Generation of ’27: Authors, Works, and Legacy
Generation of ’27: A Literary Renaissance
The Generation of ’27 was a group of influential Spanish writers and artists who emerged around 1927. This collective gathered to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the death of Baroque poet Luis de Góngora. The Generation of ’27 opposed Ultraísmo, a movement that sought novelty above all else. Instead, they drew inspiration from classical Spanish poetry and popular lyrical traditions.
Key Influences and Characteristics
The main authors who inspired the Generation of ’27 include:
- Gonzalo de Berceo
- Gil Vicente
- Luis de Góngora
- Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
- Fray Luis de León
They were also influenced, to a lesser extent, by the Generation of ’98, particularly by the critical and descriptive works of Ortega y Gasset. All members of the Generation of ’27 held a special admiration for Juan Ramón Jiménez and his concept of “pure poetry.”
This generation embraced a variety of linguistic styles while respecting classical forms. Surrealism also played a significant role, leading to the incorporation of novel imagery, such as numerical and mathematical games, and hyperbole.
Prominent Members and Their Works
The Generation of ’27 included many notable authors, such as:
- Pedro Salinas: Presagios (Omens), Fábula y signo (Fable and Sign), La voz a ti debida (The Voice Due to You), Razón de amor (Reason of Love).
- Jorge Guillén: Cántico (Song), Clamor.
- Vicente Aleixandre: Ámbito (Scope), Espadas como labios (Swords Like Lips), La destrucción o el amor (Destruction or Love), Sombra del paraíso (Shadow of Paradise).
- Dámaso Alonso: Hijos de la ira (Children of Wrath).
- Luis Cernuda: La realidad y el deseo (Reality and Desire).
- Federico García Lorca: Romancero gitano (Gypsy Ballads), Poeta en Nueva York (Poet in New York).
- Rafael Alberti: Marinero en tierra (Sailor on Land), Sobre los ángeles (Concerning the Angels).
- Gerardo Diego: Manual de espumas (Handbook of Foams), Versos humanos (Human Verses).
Beyond Poetry: Prose and Exile
The Generation of ’27’s contributions were not limited to poetry. Some members, like Pedro Salinas and Luis Cernuda, also wrote prose fiction. Within the novels of the ’27, two main currents emerged: the intellectual and the humorous. Key figures in the intellectual stream included Benjamín Jarnés and Antonio Espina, while Enrique Jardiel Poncela was a standout in the humorous vein.
The outbreak of the Spanish Civil War forced many writers of the Generation of ’27 into exile. Salinas went to Puerto Rico, Emilio Prados and Luis Cernuda to Mexico, Rafael Alberti to Argentina and Italy, and Manuel Altolaguirre to Cuba and Mexico.
Featured Authors
Federico García Lorca
Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) was born in Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, into a wealthy family. He studied Law, Philosophy, and Literature before moving to Madrid to pursue writing. He traveled to New York, Canada, and Cuba, and later toured with a theater company. He returned to Madrid and remained there until the Civil War. He then went back to Granada and was soon executed. His works include: Libro de poemas (Book of Poems), Romancero gitano (Gypsy Ballads), Poeta en Nueva York (Poet in New York), and Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías).
Rafael Alberti
Rafael Alberti (1902-1999) was born in Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz. He initially pursued painting before turning to poetry. He traveled extensively with his wife, thanks to a scholarship. He went into exile during the Civil War and returned to Spain after the war, where he received numerous awards. His works include: Marinero en tierra (Sailor on Land), La amante (The Lover), Cal y canto (Lime and Stone), and Sobre los ángeles (Concerning the Angels).
Pedro Salinas
Pedro Salinas (1891-1951) was born in Madrid. He earned degrees in Law and Philosophy. He worked as a Spanish reader in Paris and later in England. He then traveled to the United States, and due to the Civil War, he decided to stay there. He died in 1951. His works include: Verse: Presagios (Omens), Seguro azar (Sure Chance), Fábula y signo (Fable and Sign), La voz a ti debida (The Voice Due to You), Razón de amor (Reason of Love). Prose: Víspera del gozo (Eve of Joy).