Get to Know Me: A Fun and Personal Questionnaire

About Me

  1. My name: Naomi
  2. Last name: Busquets Valero
  3. Last thing I ate: Yogurt
  4. Pant size: 38-40
  5. Style: Mine! 😉
  6. Hair: Dark brown
  7. Eye color: Brown and green
  8. Usual accessories: Bracelets and earrings
  9. Describe yourself quickly: Simply me

Where I’m From

  1. Where do I live?: Castellón
  2. Where am I from?: Estro, Lapepa, Gasca, Benicasim…

My Preferences

  1. Day or night?: Night! 🎉
  2. Rain or snow?: Winter snow, summer sun! ☀️
  3. Casual dating or a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Casual dating right now
  4. Good girl or bad girl?: Bad girl 😉
  5. Perfect date location?: On the beach! 🏖️
  6. Where to kiss me?: Lips, neck…
  7. Favorite color: Red

About You

  1. What’s your name?
  2. What’s your nickname?
  3. Do you like or dislike the nickname?
  4. How old are you?
  5. When is your birthday?
  6. What’s your zodiac sign?
  7. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  8. Do you smoke?
  9. Do you study or work?
  10. Have you ever gotten drunk?
  11. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
  12. Do you consider yourself handsome/beautiful?
  13. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  14. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  15. Who’s your best friend who lives far away?
  16. What’s the currency of your life?
  17. Favorite song?
  18. Favorite movie?
  19. How do you feel when you wake up?
  20. What’s something you never take off?
  21. What’s your favorite color?
  22. Who’s your best friend?
  23. What about your best friend?
  24. What are your best qualities?
  25. Do you like me?
  26. When was the last time you saw them?
  27. Where?
  28. What words do you say throughout the day?
  29. What do you seek in your ideal partner?
  30. How much time would you like to live alone with that person?
  31. Who’s the craziest person you know?
  32. What’s the happiest moment of your life?
  33. What’s the saddest moment of your life?
  34. Who do you admire?
  35. Who do you hate?
  36. Favorite season?
  37. Are you a virgin?
  38. Who do you never fail?
  39. Do you prefer a stable relationship or casual dating?
  40. Do you prefer a long kiss or 100 quick kisses?
  41. Do you prefer sending letters or emails?
  42. What are your favorite numbers?
  43. Say something to the person you love most.
  44. Say something to someone you’re going to nominate.
  45. Do you have a driver’s license or motorcycle license?
  46. What do you want most right now instead of doing this test?
  47. What kind of music do you like?
  48. Winter or summer?
  49. What wish would you ask now?
  50. Do you miss anyone?
  51. What’s the first thing you notice about a boy/girl?
  52. Do you believe in first impressions?
  53. What about love at first sight?
  54. How do you define yourself?
  55. Could you be happier?
  56. Are you lazy?
  57. Do you believe in yourself?
  58. Sweet or salty?
  59. Favorite sport?
  60. Who do you love?
  61. Do you use the computer much?
  62. What about the phone?
  63. Do you like walking?
  64. 69 or 42?
  65. Up or down?
  66. Would you forgive infidelity?
  67. Are you loving?
  68. Are you fun or boring?
  69. What makes you angry about people?
  70. What about life?
  71. What do you like most about TV?
  72. Will you be or cope?
  73. Strawberry gum or mint?
  74. Science or letters?
  75. Blue or black?
  76. What’s your neighborhood?
  77. What about the people you love most?
  78. Football or basketball?
  79. Real Madrid or Barcelona?
  80. Another team?
  81. Italian food or Chinese food?
  82. Favorite food?
  83. Tuenti or MSN?
  84. Playstation 3 or Xbox?
  85. Do you like Easter?
  86. Are you going to a fraternity?
  87. Christmas or New Year’s?
  88. What was the last thing you were given for Kings’ Day?
  89. What about your last birthday?
  90. What day do you remember as the happiest of your life?
  91. What are you doing besides this test?
  92. What are you doing now?
  93. Are you eating something?
  94. Who nominated you?
  95. Do you want (to whom you nominated)?
  96. How (physical and personality)?


  1. Your best friend?: Raquel
  2. Your best friend?: Marc
  3. Best time you’ve spent with them: Every moment with them is special. If I had to choose… Marc’s concerts and Christmas with Raquel. I can’t choose! 😉
  4. Worst time you’ve spent with them: Every time Marc gets angry. I have to deal with it… with Raquel, she already knows…
  5. Do they mean a lot to you?: Too much
  6. Love or friendship?: Both 😉
  7. Do you have any shared objects or compliments for them?: My life!
  8. Do you get along better with boys or girls?: With everyone!
  9. Name your close friends: Ufff… Esti, Raquel, Ari, Isa, Jordi, Laia, Jony, Alex, Juanka, Adrian, Pelolo, Carmen, Raquel, Bow…
  10. Tell them something you want them to know: I love you! 😊

About You

  1. How can you call me?
  2. What are we?
  3. What are some moments we’ve shared together?
  4. Describe me in 3 words.
  5. What do you like about me?
  6. The last thing…
  7. Say something I like very much.
  8. You’ll remember me if…
  9. Something you want to do with me.
  10. A song for me.

Talk back on my board and pass it on to the people you want to know me.