Glossary of Spanish Terms


A motley: confused, mixed, leaning

Recant: repudiate

ABOCA (SE): Ramp, packaging, hugging, engaging in, indulge in

ABRAS: overheating, light

Rugged: cliffs wither, bravo, wild, mountainous, uneven, steep, rough

Absorbed: stupefied, suspended, static, enthralled, entranced, astonished

Abstruse: incomprehensible, impenetrable, deep, hidden, concealed, difficult, dark, abstract, tangled

Abject servility: low, despicable, disgusting, unworthy

ACCESS: way, shortcut, attack

ACCESSORY: crisis complementary monitoring accidental stalk

Refined: pure, genuine

Acerba: sour, bitter, painful, violent, severe, fatal

Asiago: unlucky, sinister, nefarious

Acicate: adverse stimulus, lure, temptation, stinger, spike, spike

Sharply: sharpness, intensity, abruptness, irritation, sarcasm

Beset: urge, encourage; sting, desire, craving

ADEPT: adherent, follower, loyal

DRESSING: fix, arrange; enjoyar, dressing

ADMONITION: rebuke, reprimand, scolding, warning, impose

ADUC: sermon, mention, cite, claim, declare

Grim: harsh, dry, sober, rough, tasteless

ADJACENT: contiguous with

Agape: feast, feast, invitation, lunch

Crouching: hide, lurk

Earnestly: desire, persistence, zeal, determination and passion

AHIT: jaded, angry, tired, full

ALEVE: perfidious, treacherous

Algidus: frigid, ice cream supreme, high, haughty

Amaina: final

ALTIVO: calm, diminish, weaken

Discouraged (SE): daunted, discouraged

Amphibology: ambiguity, confusion, promiscuity

Animosity: rancor, antipathy

ANODINA: vapid, superficial

Crush: soothing (SE): humiliate, bring down, demolish, discourage, confuse, surprise

APOCRYPHA: chimerical, liar, simulated, fabricated, erroneous

URGES: necessity, urgency, demand, obligation, pressure

Apprehension: distrust, fear, suspicion, prejudice, disgust

Acquiescence: approval under

Arbitrary: abuse, injustice, tyranny, abuse cunning stratagem

ARGUE: reply, argue, oppose, question, explain, describe

AT: charm, entice, enchant, romancing

Asceticism: hermit, sober, humble, simple

SIEGE: siege, surround, harass, stalk

ASEPSIS: hygiene, disinfection, antisepsis

ASSERTIVE: warranty, witness

ASIR: apprehend, seize

ATAVICAS: ancestral, hereditary, traditional

Warm (SE): smooth, soften, cushion

Ater (SE): frosting (se), aterecer (se), stun (are)

Fanning: excite, stimulate

Avez: habituated, accustomed, trained, skilled, hard irregular

Davies: devious, deviant, perverse

Avizor: observe, monitor

AZORES (SE): to frighten, confuse, irritate

BALADRON: blush bluster, bravado

BALDI Sterile: unfounded, useless idle

BASTION: strength, defense

BASTO: coarse, regular, rough

BIRLA BOATO: steal luxury, pomp

CANDOR: innocence, gullibility

CANON: rule, decision, order, copy model, code

CELO: devotion, steadfastness, perseverance, attention

CIMENT: establish, consolidate

Circunloquio: digression

CISMA: disunity, antagonism, rivalry, rebellion, heresy


COERCION: undergo Claudic imposition, compulsion, constraint, mandate, threats, oppression

Colleagues: concluded, reason, understand, take, perceive, judge

COLLUSION COMPLEXION: alliance structure, composition, character, sensuality

Lust: greed, usury, selfishness, greed

INVOLVING: include, tolerate bullying, order

Commiseration: pity, tenderness, kindness common

CUSTOMARY: tolerate appeasement, please, conform, resigned

CONTINENCE: temperance, control, sobriety, chastity

Contrite: remorseful, sorry, sad

Conspiracy: concubinage; conspiracy

CONTEMPT: stubbornness, rebellion, unrepentant, stubborn

Crapule: corruption, vice, debauchery, loss; degenerate

Cruenta: bloodthirsty, ferocious

Whistle blower despicable: betrayal delicate, elastic, perishable, transient, slight, unfounded

