Glossary of Terms: Definitions and Examples

Glossary of Terms

Note: Commas separate meanings and synonyms; semicolons separate different meanings of a word.

  • Acc: Action verb
  • Ant: Antonym
  • Conj: It is conjugated as
  • Ex: Example
  • Err: Wrong way
  • Fam: Family
  • Fig: Figuratively
  • Per: Person
  • Plur: Plural
  • Sin: Synonym
  • Út: Also used in / as
  • Intr: Intransitive

Mottled: Confused, mixed.

Cur: Despicable, vile in the extreme.

Heartburn: Flounder.

Bitter: Rough to taste, unpleasant. Err. acquis. View acquis.

Bitter: Superlative acre. Very rough and pungent taste and smell. Case of persons of genius or rough, surly.

Acquis: Bunch of little things. Set of moral goods. E.g., cultural heritage. Err bitter. View bitter.

Panting: Longing, desire, or greed for anything. Acez Acc. Per panting.

Clarify: Elucidate. Remove soap from clothing. Clear, uncluttered. View clarify.

Acre: Rough and spicy to taste and smell. Rough, surly.

Fat: Greasy, full fat.

Stern: Quemado, roasting, burning. Fig rigid, melancholy.

Aphasia: Loss of speech, brain disorder.

Agglomeration: A lot of things, board meeting. View clustering.

Agglomerate: View agglomeration, clustering.

Agnición: Recognition of a person whose quality was unknown.

Parched: Withered (August).

Faded: Withered.

Ajar: Mistreat, tarnish.

Sewer: Canal, drain. Fig unclean in general.

Albocracia: Domain of the white race.

Fuss: Demonstration, little reason, in some sense.

Syrup: Sugar dissolved in water and thickened by fire (saturated).

Allochthonous: From another country. Ex allochthonous tongue.

Epiphany: Agnición, poetic form.

You walk: With sticks board to carry effigies and sculptures.

Schedule: Saying or popular decision making in verse and singable.

Bidders: Person who is awarded the auction thing.

Attached: Annex.

Apocryphon: Imaginary, fantastic, of course.

Settle: Undo this dress. Resolving a dispute.

Apprehension: Repair, suspicion, doubt, fear of contagion.

Argue: Remove clear, deduct. Argue, object. Put counterarguments.

Challenge: Infer. See argue.

Arguing: Argue, reason, refute. See argue.

Glow: Reddish color of the clouds. Redness of the face of women. Plur. Flushed.

Flushed: View glow.

Artero: Clever, false, malicious.

Artesa: Oblong wooden drawer.

Atavistic: Hereditary.

Baptistery: Building, circular or polygonal font.

Bastion: Bastion.

Behetrías: Population in which people could choose who would lord. Fig confusion, disorder.

Brocade: Silk fabric printing.

Chancellor: Assistant embassy.

Carcinoma: Epithelial cancer can spread by metastasis.

Cenotaph: Memorial funeral without a corpse.

Cetina: Sperm whale.

Sallow: Yellow-green color. Melancholy and morose. View spermaceti.

Cornice: Abacus.

Hunting: “Art” of hunting.

Cautious: Prudente, serious, respectable.

ROBE: Typical short and shallow layer of Romans and Greeks.

Clarifying: Alumbrar. Clarify something. Remove impurities from something. See clarification.

Restrict: Coerce, limit, constrain.

Bribery: Bribery scam.

Infer: Join things. Infer, deduct.

Collado: Up that area becomes a hill.

Compel: Forcing one to do what you do not want. Forcing, constrain.

Concomitant: Accompany one thing to another or act in conjunction with it.

Violate: Hollar feet on something. Break, trample.

Lust: Love of earthly goods.

Confit: Cover with a bath of sugar in fruit or seeds to make them more pleasing to the palate. Cook the fruit in syrup.

Clustering: Different things in one body or part.

Hardboard: Made from wood type remains pressed. View agglomeration, clustering.

Conscripto: “Soldier” in Latin America.

Customary: Usual. Customary law.

Collusion: Collusion with another person. Conspiracy.

Obstinate: Obstinate in error. Rebellious, stubborn.

Coprophilia: Sexual practice involving the use of excrement.

Corofilia: Lesbianism, pederast.

Cosca: Concomerse. Acc concomimiento, concomitant.

Roost: Site in that evening gave shelter to the poor. Slope of a ravine.

Comparing: Confronting one thing with another. Comparison, compare.

Geek: Stupid, short of understanding.

Crujía: Space between two walls, Nave, aisle.

Deferens: Respectful, courteous.

Defer: Joining the opinion of someone out of respect.

Disdain: Try with disdain. Rejected, neglected.

