Glossary of Difficult Words from A to Z


Abacus: A wooden box with ten parallel wires and ten beads on each wire used for counting.

Abdicate: To relinquish power (e.g., The king abdicated).

Aboriginal: A primitive inhabitant of a country. / Native: A plant or animal from the place where you live.

Abreva: Watering livestock / Manger: Pond, river, or container where livestock drink.

Absolve: To free a defendant from guilt (e.g., The prisoner was acquitted).

Abusus: Abuse of Power

Acicate (spur): Spur a single tip / encouragement, motivation (e.g., The bike is the incentive to study)

Atalaya: Tower or high place from where you can watch


Baggage: Military luggage or luggage for travel / Cultural background, everything a person knows.

Baladí: Minor, unimportant (e.g., It’s a minor point).

Beacon: Fixed or mobile signal that guides.

Beads: Small, typically inexpensive objects with holes, used for making necklaces or similar items.

Belligerent: Which is at war with another (e.g., It is a belligerent country).

Bison: Rookie, new, inexperienced (e.g., It is a fledgling writer).

Boat: Ostentatious wealth. Living with much pomp.

Bonaerense: A native of Buenos Aires.


Cacique: Abuser of power.

Calculation: Mathematical account.

Candle: A wax cylinder with a wick that provides light when burned. / Candle Holder: A device used to hold a candle. / Chandelier: An oil lamp used to illuminate.

Canana: Belt for carrying bullets or cartridges.

Canyon: Narrow step where a river runs between two high mountains.

Clapper: Piece of metal used to strike bells.

Crackle: Cracking of burning wood.

Crosier: Staff or cane for support / The staff used by bishops.

Crush: To soften something solid by liquid immersion.


Dalton: Who confuses some colors.

Dantesco: Something that causes horror.

Devoted: Person who sacrifices himself for others or an ideal.

Digression: In a narrative or discourse, moving away from the main point to briefly focus on a detail or something other than the main topic.

Diligence: The opposite of laziness (e.g., He is a diligent student).


Eloquent: Having the ability to speak well.

Emulate: To imitate someone who is admired.

Encyclical: Letter written by the Pope to the faithful.

Ennui: Boredom.

Ephemeral: Passenger, short-term (e.g., Life is fleeting).

Esotérico: Hidden, secret (e.g., Cattail is an esoteric religion).


Falaz: Deceitful, fake, liar (e.g., False promises).

Fallacy: A mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument (e.g., That argument is a fallacy).

Feasible: Possible to do (e.g., That plan is feasible).

Flatter: To praise excessively or insincerely.


Gallows: Platform used to execute the death penalty.

Gambler: Player who cheats / skilled player (mostly cards).

Greedy: Wanting something with great force (e.g., Thirsty for knowledge, power hungry).

Guide: Shaven man with no beard or very little.


Haragán: Lazy, idle.

Hecatombe: Distress in which many people die.

Hematome: Bruise.

Hemeroteca: Library that saves newspapers.

Hilarious: Laughter-provoking (e.g., It was a hilarious situation).

Hirsuta: Sparse hair.

Hollow: Empty space in a solid.

Honing: Polishing or refining metal.

Hyssop: Utensil used in the church to spread holy water.


Idiosyncrasy: Typical character feature of an individual or group.

Igneous: Related to fire.

Ilk: Any trim that is put to the horses.

Impunity: Without receiving punishment for a crime.

Incipient: Beginning (e.g., You have an emerging cold).

Indemne: That has not received injury or damage.

Injured: Person who has received a large collective damage (e.g., The flood victims are numerous).

Invoke: To call for help or aid (e.g., To God).


Jabber: Talking very quickly, without understanding anything.

Jamba: The two vertical pieces on the sides of a door or window.

Jargon: Special language of certain professions or trades.

Jarcias: Strings or ropes of a ship.

Jasper: Marble with veins.

Jauría: A pack of dogs.

Jergón: Straw mattress.

Jiron: Torn piece of clothing.

Jornal: What a worker earns each working day.


Lacerate: To hurt, injure, knock.

Laconic: Brief, concise, using few words.

Languid: Weak, tired, low energy.

Lascivious: Lustful, tending to carnal appetites.

Libretto: Text written to be sung in an opera or musical.

Liver: Hard, related to the liver (e.g., Hepatic).

Livery: Uniform worn by some servants (e.g., The hotel porters wear livery).

Locality: Name of a place.

Longevity: Living for many years.

Lupanar: Brothel.

Lynch: To execute a suspect without trial by a mob.


Macula: Smooth spot.

Maroma: Very thick rope.

Matriarchy: Social organization in which command belongs to the female (matriarch).

Milestone: Anniversary that is remembered.

Misanthrope: Who does not want the company of men, hermit.

Misogynist: Who hates women.

Mitigate: To smooth something negative, decreasing it (e.g., Mitigate the pain, suffering).

Mitra: High cap finished in a tip used by bishops.

Mitten: Fingerless glove.

Mobster: Person who employs others to execute violent actions.

Mournful: Sad, funeral, worthy of tears.


Natives: Original inhabitants of a place.

Nauseating: Which produces nausea or vomiting.

Negligent: Person who does not pay attention to what they do.


Oligarchy: Power in a few.

Outrage: Violent action made by abuse of power.

Overthrowing: To remove someone from their position by force.


Pharisee: Delusive person.

Philanthropist: Person who helps humanity disinterestedly.

Playful: Related to games.


Quorum: Number of persons required to make an agreement or decision.


Rack: Shelf to hold or put things.

Rag: Old and worn clothes.


Saddler: Person working leather.

Secession: To secede from a nation or its territory.

Sephardi: Spanish Jew.

Shooting: Sudden.

Shroud: Cloth in which a corpse is wrapped.

Skeptical: Doubting or not believing in certain things.

Stabbing: Hurtful.

Stole: Piece of cloth like a scarf worn by the priest to celebrate Mass.

Susceptible: Touchy, techy.

Sweetening: Substance used to sweeten.


Tahona: Bakery oven.

Tramoya: A machine used in theater to change the setting or produce special effects.

Trembling: Shaking involuntarily.

Trepan: Operation to pierce the skull.

Trifle: Not important, smallness.

Turolense: Natural of Teruel.

Tithing: To cause great mortality.


Uninjured: Without injury.

Unpublished: New, unknown, not published.

Urge: To encourage someone to do or stop doing something.


Weasel: A hidden poacher.

Whore: Prostitute.