Insult: to insult, slander, censor

Courage: courage, resolve, courage

REGRET: regrettable, sad

Malaise: itching, anxiety, distaste instruct coils, smooth, perfect

Scorn: despise, reject

DROPOUT: resignation, betrayal, infidelity, abandonment

Neglect: laziness, disinterest, unveiling (SE) display, disclose, Awakening, Détente usurp

DETRACTORS: denigrated, libelous, censorious

PREJUDICE: injury; impairment, deterioration, injustice

DIATRIBA: injury, harm

TITHES: attack

DELAY: Postponement, elongation

DISCERN: discriminate, understand, appreciate, perceive

DÍSCOLO: rebel, rebel disunity DISCREPANCY, disagreement

Debauched: depraved, vicious, corrupt, wild, spendthrift, lecherous

DISQUISITION: discussion, research, analysis

DETER: away, divert

FOLD: Fold, contradiction, deceit

DOLO: lie, cheat


Egregio: famous, honorable

ELOQUENCE: verbiage (talk a lot)

Erect: erect

Ensan (SE) Escueta: enrage naked, emaciated emaciated

SPORADIC: rare dry, loose, isolated, broken, insecure

Meager: petty, low, miserable, short

Contestability: conquer, seize, submit content

FACTIONS exultation: side; guerrilla charities PHILANTHROPY flagrant evidence, incontestable, unquestionable

FORANEO: alien, aliens

STATIC FRUGAL: scandalous moderate, sober enjoyment Fruition Futile punish whipped light, small, empty, trivial, inconsequential

GRACILIS: fine, delicate, slender

FARMS (SE): achieve; win, win over crowding (SE) agglomerating, crush

Hegemony: dominance, superiority

Hesitate: hesitating, confused

Hieratical: priestly, holy, mysterious, serious, funny Hilarious HIRSUTISM tangled pompous, bristling; intractable

HOLLAR: trampling, kicking, compress, humiliate, mistreat Umbu (SE) infiltration, induce, inspire, encourage, entreat assimilate obtain, reach, entreat implies (SE): committing (se), entangle (se), involve (are)

Imprecation: blasphemy, condemnation

INCAUTOS: simple, gullible, innocent, simple BEGINNINGS: beginner, elementary

Unfailing: safe, healthy positivo

INEFFABLE NDEMNE: wonderful, wonderful, inexplicable inevitable: inevitable UNEQUIVOCALLY indubitable, indisputable, undeniable

Defenseless: alone, abandoned, helpless, inexcusable inexcusable, inexplicable, invincible Impregnable pressing INEXORABLE Infaust unfortunate cruel, evil, triste

NFLIGIR: implement, produce, impose; punish

IMPASSABLE: difficult, broken, impassable infringing: violation. pretensions: pride

INGENTA: huge, infinite lawlessness perversidad

NJERENCIA: indiscretion SAFE harmless, innocent casual unexpected, sudden, unexpected inquisitively CHALLENGES researcher ask, ask unusual Unusual Fearless daring, unusual cunning Ladino Latent Lax hidden loose, relaxed, loose, weak

Lego: has not clerical orders

Lene: inexperienced smooth, soft, sweet, kind Libar: suck, suck talkative Talkative, chatty

