Genetics, Maturation, and Growth in Human Development

To switch to MADURACÓN GENETICS (growth, maturation, learning, adaptation or genetic desarrollo.La are the characteristics that differentiate one person from other individuals. It is not modifiable and interacts with the environment m., where the individual develops . M. The genetics and environment influence the growth of the individual, act differently, genetics will make it more high-low, more fat-skinny and act m. Environment on development in the medium, the relationship with others, with his mother, so.
Maturation is to operationalize the body parts that were inoperable. The m. Environment does not influence the maturation, it is purely genetic. Once produced maturing ready for learning. The genetic influences the ability of intelligence and m. Environment external processes to form the child’s behavior. After learning events occur about behavioral changes, leading to adaptation in society. Produced behavior change is said that the child has individual desarrollado.Cada slightly modifies the environment m.. Although no genetic modifications that go there sometimes small changes but are given every few years.

Genotype –

genetic and it talks about the character of each individual.

Phenotype –

Proceeds of the learnings of niño.Genético = Innate, comes from the legacy of our family
There are different theories about the importance of genetics and m. Environment:

Theory mutual interaction:

The genetics will determine the type of m. Environment that the individual will, in turn, the m. Environment will influence the long-term genetic.

Additive contribution theory:

The human being is a product of the sum of its genetic and m. Environment around him.

Theory of integration:

environmental and genetic factors are not added together, the importance of one factor influences the other. A more influence on the m. Environment, less influence on genetics, and less influence on the m. Environment, the more influence on genetics.
+ M. Influence a, – influence gene.
– Influence m. A, + influence gene.
The environment can not create capabilities that do not exist. There are two points of view:

Biological and physiological

Within the biological view Monod and Jacob talk about the body’s self, the individual is likewise from within, through its genetics. Genetics does not accept external intervention, but we can distinguish two parts, a closed and open. The camera does not support open external interventions and allows some modification, this part is what allows man to learn and adapt to the environment. Man has the most open genetic program of all, fits any means, this is called elasticity.
Within the physiological point of view, Piaget talks at an early age that the inheritance is dominant to the environment as the individual grows are equal. All aspects of the human being is 100% genetic, but not 100% default. Both genetic and environmental behaviors are not watertight but can be genetically influenced.
GROWTH is a progressive increase of the body, according to Giovanni de ton, which can be measured both in weight and length, this change results in quantitative changes in the individual. Dr. Fernandez focuses on his view point of cell multiplication. Physical growth is growing rapidly in the early years. Physical growth is different functionality, the child may be fully formed but do not get the functionality until later.


Once there has been growth in all its parts, is what will make functional parts of the body, maduración.La maturation is the deployment of existing modes of behavior in the form of predispositions germination and represents part of the process development (definition of psychology).
The smaller, more maturation process, this maturation is the body that allows the different learning environment that produces ambiente.Desde biological standpoint maturation comes when all myelinated nerve fibers. It myelinated areas closest to the head, the latest in myelinated are the fingers and toes. Forms maduració n:
body: it produces changes in the morphology of the individual.
functional all systems make them functional, members, etc.. From our body to perform tasks.

Of responsibility:

social maturation or adaptation, maturity to adapt to the environment.


predisposition of children to participate actively in teaching, this occurs gradually over the school years.


the individuals begin before age has to do certain activities.
From a biological standpoint, which is opposite to the psychological maturation represents the end of development.