Global Marketing Communication Decisions
Global Marketing Communication Decisions
31) As companies recognize and embrace new concepts, advertising spending increases.
32) Advertising, public relations, and other forms of communication are critical tools in the marketing program and fall under the Promotion element of the marketing mix.
33) A global company possesses a critical marketing advantage with respect to marketing communications.
34) An example of a product category/company where the “global” approach to the marketing mix is inappropriate is: Coffee bars/Starbucks.
35) Because advertising is often designed to add psychological value to a product or brand, it plays a more important communications role in marketing.
36) Landor Associates, a company specializing in brand identity and design, developed a strategic framework and identified five strategic brand types. The most powerful brands were labeled as: Coke.
37) Which company ranks number one in terms of worldwide ad spending (2011)? Procter & Gamble.
38) Which company ranks number one in terms of ad spending in Europe (2011)? Unilever.
39) What do Unilever and Procter & Gamble have in common? Both companies rank high in terms of ad spending.
40) A company’s efforts to effectively communicate with customers may be hindered if the message is only in one language.
41) Competitive advertising may impair the effectiveness of the marketing communications program because the message can get distorted by noise.
42) “Pattern advertising” is the phrase global marketers use to describe ads with common design elements.
43) In the language of global marketing, “pattern advertising” is a middle-ground advertising strategy between 100% standardization and 100% localization.
44) When the subheads and body copy of an advertisement are localized, not simply translated, it is an example of pattern advertising.
45) Standardized print campaigns can be used for industrial products or for technology-oriented consumer products. Standardized print campaigns should avoid using images with: Stereotype advertising.
46) According to data published by Advertising Age (2012), the largest global advertising organization (based on worldwide revenues) is: WPP Group.
47) According to data published by Advertising Age (2012), the largest global advertising agency (based on worldwide revenues) is: Dentsu Inc.
48) In selecting an advertising agency, all but one of the following issues should be considered: Franchise or company-owned status.
49) Japanese companies are less inclined to use this approach when selecting advertising agencies: Designate global agencies.
50) The kind of brand awareness a company wants to project is dependent on: Buyer perception.
Tobacco Advertising and Global Marketing
51) The significance of tobacco advertising is highlighted by the fact that five million people die annually from tobacco-related illnesses.
52) The country which has a massive potential for cigarette manufacturers is: China.
53) Some of the world’s most memorable advertising campaigns have “legs,” meaning that the ads can run for several years.
54) Tobacco companies in Central Europe face the marketing challenge of: A desire to comply with EU entry requirements.
55) The advertising promise that captures the reason that people buy products is known as: The selling proposition.
56) In many parts of the world, McDonald’s utilizes TV advertising that shows parents interacting with their happy children. This is an example of: Emotional appeals.
57) Ads that tickle the funny bone of the intended audience and evoke a feeling of amusement can be classified as: Emotional appeals.
58) The choice between demonstration, slice-of-life, and other forms of presentation pertains to: The creative execution.
59) A recent global campaign for IKEA, the Swedish home furnishings retailer, utilizes: Emotional appeal.
60) In advertising, a(n) art director is an agent who chooses graphics, pictures, type styles, and other visual elements.
61) The words that are the spoken or written communication elements in advertisements are known as: Copy.
62) In Southern China, McDonald’s is careful not to advertise prices with multiple occurrences of the number four because the word four is pronounced similarly to the word “death”.
Global Media and Advertising Regulations
63) The following is true about the use of television as a media in Brazil and Germany: Television is the leading medium in Brazil, followed by newspapers.
64) The United States and Japan are the two top-ranked countries in terms of ad spending.
65) In which country are global marketers likely to encounter the most restrictions on advertising? Saudi Arabia.
66) U.S. advertisements contain more price information than those in other countries.
Public Relations in Global Marketing
67) Which promotional mix element is most closely associated with activities designed to foster goodwill and understanding with various constituents? Public relations.
68) One task of the public relations department is to generate favorable publicity.
69) Generally speaking, a company has little control over media publicity. One way to compensate for this lack of control is to use: Corporate advertising.
70) What do Ford Motor Company, Coca-Cola, Nike, and McDonald’s have in common? They have all received a great deal of negative publicity in recent years.
71) Fires caused by faulty lithium-ion batteries on the new 787 Dreamliner resulted in: Public relations problems for Boeing.
72) Fires and collapsed buildings at garment factories in Bangladesh resulted in: Public relations problems for apparel brands and retailers.
73) Japan’s Fuji Photo Film asked its advertising agency to develop an advocacy campaign for the United States targeted to persuade the government to: Drop charges of dumping.
74) Suicides by employees at Chinese supplier Foxconn created a public relations problem for: Apple.
75) Even in the face of such tough and growing competition, De Beers still uses: Image advertising.
76) Which of the following most accurately describes the state of global public relations (PR) today? Expenditures on PR are increasing.
77) A company adopting a(n) polycentric approach to worldwide PR activities gives the host-country practitioner maximum leeway to incorporate customs and practices.
78) China’s ongoing trade-related friction with the United States highlights the need for: A better PR effort.
79) A company that is ethnocentric in its approach to public relations will extend home-country PR activities into host countries.
80) In developing countries, such as Ghana, the best way to communicate with market segments may be through: Dance, songs, and storytelling.