
What is globalization? It refers to the process of increasing interdependence of the world’s economies and societies

Characteristics of globalization of economy: 

Huge expansion of international trade

Business concentration>mix to become more competitive

global organization of production> companies distribute phases of produccion among different locations to save money. This is called outsourcing

large multinational companies>they have international dimension and huge resources, so they have influence over governments and economic institutions

globalization factors

information socity: new information and communication technologies make possible to organize global production and move capital from one place to another in seconds

cheaper and improved transport: facilitates the flow of goods and people

liberalization policies: implemented by governments

deregulation os financial markets: facilitates movement of capital between countries

elimination of custom duties and other obstacles to the import: of goods and other services. A product can be sold freely almost all over the world

collapse of the comunist bloc: former communist countries adopted the capitalist system. All countries now from a single global market except cuba and north korea (they are dictatorships, comunist…)

 positive effects of globalization

increase of global wealth

strong growth and economic development in some countries for example china and india

social progress, especially in health and education

negative effects of globalization

developed countries and some developing countries have benefited more. Poorer countries are being marginalized in the global economy

ínequalities within countries have increased, in general, cities have benefited, but not rural areas

states are less able to control their economy because more and more decisions affecting the economy are now made outside borders

the role of international economic institutions 

World bank: to reduce poberty and improve the standard of living in the world

international monetary fund: cooperation between the countries economy

world trade organization: make sure that international trade is smoth, free and fair 

economic powers: group of countries that control most of the world’s economic production and trade

traditional powers: USA, japan and the EU

emerging powers: brazil, russia, india and china (bric)

regional powers: australia, the «asian tigers» (taiwan, singapore, hong kong and south korea) south africa and persian golf oil producers

economically least developed countries: latin america, south asia and sub-saharan africa


The US population has one of the world’s highest per capital incomes. As a result, consumption is very high

However two principal weak points are:

  • families have heavy debt due to hight consuption

  • The US imports much more than it exports. This result is a trade defict

The characteristics of the US economy are:


ENTERPRENURIAL: investments are highly valued in US society

investiments in RESEARCH

QUALITY UIVERSITY: education highly skilled skilled labour force

acces to large amounts of natural resources and energy

Attracks foreign inversement



Third largest economy: in the world after the US and China

Economic power based on high industrial, capacity, global export, high level of domestic savings, continued public investment and dominational of international financial markets

The weak points of this economy are:

  • ageing population high=social costs

  • Scare natural and energy resources= dependence on imports

Strong points of the Japanase economy

  • varied industry

  • robotics

  • exports of manufactured products

  • business are present on all countries

  • equal distribution of money. Low unemployement rate

 The EU 

first in volume of trade: because is a big group of countries and is in the centre of the world so it’s easy to transport things

germany, france and italy are the largest economies in the EU


brazil, rusia, india and china (BRIC)



  • One of the most prosperous developed countries

  • Influence in fast asia and the pacific

  • Dominance of the services sectors

  • Minerals and agricultural products are competitive worldwide

The asian tigers

  • Cheap skilled labour produced high quality, low-cost goods

  • Leaders in some of the most innovative industrial sectors

The republic of south africa

  • Rich in natural resources

  • Highest GDP in Africa

The oil-producing countries

  • Their investment decisions have a significant impact on  the global economy

  • Their presence is limited to energy and financial sectors