Neglect: Neglect inertia. Ant diligence.

Despichar: Firing humor out of it. Espicha Fam.

Decrease: Mild or partial destruction. Loss, grief. Moral damages. Deterioration.

Earn: To acquire the right to perception or restriction for reasons of work, service, or other evidence. Interests. Acc accrual.

Dyad: Couple of two things or people closely linked.

Diligence: Readiness, agility, dedication. Ant negligence.

Dilogy: Ambiguity, double meanings.

Discretion: That is free and cautiously.

Dissent: Disagreement among several. Strife, fight.

Dissent: See dissent.

Dissent: Disagreeing.

Dissent: Action and effect of dissent.

Dyslalia: Difficulty articulating words. View dyslexia, nonsense.

Nonsense: Nonsense.

Dyslexia: Difficulty writing words. See dyslalia.

Boil: Tumor inflammatory, sharp and hard that forms in the thickness of the skin.

Halter: Rope for horses and hanged. View piola.

Ecumene: Inhabited part of the planet Earth.

Emuntorio: Place laying drains something.

Entonia: Abnormal morbid sexual excitement.

Epenthesis: Adding a sound to a word (e.g., I get for tenre).

Epenthetic: That is added by epenthesis.

Epithelial: Concerning epidermis.

Erospásmica: Describes vaginas muscle contraction which prevents the penetration or it is painful. Also called Vagina crab.

Escatofilia: Coprophilia.

Spurious: False, counterfeit, or adulterated.

Stampede: Exit, stampede from. Leave suddenly.

Stucco: Plaster is painted later.

Exegete: Interpreter biblical writings.

Exor: Condescending with prayers.

Atone: Meet punishment.

Exult: Jump with joy, not fit himself for joy.

Fallacy: Lie, deceit.

Deceptive: Deceitful.

Cliff: High rock and cut that stands out in the sea and sometimes on land.

Fatuous: Lacking reason (stupid). Filled with pride or vanity baseless, arrogant, petulant.

Authentic: What does faith in trial.

Ugliness: Trend ugly artistic value.

Fertile: Fertile.

Supervise: To criticize and the work of others put on trial.

Surrounding: That is around.

Flagrant: You are currently running or loosely constructed.

Formicante: Slowly. Motion of an ant.

Boil: Boil.

Trifling: Thing of little value. Trifle.

Consumables: Are consumed with use.

Fungus: Spongy, hollowed out and filled pores.

Angry: Furiously.

Boil: Boil. Boil.

Glaucous: Green. View glaucoma.

Glaucoma: Disease that manifests a bluish color in the pupil. View glaucous.

Glutinous: Sticky.

Gofo: Fool, ignorant and rude.

Breath: Breath, wheezing.

Gable: Front roof or pediment.

Heliotropic: Movement some specific plant organisms from the sun.

Hydrops: Spill or abnormal accumulation of serous humor in a body cavity.

Dropsy: Insatiable, thirsty. That has dropsy.

Swelling: Tumescence.

Hollar: Stepping, trace. Trampling, humiliate (tread on).

Humor: Any animal body fluids.

Idiosyncratic: Own character of the individual.

Edomite: In Edom (Palestine).

Imbricate: Overlay (tiles, flakes).

Imbue: Infuse, penetrate.

Propel: Dar momentum. Stimulating.

Disapprove: Fail, disapprove.

Arduous: Hard excessive.

Inalienable: Can not give away.

Indolent: Insensitive. Unmoved. Lazy.

Forbearance: Compassion, tolerance, forgiveness.

Ineffable: That can not be explained in words.

Inextricable: Very difficult to disentangle, very intricate and confusing.

Influence: Use on the human level.

Influencing: Use at the Heritage.

Eat: Enter anything by mouth.

Inherently: Related and linked to something else.

Ingest: Ingest one thing into another. Insert.

Interfere: Meddle or meddle.

Unfading: Unfading.

Tangled: Intricate, complicated, difficult.

Ladino: Rogue, fox.

Lebrun: Concerning the hare. View cleft.

Hare: Concerning hare. View Lebrun.

Freest: Superlative free.

Lymphatic: Whiteness of skin, loose muscles, lack of energy.

Lewd: Lustful.

Recreational: Concerning play.

Ludir: Rub.

Trite: Threshing, fondled. Meat and without being rotten smell.

Marcesible: Wither.

Faded: Faded, withered.

Melado: The color of honey.

Molasses: Viscous liquid ± resulting from the crystallization of sugar.

Jam: The Portuguese marmelo, quince. Canned fruit with honey or sugar.

Metastasis: Playing a systematic wrong in another part or organ of the body.

Metathesis: Relocate a sound or letter within a word. Pearl Ex by prelate.

