Geography Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions
Annual Rainfall Patterns
Annual rainfall patterns are a set of changes experienced by rainfall throughout the year. They may be regular when there are no dry months, or irregular with more than two dry months.
Industrial Restructuring
Industrial restructuring is a shock treatment acting intensively in a short period, applying necessary reforms to adapt to new industries’ technological cycles and market competitive conditions. Actions are based on matching supply to demand, financial restructuring of enterprises, and specializing in products with higher demand.
Karst Relief
Karst relief results from the action of water on limestone, such as subterranean cave formations.
Transport Infrastructure Networks
Transport infrastructure networks facilitate the easy circulation of vehicles, such as alpine roads.
Alpine Relief
Alpine relief results from the Alpine Orogeny, which occurred recently. It is little eroded and presents high altitudes and steeper slopes, e.g., the Pyrenees.
Crop Rotation
Crop rotation involves dividing a farm into three zones: two are cultivated, and one rests to avoid overexploitation and maintain productivity.
River Regime
River regime refers to seasonal variations in river flow, depending on rainfall distribution and the importance of precipitation as snow.
Hercynian Relief
Hercynian relief results from the Hercynian Orogeny and features reliefs badly worn by erosion, rounded or completely destroyed, e.g., peneplains, Meseta.
Hydrographic Network
A hydrographic network encompasses all catchments discharging into the sea. On the slopes, there is the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast of the Peninsula.
A ria is formed when river valleys are invaded by the sea.
Rainfall/Storm Regime
The flow of a river depends on rainfall alone, as the maxima and minima are determined by each climate zone.
Thermal Regimes
Thermal regimes are seasonal patterns of temperatures in a particular climate.
Secondary Residence
A secondary residence is a home that is not the principal residence, generally used only during vacations.
Irrigation is a farming practice that supplements crops with extra water, reducing dependence on rainfall and improving crop yields. Intensive irrigation, outdoors or in greenhouses, allows for two or three crops per year, often fruits and vegetables, and sometimes tropical crops. Extensive irrigation provides a single crop, similar to dryland farming but with improved performance, including forage crops.
Urban or Industrial Rehabilitation
Urban or industrial rehabilitation is the action through which the heritage of a city is recovered and preserved.
A solstice is a time of year when the sun lies on one of the tropics, resulting in the greatest difference between day and night length.
Tertiary Sector
The tertiary sector comprises activities designed to provide services to society.
Septentrional refers to anything concerning the northern geographic migration.
Net Migration
Net migration is the balance between immigration and emigration. A positive balance indicates immigration, and a negative balance indicates emigration.
Leeward refers to the side sheltered from the wind.
Urban System
An urban system is a network of interrelated towns and cities, where these cities have characteristics that allow them to exert influence over a more or less large area.
Mortality Rate
Mortality rate is the number of deaths per 1000 inhabitants in relation to the total population.
Transhumance is the seasonal movement of livestock between winter and summer pastures.
Demographic Transition
Demographic transition is the shift from the old population regime to the current one, occurring between 1900 and 1975. It is characterized by high but smoothly and discontinuously falling birth rates, and more sharply and steadily decreasing mortality rates, leading to high growth.
River Basin Transfer
River basin transfer involves transferring water from surplus basins to deficient ones.
Tourism, especially through programs supporting rural development, aims to improve housing, crafts, and local traditions.
Infant Mortality Rate
Infant mortality rate is the number of children dying before their first birthday per 1000 live births.
A torrent is a single intermittent water course, often dry for much of the year, that flows after rain.
Unemployment Rate
The unemployment rate is the percentage of the workforce unemployed in the total workforce.
Cultural Tourism
Cultural tourism involves temporary travel for cultural experiences.
Birth Rate
Birth rate is the number of live births per 1000 inhabitants in relation to the total population.
Fertility Rate
Fertility rate is the number of live births per 1000 women of reproductive age (15-49).
Valley Glacier
A valley glacier is a depressed area between mountains shaped by the action of a glacier, presenting a U-shaped form.
Basement (Zócalo)
A basement (Zócalo) is a plain or plateau formed in the primary era as a result of obliteration by Hercynian erosion.