Functional Programming Techniques in Haskell: A Practical Guide

1. Merging Two Sorted Lists


Merge two sorted lists into one sorted list.


Base cases handle empty lists; recursive case merges elements based on comparison.

merge :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
  | x <= y     = x : merge xs (y:ys)
  | otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys

2. Splitting a List


Split a list into two approximately equal parts.


Use pattern matching and recursion to alternate elements into two lists.

split :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
split [] = ([], [])
split [x] = ([x], [])
split (x:y:xs) = (x:xs', y:ys')
  where (xs', ys') = split xs

3. Merge Sort


Implement merge sort using custom split and merge functions.


Recursively split and merge lists.

mergeSort :: ([a] -> ([a], [a])) -> ([a] -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]
mergeSort _ _ [] = []
mergeSort _ _ [x] = [x]
mergeSort splitter merger xs = merger (mergeSort splitter merger left) (mergeSort splitter merger right)
  where (left, right) = splitter xs

4. Lazy Evaluation


Explained lazy evaluation through examples (mySum, myor).


mySum evaluated by creating thunks and postponing arithmetic.

mySum [] = 0
mySum (x:xs) = x + mySum xs

5. Nested Lists


Implement nested lists in Haskell.


Use recursive data type and functions to handle flattening.

data NestedListItem a = Item a | List [NestedListItem a]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

flatten :: [NestedListItem a] -> [a]
flatten [] = []
flatten (x:xs) = flattenItem x ++ flatten xs

flattenItem :: NestedListItem a -> [a]
flattenItem (Item a) = [a]
flattenItem (List lst) = flatten lst

6. Semigroup and Monoid Instances


Make BoolX an instance of Semigroup and Monoid.


Implement logical XOR (<>) and identity (mempty).

data BoolX = MkBoolX Bool deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Semigroup BoolX where
    (<>) (MkBoolX a) (MkBoolX b) = MkBoolX (a /= b)

instance Monoid BoolX where
    mempty = MkBoolX False

7. Evaluating Expressions


Evaluate head ( ( (1:[]) ++ (2:[]) ) ++ (3:[]) ).


Expand the list concatenations step-by-step.

head ( ( (1:[]) ++ (2:[]) ) ++ (3:[]) )
= head ( [1] ++ [2] ++ [3] )
= head ( 1 : ([2] ++ [3]) )
= head ( 1 : 2 : [3] )
= 1

8. Structural Induction


Prove properties about w function using structural induction.


Base case and induction step for lists.

w [] (N _ a _ ) = [a]
w (O:bt) (N lt a rt) = a : w bt lt
w (I:bt) (N lt a rt) = a : w bt rt

9. Monoid for Summation


Define S as a Monoid to compute sum, sum of squares, and count.


Implement Semigroup and Monoid instances.

data S = MkS Double Double Int

instance Semigroup S where
    MkS s1 s1_sq n1 <> MkS s2 s2_sq n2 = MkS (s1 + s2) (s1_sq + s2_sq) (n1 + n2)

instance Monoid S where
    mempty = MkS 0 0 0

10. Handling UNIX PATH Environment Variable


Split a string by colons and delete a specific string from a list.


Implement splitOnce, split, delete, and glue functions.

splitOnce :: String -> (String, String)
splitOnce "" = ("", "")
splitOnce (':' : rest) = ("", rest)
splitOnce str = splitHelper str ""

splitHelper :: String -> String -> (String, String)
splitHelper "" acc = (reverse acc, "")
splitHelper (':' : rest) acc = (reverse acc, rest)
splitHelper (x : xs) acc = splitHelper xs (x : acc)

split :: String -> [String]
split "" = []
split str =
    let (first, rest) = splitOnce str
    in first : split rest

delete :: String -> [String] -> [String]
delete s = filter (/= s)

import Data.List (intercalate)

glue :: [String] -> String
glue = intercalate ":"

11. AVL Tree Insertions


Implement insertion for an AVL tree and ensure it remains balanced.


Define helper functions for rotations, balancing, and updating node heights.

module AVL(insert) where

import AVLDef

-- Helper Functions for Rotations and Balancing
updateHeight :: AVL k -> AVL k
updateHeight Empty = Empty
updateHeight node@(Node { avlLeft = l, avlRight = r }) =
    node { avlHeight = 1 + max (height l) (height r) }

-- Left Rotation
rotateLeft :: AVL k -> AVL k
rotateLeft Node{avlLeft, avlKey, avlRight = Node{avlLeft = b, avlKey = y, avlRight = c, avlHeight = _}, avlHeight = _} =
    let newLeft = updateHeight (Node avlLeft avlKey b 0) -- Construct new left child and update its height
        newRoot = updateHeight (Node newLeft y c 0)     -- Construct new root and update its height
    in newRoot
rotateLeft n = n

-- Right Rotation
rotateRight :: AVL k -> AVL k
rotateRight Node{avlLeft = Node{avlLeft = a, avlKey = x, avlRight = b, avlHeight = _}, avlKey, avlRight, avlHeight = _} =
    let newRight = updateHeight (Node b avlKey avlRight 0) -- Construct new right child and update its height
        newRoot = updateHeight (Node a x newRight 0)      -- Construct new root and update its height
    in newRoot
rotateRight n = n

-- Balance the tree at a node
balance :: AVL k -> AVL k
balance node@(Node { avlLeft = l, avlRight = r, avlHeight = _ })
  | balanceFactor node > 1 && balanceFactor l >= 0 = rotateRight node
  | balanceFactor node > 1 && balanceFactor l < 0  = rotateRight $ node { avlLeft = rotateLeft l }
  | balanceFactor node < -1 && balanceFactor r <= 0 = rotateLeft node
  | balanceFactor node < -1 && balanceFactor r > 0  = rotateLeft $ node { avlRight = rotateRight r }
  | otherwise = updateHeight node
balance node = node

-- Insert Function
insert :: Ord k => k -> AVL k -> AVL k
insert key Empty = singleton key
insert key node@(Node { avlLeft = l, avlKey = k, avlRight = r })
  | key < k = balance $ node { avlLeft = insert key l }
  | key > k = balance $ node { avlRight = insert key r }
  | otherwise = node  -- No duplicates allowed