Vagabond: Demosthenes, dunce.

Mustio: Melancholy, sad.

Clearly: Cleanly and purely.

Oblong: Longer than wide.

But: That prevents clogging.

Costly: Annoyed, burdensome.

Paladin: Champion, a hero. Dauntless defender of any person or thing.

Sedan: Car pulled by men on foot.

Paraphasia: Difficulty in finding the expression of an idea.

Pathogen: That causes an evil.

Patojo: That has patojera, defects in legs and / or feet that make walking like a duck.

Pathology: Research into diseases.

Shortage: Crisis, lack of specific things.

Perfidia: Disloyalty, betrayal.

Concoct: To something more or less skill.

Wearing apparel: Pinta, look.

Perspicuous: Sure, transparent and smooth. Út people.

Stubborn: View contempt.

Smug: Bold, brash. Cocky, arrogant, conceited.

Pledge: Commit.

Piola: Thin rope, cord. View noose.

Ceiling: Flat lower projection of a cornice.

Flounder: Fish like sole. See heartburn.

Pragmatism: That is fixed mainly on the practical implications of the facts.

Property: Homestead, estate or office building.

Prelate: Superior ecclesiastical.

Presbytery: Of the altar area.

Priest: Cleric. View prelate.

Prescribe: Send, dispose. Finishing, expire.

Prescribed: Noted, ordered. Finished.

Presea: Alhaja, jewelry or precious thing.

Pretentious: Slightly, pretending to be more than what it is.

Confining to the past: Ignoring a person or thing. Conj abolished.

Prevent: Warning, anticipate, avoid.

Anticipating: See above. Err foresee.

Probity: Righteousness, integrity.

Insolent: Shameless, daring.

Profuse: Abundant.

Neat: Largo, dilated to excess. Ant brief, short, terse, concise.

Promise: Action promise. Pledge to do something.

Ancestry: Ancestry, lineage, race.

Itching: Longing, mania, itching.

Pseudolismo: Practice exciting friction.

Hairy: Hairy.

Ratify: Claiming or confirm actions, words or writings. Affirm, corroborate.

Recalcitrant: Obstinate, stubborn, headstrong. View contempt.

Recession: Depression in industrial / commercial activities. Low production, wages, etc.

Snack: Food to eat something light. Fam What in any sale is given to the buyer in addition.

Refectory: Dining room reserved in communities and schools.

Refrendación: Action endorse.

Endorse: Legalizing a document with the signature of the authorized person. Back to execute an action, like going back to eat or drink the same thing. Refrendación Acc. Per referendum.

Refute: Contradicting arguments. Swing.

Remnant: Residue of a thing. Rest, excess.

Referral: Submission shipment. Reference.

Forward: To pardon, stop, yield.

Compensate: Compensate, repair damage.

Reluctance: To say something mean, implying what is not said. Ej ‘Not how early …’. Imprecisely.

Reverter: Overflow or something out of its terms or limits. Conj understand.

Revert: Back something to its previous state. Conj feel.

Revoke: Rescind a license, mandate or resolution. To abolish abolished.

Sparkling: Quality rutile.

Rutile: Shine as gold.

Bias: Cut, oblique, overlooked.

Cryptic: Mysterious, hidden, incomprehensible.

Suggestiveness: Erotic Literature close to obscenity.

Peep: Concerning the suggestiveness. Excites erotic lust.

Forestry: Cultivation of forest.

Symbiosis: Animal or plant Association for the common good.

Sinecure: Employment or paid position that results in little or no work.

Symptomatic: That reveals the symptom or condition of a thing.

Surreptitious: Action hidden and secret.

Grant: Cater Action.

Grant favors: With a subsidy.

Cater: Assistant, to help.

Subversive: Capacity to subvert.

Subverting: Disturb, stir, destroy.

Summary: Brief succinct. Abstract.

Sumptuous: Relative luxury.

Sumptuous: Ostentatious, luxurious.

Tanaro: Discover or guess the intentions or qualities of a person.

Stubborn: View obstinate.

Transept: Cruise.

Breaking: Breaking, crushing.

Trespass: Transgress Action.

Swelling: Swelling. Tumescence.

Tumescence: Swelling. Swelling.

Proud: Arrogant, presumptuous. Determined, resolved.

Viaticum: Giving Eucharist to a foreclosed.

Per diem: Provision of food for making a trip.

Viperino: Vipéreo. Concerning the snake. Scathing.

Virgule: Vara small. Hairline.

Vivid: Effective, vigorous. Of wit, sharp.

Poultry: Poultry.

Voluptuous: Concupisciente, lewd, libertine. Ant Ascetic.