Globalization: Advantages and Disadvantages

Pros and Cons of Globalization

Economic Globalization

Economic globalization reflects the views of neoliberal and neoclassical thinkers, in which states’ prominence diminishes and the world becomes a single global market of individual consumers.


  • Cheaper prices for products and services
  • Better availability of products and services
  • Easier access to capital and commodities
  • Increased competition
  • Producers and retailers can diversify their markets and contribute to economic growth
  • Access to new markets
  • Spread of knowledge and technology
  • High standards of living
  • Better services
  • Development of infrastructure
  • Contribution to the world economy


  • Some countries struggle to compete
  • Extractive behavior of some foreign companies and investors in resource-rich countries, preventing economic diversification
  • Strong bargaining power of multinational companies *vis-à-vis* local governments
  • “Contagion effect” is more likely in times of crises
  • Problems of “social dumping”
  • Increased competition
  • Exploitation of labor and resources
  • Instability and terrorism
  • Increased global pollution
  • Economic inequality
  • Job displacement
  • Domestic job losses

Cultural Globalization

It refers to the process of transmission of values, ideas, and cultural and artistic expressions.


  • Access to new cultural products (art, entertainment, education)
  • Better understanding of foreign values and attitudes, leading to less stereotyping and fewer misconceptions about other people and cultures
  • Instant access to information from anywhere in the world
  • Capacity to communicate and defend one’s values and ideals globally
  • Customization or adaptation of global cultural trends to the local environment
  • Access to new cultures


  • Spread of commodity-based consumer culture
  • Dangers of cultural homogenization
  • Westernization, cultural imperialism, or cultural colonialism
  • Some small cultures may lose their distinct features
  • Dangerous or violent ideals can also spread faster

Political Globalization

International and supranational actors increasingly shape domestic politics.


  • Access to international aid and financial support
  • It contributes to world peace
  • International organizations are often committed to spreading values like freedom and democracy
  • Smaller countries can work together and gain more influence internationally
  • Governments can learn from each other


  • State sovereignty is reduced
  • The functioning of international and supranational organizations is often not “democratic” in terms of representation and accountability
  • Big countries can shape decisions in supranational organizations
  • Sometimes, countries can veto decisions and slow down the decision-making processes
  • Coordination is difficult and expensive

Social Globalization


  • Knowledge of new ways of life
  • Appearance of new currents of thought
  • Improving employment conditions and worker’s rights
  • Development of healthy lifestyles and similar consumption habits


  • Problems arise between people of different backgrounds
  • Little or no diversity of knowledge and cultures