Marasmus: stay in moral or physical fearful fearful soft mellifluous, smooth, delicate dwindling: decrease Misantropía: manifest aversion to human contact, dislike Mitigate lessen, alleviate grimace grimace, gesture punsante Trenchant, sarcastic, caustic munificence, liberality, magnificence, altruistic, detached skepticism nihilism, anarchism, disorder. Nimio narrow Peqeña trivial obstacle obstacle, difficulty obnubilar blinded, persist. obstinate stubbornness, tenacity, obsession. Occiso corpse, hateful ominous opulence victim fertility abundncia trinket Oropel obvious Palmaria Paradoxical contradictory, erroneous Parangon confrontation, similarity, equivalence Parco measured, sober, petty. Paria servant, slave Parsimony: Wisdom Noticing learn, know, know Insightful intelligent PING fat, fat, fertile, lush plausible to accept, probable, desirable, worthy, timely, friendly, wonderful, successful, superior, excellent PLEYADE cream selection, the best, the cream WEIGHTED offset, consider, study, analyze, measure; praise, bloating, increased applaud pontiff said PROSTRATION discouragement, weakness, sickness, depression, hopelessness, sadness, disappointment, shyness, inaction ADVANTAGE advantage, profit, profit, opportunity, dignity, employment, position, squatting insecure, fragile, fleeting, inconstant PREROGATIVE advantage, favor, preference PREVER guess, prevent, suspect

PROBIDAD: integrity, morality, decency, loyalty insolent insolent PRODIGAL wasteful, selfless, generous, magnanimous, fertile PROMISCUOUS confused, lustful PROPENSITY trend, love, devotion, attraction, love, lust, desire, habit, taste ENABLING prosperous, bent, ready to protect ADVOCATES, support, encourage, help break forth sprout caste ancestry, lineage, house, PROSELYTIZING importance henchman, follower, supporter, adherent, PUNITIVE unconditional sanctionable ticketable, condemned, condemned Feeble fearful, shy RAPTORS usury, looting, pillaging, piracy, thievery, greed, greed PASSING overreach, exceed, fill, overflow RECODO corner, angle, curvature, shoulder, back, rodeo hidden secrets, hidden, quiet, deep, impenetrable CONTEST contradict reject, deny allow ENDORSES exude sweat, filter, translucent, seen, shining bright guessed Entourage SARDON ironic procession, procession, escorted convoy, fruit, branch SICARIO henchman

SECRECY: concealment, subterfuge, reservation, disguise, concealment, BUT discretion destination, star, random, predestination, fate, chance UNIS ripple kindly requests, affectionate, polite, active, quick, helpful, industrious PROBE investigate, investigate, measure dissimulation Sorn, burla, irony SOSLAYO through, avoid, shun SUBLIMATION aggrandizement, Finishing, praise Subvert disrupt, misrule, Subdue submit mess, concise summary SUSCEPTIBLE seduce willing, able, skilled, trained, irritable, malicious

Suspicious Silent: malicious dark, quiet, brooding, listless, silent, embarrassed, hurt TAHURES cheat, TEMPLE suitcase character, mood, disposition, determination, drive, anger, animosity, courage, desire, pleasure, humor, genius Defector fugitive, fugitive afflicted TRADED tired, petty TRIVIAL trite, ordinary, basic, and light, frivolous, inconsequential TROCAR negotiate, transfer, invest, move, twist, alter, confuse OUTRAGES abuse, illegality, abuse, violence, injustice, trampling, TRUNC maul hurry, divide, add land

Fertile: fruitful, productive, lush, OPIM, copious Web concoct, contrive, prepare, plotting, planning, plots, plotting, messing VANO unreal, conceited, vain, hollow, frivolous, superficial Vapula spanking, shaking, hitting, punishing VEHEMENT exalted living, turbulent, violent, angry, zealot, impulsive, mad, blind, fiery Vexation blasphemy, mockery, contempt, vulgarity, here fickleness whim, caprice, frivolity, inconsistency, instability VERNACULAR native, indigenous, local, virulent nationalism toxic, abrasive, violent Vituperio censorship, insult, denigration, humiliation, insult, dishonor, slander

VULNERABLE: weak, sensitive, dirty filthy, unkempt