Greening the Sahara, Robots, and More

Greening the Sahara

The Sahara’s population is growing, and the government is working to address the issue. The government needs more money and is working to protect animals and plants. The vastness of the Sahara is a factor, and the ancient construction of the pyramids is a testament to the past.

Make Room for the Robots

Scientists are creating robots with advanced skills. ASIMO is a human robot with many skills and uses. It can lead an entire orchestra. Monty needs to look more like humans because his goal is to wash and he has to be taller to wash and has to have hands.

Earthquake Hits Britain

Earthquakes occur in Britain, but they are usually small. Some people reported feeling an earthquake, and one man felt his chimney fall. The most important thing is how the earthquakes are measured. I asked the girl what she had seen after the earthquake.

Air-Conditioned Clothes in Japan

Hiroshi Ichigaya invented air-conditioned jackets. The jackets help people stay cool. Kuchofuku jackets have fans inside, which helps reduce sweating and lower body temperature.

Cup of Tea?

It’s not hard to make tea, and it can make you feel better when you have a cold. It’s a drink that gave workers energy to work for longer hours. I suggested having some tea.

Better Ways to Learn

Students may memorize things for exams but forget them later. Studying for a long time can tire the brain, so you need to take breaks. The teacher wanted to know if his students were studying.

Friends Forever

In real life, it’s important to maintain relationships. Your future bosses will check your social networks. My mother told me not to post those photos on Instagram.

Selfie Accidents

People risk their lives to take selfies. The Russian government has created a campaign to promote safety. Mike said that he had spoken to his publisher about her new photography book.

Parents Join Facebook to Spy

Parents want to know what sites their kids visit and who they are with. The director of the survey understands what parents do. Facebook allows parents to keep an eye on their children’s lives. Mary asked her mother what else she saw.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Anne Morrow Lindbergh was a co-pilot on important flights. She was the talk of women’s lives during the 20th century.