Globalization, Tourism, and Economic Activity: A Deep Dive
DISADVANTAGES: Local people suffer from exploitation, local culture suffers, more pollution. Most of the money goes out of the country. GLOBALIZATION: When the whole world is seen as a provider of raw material and as a market. NIC’s: A country that has developed significantly in the last 50 years and has moved from being LEDC’s to MEDC’s. THE FIRST NIC’s WERE THE FOUR TIGERS: S Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan & Singapore. TODAY TOP NIC’s: Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, S Africa. NIC’S COMMON FEATURES: Increase of civil rights, strong political leaders, an increasingly open-market economy, lower poverty rates, large national corporations operating in many countries. FORMAL INDUSTRIES: Security measures, contracts (working hours, holidays…), monthly salary, skills & education, good working environment, legal companies, materials provided. CITY INHABITANTS (few skills & some education), get one of relatively proper jobs, less than 40% of formal sector. MIGRANTS: (from countryside, no skills or education), end up working for themselves in order to survive, more than 60% population. TOURISM: Is someone who visits a place outside of their primary residence for a temporary period of time. TYPES OF TOURISM: Summer camp, skiing, nature/safari adventure, sport, cultural trip (museum), camping, beach vacation, visit family/ friends. REASONS FOR THE RAPID INCREASE: More disposable incomes, improved roads/cheaper airlines, more knowledge (languages), more publicity (magazines, books) and internet (booking holidays easier). ADVANTAGES: Improves economy, jobs for local people, infrastructure improved (roads, electricity), attracts more people. DISADVANTAGES: Money goes out of the country, pollution (air (CO2, cars), land (building), water (boats)). Work is seasonal so people are unemployed in summer & winter. AGGLOMERATION: When a number of producers in the same industry group themselves together. FOOTLOOSE INDUSTRIES: An industry whose location is not influenced strongly by access either to materials or markets.
ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: The generation of income, in the form of food or money. PRIMARY: All of them are extracting raw materials from nature (fisherman, farmer). SECONDARY: When raw material is used to make other products (baker, carpenter). TERTIARY: When people are being served (shops, supermarket). QUATERNARY: Industry when the brain is used more than machines (high-tech, medical research). LEDC: Have lots of people employed in the 1st sector because there are few factories, schools, hospitals to employ them because they are poor so they need to work there to meet their basic needs. MEDC: Have most people employed in the 2nd and 3rd sector because it has more favorable conditions and pay. They can buy the raw materials of the 1st sector with the money earned by selling products in the 2nd sector. RESOURCES: Are what fuels the industry and the economy of a country. HUMAN – People’s skills/education. NATURAL – Oil, wood. NON RENEWABLE – Resources which once used cannot be used again (oil, coal, natural gas, wood, uranium). RENEWABLE: Resources which can be used again and again (wind, solar, water, tidal, wave, biomass, geothermal). INDUSTRY LOCATION FACTORS: Raw materials, cost of land, labour force, space, environmental concerns, access/proximity to market competition, energy source, transport links. FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCED INDUSTRIAL LOCATION IN THE PAST: Proximity to transport links – Many products were heavy, Proximity to a large labour force – Industry needs lots of workers, Proximity to raw materials – Many were heavy (coal, limestone). Many industries in MEDC’s are high tech and tend to be more footloose although it is important to be near skilled workers (universities). FOOTLOOSE: They don’t rely so heavily on location factors. MODERN INDUSTRIES, HIGH TECH INDUSTRIES: Quaternary sector, different requirements than traditional ones, design of computer programmes, microchips, research. TNC’s or MNC’s: Found in more than one country, products can be made in several countries to create the product, main offices are usually in MEDC’s and the factories in LEDC’s. PRESENT DAY TNC’S: Drink companies (coke), fast food chain (McDonalds), clothes companies (G-Star), Furniture companies (IKEA) electronic goods (Apple). ADVANTAGES: Creates jobs, improves society, improves quality of life, improves infrastructure (roads), helps country develop.