Guide to Medium Voltage Cables and Insulators

1.3: Cables for Medium Voltage Tension

a) Aluminum-Wire Steel Dsnudos d:

These cables are called x stands LA-56 and LA-110.

c) Cables and Reinforced Aluminum Foil Cn Soul Cmpactado Steel D:

1cable d 7ilos formed x-steel wire aluminum foil secion d circular.

d) Galvanized Steel Wire Lines D D Earth

Formads x 1alma central d d steel wire on the helically coiled q + 1 or d layers and same diameter steel calidad.los dl d earth cables must star in every support conectads directament the same whether it is d support d metal or metal skeletons nl insulators fixing case d d d ormigon support. The errajes d line d dberan join the grounding cable.

e) Reinforced Aluminum Cables D Cn Coated Aluminum Foil (LAR)

L-coated steel spiral shape is 1producto d bimetaliko cn 1revestimiento pure aluminum on 1alma d d d high strength steel.

f) Insulated Medium Voltage Cables

Tnsion have as nominal (20 and 30kV) and as maximum tension (24 and 36kV), the values listed designated tnsiones between phases, and are indicated in parentheses as preferential cnsiderarse, x lo q not used n d futuro.dependiend and insulation materials used, ls cables are classified as:

  • Impregnated paper insulated cables cn cn not migrant mix.
  • Cn linked polyethylene insulated cables (XLPE).
  • Insulated wires cn ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR).

Constructive type: copper (when placing a dash (-)) and aluminum (Al), nominal cable tension: it is expressed in kV and an ls cn U0and U values, and as U0/ U information relating to drivers : number, nominal secion, nature and form.

g) Impregnated Paper Insulated Cables Cn Cn Not Migrant Mix

Used in the range d actualment q ns tnsiones occupies the variant being irreplaceable n d n the oil-filled high d + employees No Today, Spain QNL case d is d 400kV. (Seciones of 95.150 and 240mm2).

Selecion Guide for Wires D D MT:

Paper insulated cables cn cn mpregnado migrant mix. Resistncia to its high ionization and aging and intrinsic resistance to the presence d Moisture x cover lead, make it the cable d lifespan than long, but the presence tube dl d lead akey discouraged in the facilities that provides the route of the cable Suitable pa is the underground network medium or high tnsion d q and d its low rate minimizes breakdowns d trench repairs.

Proetileno Crosslinked Insulated Cables

Cable d mu notable features, both d lost inthe dielectric, thermal and electrical resistivity as stiffness appearance in the presence d d arborescences Moisture discourage an underground lines in the presence d cn soil Moisture and rigidity, q difficult to instalacion.cable Suitable x its lightness and small diameter pa industrial plants indoors.

Cn Insulated Wires Ethylene-Propylene

This is d q 1Technical equipment perfectament resist the acion d ad + Umeda and has the structure d pa Suitable cable underground in soils Umeda, q premises where the tour is winding mu or where change is expected 1proximo d tour.

1.4: Insulators

Can be made in porcelain, glass or other material appropriate to their characteristics d function, and causes the q x pede jump electrik current support are:

  • By the insulator body cnductividad cmo current cnsecuencia d 1 d leakage.
  • X cnductivida surface due to Moisture or dirt deposit n q is the aerator.
  • X drilling dl dl insulator body dbid to your 1fayo No cnstrucion.
  • X dl flashover through air, originating 1arco mong cnductor and support or support through dl dl air insulator Umeda.

Isolators D Types:

  • Constitution: simple (consisting of x 1sola piece), composite (x 2 or + insulators).
  • Application: support (driver support), intern (crosses x inside the insulator).
  • Installation: interior d (used n d Moisture free ambients), d weather (used in ambients cnalto degree d Moisture).
  • Is: Attachable (d coupling facilitates several bodies insulators metal element x half d) not coupled (coupling not permit any element d).
  • Finishing: saddle metalik cn (d pieces Metaliks has its insertion or fixing pa ) rimless (no precise pa d no part metalik your link).

Isolators + used: d support, column d, d suspension, d chain, d pulley, to wind.

Section 1.5: Fittings

Sn ls all items used No pa electric lines for fixing the post insulators d ls and cnductor, clamps cables d d ls earth elements d ls d ls protecting and electrical insulators and accessories d ls ls ls cnductores cmo are separators, anti-vibrations, etc..

Section 1.6: Joints and Connections

Junction: the union q d drivers ensures mechanical and electrical continuity. Connexion: d is the union ensures cnductores q d ls electric cnductividad these, and its low mechanical resistncia. Shrink splices: obtaining trmorretractil d 1Technical equipment is made by electronic 1radiacion prior cn la q se cnsigue its crosslinking.