Geologic Time: Dating Techniques and Principles
Chapter 11: Geologic Time
Catastrophism vs. Uniformitarianism
- Landscape developed by catastrophes (i.e., floods)
- Implies Earth formed over a short period
- Archbishop James Ussher, mid-1600s, concluded Earth was only a few thousand years old
Modern Geology
- Uniformitarianism (Fundamental principle of geology)
- James Hutton, 1700s, proposed the idea in Theory of the Earth
- “The present is the key to the past”
- Biological and physical processes operating today operated in the geologic past
- Implies Earth has formed over a vast period of geologic time (billions of years)
Principles and Laws of Relative Dating
- Law of Superposition: Oldest rocks are deposited on the bottom
- Principle of Original Horizontality: Sediment is deposited horizontally (inclined layers have been tilted after deposition)
- Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships: Younger features cut through older features
Three Types of Unconformities
- Angular Unconformity: Tilted rocks are overlain by flat-lying rocks
- Disconformity: Strata on either side of the unconformity are parallel
- Nonconformity: Metamorphic or igneous rocks below the unconformity, younger sedimentary layers above
Fossils and Conditions for Preservation
What is a fossil? What conditions favor the preservation of organisms as fossils (discussed in the lab, too)?
Conditions Favoring Fossil Preservation
- Rapid Burial
- Why would this be important?
- Answer: Scavengers eat dead organisms that are not quickly buried
- Possession of Hard Parts (teeth, bone)
- Soft-bodied organisms decay completely
- i.e., fossil squid and octopus are very rare in the rock record
The fossil record is biased towards organisms with hard skeletal material that were buried quickly.
Index Fossils
- For a fossil to be useful as an index fossil, two conditions must be met:
- Organisms were widespread geographically
- Organisms existed for a short range of geologic time
- Trilobites are an index fossil for the Cambrian period
Radioactive Decay
- Radioactivity: Spontaneous breaking apart (decay) of atomic nuclei
- Radioactive Decay
- Parent: An unstable isotope undergoing decay
- Daughter Products: Isotopes formed from the decay of a parent
Types of Radioactive Decay
- Alpha emission
- Beta emission
- Electron capture
Radiometric Dating
What kind of information does radiometric dating of an igneous rock yield? Sedimentary rock?
- Half-life: The time for one-half of the radioactive nuclei to decay
- Requires a closed system
- Yields numerical dates
Difficulties in Dating the Time Scale
- Not all rocks are datable (sedimentary ages are rarely reliable)
- Materials are often used to bracket events and arrive at ages
Carbon-14 Dating
Describe carbon dating (C14) techniques. What type of material is useful in (C14) dating? What is the maximum age of material that can be dated using C14 techniques?
- Half-life of only 5,730 years
- Used to date very recent events
- Carbon-14 produced in the upper atmosphere
- Incorporated into carbon dioxide
- Absorbed by living matter
- A useful tool for anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, and geologists who study very recent Earth history
Isotope of Carbon (14C)
Remember from our earlier example, Carbon has 6 protons. The isotope of carbon, 14C, has a mass number = 14. How many neutrons does 14C have? 14 = 6 protons + # neutrons, so 14 – 6 = 8 neutrons. 14C has 2 additional neutrons in its nucleus and spontaneously decays.