Global Political Economy: Key Concepts and Dynamics

A country’s political economy and culture are not independent of each other. False

It is possible to have democratic societies that emphasize a mix of collectivism and individualism. False

Communists did not believe that socialism could be achieved by democratic means and did not turn their backs on violent revolution and dictatorship. False

In an individualist society, the welfare of society is best served by letting people pursue their own economic self-interest. True

The central message of collectivism is not that individual economic and political freedoms are the ground rules on which a society should be based. False

There is not a global trend of societies shifting from individualism toward collectivism. False

It is possible to have a democratic state where collective values predominate. True

It is possible to have a totalitarian state that is hostile to collectivism and where some degree of individualism is encouraged. True

The most practical form of democracy is not direct democracy. False

A representative democracy is the most common form of democracy. True

In a market economy, if demand for a product exceeds supply, prices will rise, signaling to producers to produce more. True

The number of command economies has fallen dramatically since the demise of communism in the late 1980s. True

Because international businesses are headquartered in different countries, a nation’s legal system is usually of great interest to international business managers. False

A country’s legal system can affect the attractiveness of a country as an investment site and/or market. True

Collectivist-inclined totalitarian states tend not to be pro-private enterprise and pro-consumer. False

In democratic states where individualism is the dominant political philosophy, states tend not to enact laws that severely restrict private enterprise. False

Judges under a civil law system have less flexibility than those under a common law system. True

In a common law system, judges have the power to interpret the law. True

A civil law system tends not to be more adversarial than a common law system. False

Contracts under a civil law system tend to be very detailed with all contingencies spelled out. False

The United Nations CISG establishes a uniform set of rules governing certain aspects of the making and performance of everyday commercial contracts between sellers and buyers who have their places of business in different nations. True

Not all of the world’s larger trading nations have ratified CISG. False

The United Kingdom is not a strong supporter of CISG. False

To facilitate international business, property rights are not defined in a consistent way across countries. False

High levels of corruption significantly reduce foreign direct investment, the level of international trade, and the economic growth rate in a country. True

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act allows for grease payments. True

Thanks to the World Intellectual Property Organization, enforcement of intellectual property rights is not strong across the globe. False

GNI and PPP data are not useful because they do not provide a dynamic analysis of economic development. False

The HDI is based on life expectancy at birth, educational attainment, and whether average incomes are sufficient to meet the basic needs of life in a country. True

In a planned economy, the state owns all means of production. True

There is a strong relationship between economic freedom and economic growth. True

A democracy is not essential for economic growth. False

Since the 1980s, the political economy of many nations has seen a shift away from centrally planned and mixed economies toward more free market economic models. True

One of the reasons for the spread of democracy is the emergence of increasingly prosperous middle and working classes who have pushed for democratic reforms. True

According to political scientist Samuel Huntington’s thesis, global terrorism is a product of the tension between civilizations and the clash of value systems and ideology. True

Transformation from centrally planned command economies to market-based economies can be attributed to the fact that command and mixed economies failed to deliver the sustained economic performance achieved by countries adopting market-based systems. True

Economic freedom does not necessarily equate with political freedom. False

Deregulation involves removing legal restrictions to the free play of markets, the establishment of private enterprises, and the manner in which private enterprises operate. True

Today, global changes in the political economy are not characterized by free markets and democracy with command economies and totalitarian dictatorships having completely disappeared. False

The costs of doing business in a country tend to be greater where political payoffs are required to gain market access. True