Freedom vs. Determinism: A Philosophical Inquiry

The Problem of Freedom

Freedom is a prerequisite for morality. In humans, between the stimulus and response, there is a distance that allows us to build a moral code and make decisions. If there were no such distance, we could never judge human actions as good or bad, a concept often referred to as “free will”. We can ask about the existence of freedom and if it is possible to be free. Freedom has two ways of being understood, two dimensions:

  • Internal Freedom (choice): This is the freedom to choose. It presupposes that we have the ability to choose and bear moral responsibility for our actions. However, we must accept that this freedom is still conditioned by internal and external factors. For example, a student may fail to do their homework.
  • External Freedom (action): This depends on the external contexts of social, political, and other factors. It refers to the individual’s liberty within the social environment, which has limits of coexistence. The difficulty lies in knowing where to set the limit to define individual freedom.

Philosophers argue about whether freedom truly exists and if it is possible, presenting two main positions:

  • Determinism: Denies the possibility of freedom.
  • Libertarianism: Defends that freedom is possible.


This theory posits that everything in the universe is absolutely governed by causal laws. It asserts that everything that occurs at a particular time is the result of something that happened before, and therefore, is determined by the past. For example, a doctor tells his patient that he has an illness with an unknown cause. The patient might get angry, but the doctor should be content that he had never encountered such an illness before and, since no cure had been found, he should be admired for his sincerity. Therefore, we are prepared to summarize that there are illnesses with no known cause. However, this does not deny that diseases have a cause.

Supporters of determinism do not all argue for the same causes, as the causes of things can vary. Types of determinism include:

  • Theological Determinism: The belief in destiny, where none of the decisions are free.
  • Social Determinism: Our character, interests, and everything about us are conditioned by our social environment.
  • Genetic Determinism: We are all determined by our genes from the moment we are born.

Many defenders of determinism have difficulty defending it, as it is difficult to sustain. Some of the difficulties include:

  • Many proponents believe that determinism is not a good theory because they think most people experience freedom at some point.
  • If determinism is accepted, the possibility of moral responsibility cannot be accepted.
  • Determinism can be a paralyzing theory because if it is true, we could not bring about change, as things would not change because they are predetermined.


Libertarianism is based on the immediate experience and sense of choice. As a further explanation, the idea of compatibilism arises.

Compatibilism Between Freedom and Determinism

Compatibilism suggests that freedom does not mean uncaused; rather, it means other things. Hume and Mill proposed that freedom is acting not bound by one’s own volition. To choose means satisfying a rational desire. This condition is now an imperative. Actions determined by past actions are predictable. This is different from fatalism (which is paralyzing). Consequences: This allows us to affirm freedom, although not absolute, because our actions are always under some kind of influence. However, the fact that actions are influenced does not mean they are predetermined.

The PEACE Method

  • Problem: The problem must be identified, but this is often difficult. Depending on how the problem is framed, it may or may not be a philosophical issue. The type of treatment depends on the nature of the problem.
  • Emotion: Understand the emotions that drive the problem.
  • Analysis: Begin to provide a clear solution. Ideally, the individual should establish internal and external aspects of themselves.
  • Contemplation: Philosophical observation of the problem, reactions, and options.
  • Balance: This is the result of understanding everything that has happened so far. The solution makes sense, so we must avoid generating more problems, although it may not be ideal.

Other authors who have written on these topics include Socrates, Machiavelli, and Russell.