Global Poverty and Resource Allocation Analysis

Global Poverty and Resource Allocation

Areas with Most and Least People Living on Less Than $1 a Day

Most: South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, East Asia and Pacific.

Least: Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa.

Analysis of Percentage Changes

Most regions have improved wages, reduced food costs, or implemented economic aid programs. However, one region experienced a worsening situation.

Future Predictions

As fossil fuels deplete, countries with abundant natural resources will gain prominence. Increased equality between countries is anticipated.

Poverty Calculation in Spain

If 45.4% of Spain’s 44 million inhabitants lived on less than a dollar a day, approximately 19.9 million people would be affected (44/100 * 45.4 = 19.9 million).

Purchasing Power with 1.5€

What can you buy for 1.5€? A list of expenses, including basics like food, housing, and transport:

  • Housing: With 1.5€, securing housing is nearly impossible. One would need to find a covered space to build a makeshift shelter.
  • Food: 1.5€ might buy a loaf of bread and some lunchmeat for a sandwich.
  • Transport: Public transport might be accessible once or twice, depending on the city.

Matching Statements

  1. Of the 42 million people in the world with AIDS… D. is concentrated in seven countries.
  2. Developed societies give too much importance… H. than the GDP of the poorest country.
  3. However, poor societies… I. the birth rate and illiteracy remain high.
  4. 61% of world energy consumption… B. to consumerism.
  5. In developed countries there are numerous… C. live near subsistence levels.
  6. In less developed countries, life expectancy… A. 39 million live in less developed countries.
  7. Most countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America have… G. a GDP lower than the world average.
  8. The GDP of the world’s richest country is 500 times higher… E. epidemics of obesity.
  9. Inequalities will increase if… F. is 40 years.