Economic, and Social Developments

Manifesto of the Democratic Board (T.10) – Nat.Del.Texto:

The text offers me commenting is political (and that is explicit the democratic advocates of the Board), is dated July 29, 1974. It is a primary source (for dates from the same year that created this piece). The title is the Manifesto of the Junta Democratica (Democratic Board was established in June 1974 by Santiago Carrillo, also made by the Popular Socialist Party of Tierno Galván. The PSOE did not participate in leadership issues, and Felipe Gonzalez approved the lideración Communist Party, so he created the Convergence Platform, which joined the PNV.). The objective of this paper is to collect ideas for liberalization to break with the Franco dictatorship and beginning a new era. The primary recipient to whom it may concern this fragment is clearly the Spanish village.


The text is divided into several points, which you can get an idea which is the main requirement is an interim government to bring the transition towards a liberal democratic system and so the Spanish people to position itself in the form of state want a referendum, and integrates well in the European Community. The 12 points are required to show cumplir. “On the first point speaks of a” provisional government “by making reference to the convening of elections for citizens to meet their full citizenship, universal suffrage the people would vote for, with the votes of men and women alike, and which set the age of majority. On the second point cites the “blanket amnesty” because it called for the release of political prisoners, covered by worker priests, etc.. Politicians and parties as well as CNT or UGT. “In the third section talks about legalizing political parties” without exception “and this is because the parties were legalized during the Second Republic, they declared they would return to be legalized without any oppression which prevailed during the regime. In the fourth, fifth and sixth point, we speak of a number of freedoms and rights. “In the seventh point talks about the” independence of the court “, ie the independence of the court. The eighth point is because the army was one of the pillars of the dictatorship “In the ninth section recognizes” the unity of the Spanish State “, so the Democratic Board states that defends the unity of the Spanish State. In the tenth point is because the role of Catholicism and the Church was very important in the dictatorship is in the eleventh item to choose the final form of state. The final point calls for “integration of Spain into the European Communities” and “recognition of the principle of international peaceful coexistence,” Contex.:

* Background: Previously we saw a post-war Spain, the ideology was that Franco had three pillars: “The church-La phalange” The army.

The Franco regime had a total control of the media as propaganda by speaking at different points in the life of the Spanish.

* Context: *
Political issues in the 50s, started a change in policy regime since 1957, when there were some technocrats as ministers OPUS DEI.Pero this change did not alter the character if not dictatorial and undemocratic policy.
The main features of this stage are: “A government of technocrats of Opus Dei: its aim was to lead the economy by integrating it into a capital market, these were not ideological if technicians interested in the progress económico.” The organic law of the state (1967 ): this was the last fundamental law intended as a summary. It was not a constitution since it was approved by a court undemocratic, while 85.5% approved it after being subjected to a referendum Nacional.A “The laws of succession at the head of state (1947-1969): This law established that the Spanish state was declared a kingdom established. In 1969 Juan Carlos de Borbon, swear allegiance to the principles of motion .*
Political issues at this stage of technocracy and development, the economy experienced a transformation, the main economic activities were, “Stabilization Plan: This plan marked the end of autarky and the design of loans from different media. In return, the Franco government was committed to opening the Spanish economy. The Stabilization Plan enhances the industrialization and integration económica. “Three development plans, had two major objectives. + Troubleshooting structural deficiencies. + Create development poles to reduce economic imbalances, industrial development and its impact: Industry and services experienced a growth that resulted in a significant rural exodus. At this time there was the Spanish economic miracle was made possible thanks to: + Income from tourism, inversionesextranjeras, remittances were the main beneficiaries of the roof and large industrial groups. *

Social and Cultural Aspects:

It had different characteristics, “Surplus labor -> unemployment -> internal and external migration: Surplus labor and unemployment, mechanization was an increase of unemployed, internal migration because an exodus occurred rural and foreign migration to Europe .. As a result of this increasing urban population, industrial workers, middle classes, new social and cultural behaviors *

Opposition Franco:

In the 60s Franco grew because of these social changes: “The new labor movement: UGT, CCOO vertical infiltrated unions, whereas the CNT disappeared and the PCE and PSOE continued to act together with other parties, the progressive bourgeoisie got the collusion of Munich. “The university: student organizations emerge … There were mass demonstrations and a large labor disputes *

Crisis end of the scheme:

All these changes were not accompanied by political change of regime, whose final crisis is accentuated by the assassination of Luis Carrero Blanco. From this moment there are two trends, the hardliners and starts. One of the most important was the call democrática.También Board in the same period Spain faltered and in November signed the agreement of Madrid. Franco died on November 20, 1975