Galician Prose 1936-1976: Fole, Cunqueiro, Blanco Amor, Neira Vilas
The Renewal of Galician Prose (1936-1976): Fole, Cunqueiro, Blanco Amor, and Neira Vilas
The Spanish Civil War brought a halt to cultural and literary activity in Galicia. Before the 1950s, the first publishing houses, such as Monterrey and Galaxia, began to emerge. Galaxia, in particular, focused on disseminating Galician culture. The “Galaxia Group” continued the work of universalizing Galician culture, initiated by the Nós Group, also fostering Grial and publications such as the Revista de Economia de Galicia.
Narrative Currents in Post-War Galicia
In post-war narrative, we can distinguish several thematic currents:
- The “Eu” Narrative: Whose first novel published in Galicia after the war was A xente da Barreira.
- Realist Narrative: Featuring works of a popular and costumbrist nature, based on tradition and the rural environment. Its main representative is Ánxel Fole.
- Fantastic Narrative: Centered on a mythical and timeless world, dominated by dreams and idealism. Its main exponent is Álvaro Cunqueiro.
Ánxel Fole (1903-1986)
Ánxel Fole excelled in both his literary work and journalism. He was a master storyteller, influenced by Galician literature. Key aspects of his narrative style include:
- The reflection of Galician reality in his works.
- The use of storytelling techniques from oral narration.
- Linguistic naturalism, reproducing the oral language of Galician peasants without vulgarisms or dialectalisms.
Among his notable works is Á lus do candil (1953), his first book, consisting of several stories featuring popular beliefs about wolves, premonitions, and death, presented humorously. It tells the story of characters isolated in a tower due to a snowfall, who decide to share stories. Terra Brava (1955) has a similar structure, continuing with mystery and folk tales.
Álvaro Cunqueiro (1911-1981)
Álvaro Cunqueiro cultivated all three major genres (fiction, poetry, and drama) and excelled in each. His unique narrative style is characterized by:
- A blend of reality and fantasy.
- The presence of humor and irony.
- Lyricism in his descriptions of landscapes and evocations of past places and times.
- Influence of oral narrative, reflected in the passage of time and intertextuality.
Among his longer narrative works are Merlín e familia (1955), featuring the wizard Merlin living in the land of Miranda, accompanied by Queen Guinevere and a group of servants. These characters and the geographical setting provide unity to the work. Other characters come to Merlin’s home seeking help from the magician’s magic. Other works include As crónicas do sochantre (1956) and Se o vello Sinbad volvese ás illas… (1961). His short story collections include Escola de menciñeiros (1960) and Os outros feirantes (1979).
Eduardo Blanco Amor (1897-1979)
Eduardo Blanco Amor’s narrative reflects the most innovative techniques from the first half of the 20th century. His themes are realistic, and he cultivated both rural and urban settings. His key work is A esmorga (1959). This novel presents the first-person testimony of one of those involved in a tragic event that occurred in the city. The defendant tries to prove his innocence before a judge who does not transcribe the questions, although the answers implicitly question him. The protagonists are disadvantaged members of the working class. Alcohol, unfavorable weather, physical illnesses, and mental violence contribute to leading the protagonists to a fate they cannot escape. Other important works include Os biosbardos (1962) and Xente ao lonxe (1972).
Xosé Neira Vilas (1928-2015)
Xosé Neira Vilas’s writing aligns with realist narrative. He focuses on describing two worlds he knew well: rural Galicia and Galician emigration. Among his works, Memorias dun neno labrego (1961) stands out. This book narrates the life of a Galician village in the post-war era, highlighting the poverty of rural society, from the perspective of a child. Through his eyes, we see the landscape, the work, first loves, and also the misery and abuse of the powerful. The work is divided into short chapters that form complete narrative units. Another of his works is, for example, Cartas a Lelo (1971).