Guide to Understanding Sentence Structures and Clauses
Compound Sentence
: is the statement made X2O + q sta related sentences. Prayers coordinated relates through a link coordinante.caracteristica;-autonymy each has the capacity d appear isolated ( “salts or go?)-D Like any hierarchical level or they depend another wing is subordinate. (tiste seems, but thoughtful) * indicates sum d copular coordinated significads: cnstituyen frequent manifestation + DAYS coordinated structures, but their Nexsan representativs are and, or * have coordinated disjunctive d STATS quo can occur simultaneously. conjunction uyilizan can join the tb to OTRS elemnts x example or … or adversative la2 º ..* coordinated corrected or correcting the primera.sus NXS d sense are but, but, instead, nevertheless indicates distributional coordinated ..* alternating actions. NXS well .. well, .. ya, it … ie some … other explanatory .* coordinated the 2nd proposition clarifies or explains loq says the first. nx bone, namely, ie, they are always between pauses. Prayers juxtaposed: they belong to the same statement but without d nx d union. (sings, dances, this happy all day)-is formed autonomous-xx prayers these prayers are in the same hierarchical level. subordinate clauses: d within another sentence desempeña1funcion alaq main call is attached by an nx subordinating what, where, if … * classes-sub Substantive perform functions dls puedn be replaced noun phrases and names .- x prornombres sub adjectival perform functions d ls adjectives and phrases are replaced x sub adverbial adjectives .-: perform functions traditionally considered themselves adverbial phrases d ls is replaced x adverbs. Subordinadas Substantive consist d2partes, nx subordinates subordinating and prayer .* substantive qse introduced x to. puedn dsempeñar any specific function noun phrases dls .- of subject-of CD, CI, Creg, attribute-, CN, C of adj, adv of C. (the subject, do not carry CDs and attribute preposition in front of that / if) * introduced sust x if: the conjunction if incorporated into the subordinate substantive significance od d interrogación.funcionan normaalment uncertainty cmo puedn CD but other functions .* ls The interrogative and exclaim tilde always have (what, what, who, how, where …) * Construction d infinitive constructions are subordinate clauses qse cmportan cmo and perform substantive functions dls noun phrases. Subordinadas adjectives are introduced xun q nx has syntactic functions. The nx can replace x which, which, which feature … “refer a1expresion cn Q appears before his antecedenrt PRINCIPAL nla proposition is a noun q Always will introduce a proposition delante.-adjective when a history .- d dntro perform a function q introduced prayer: the same q would exercise its antecedent if nsu Stuve place.
* specified subordinate and explanatory adjective .- specified: when delimiting the meaning of the antecedent-explanatory when explaining some aspect of the antecedent. Subordinate adverbial: they are the main prayer nla lasq play roles played ls q adverbiales.hay phrases impropias. own e-own : sn qse puedn the adverbs d rather replace x modo.-time or improper puedn not be replaced x condicionals consecutive final adverbios.causales concessive and cmparativas.Own .* adverbial of place. Indicate where you performed the action of the verb main verb cmo CC and replaced x adverbs d place. (There, here …) made x the adv .* dond time on the time point nq indicated process is developing DC cmo verbo.funcionan xel main verb and adverbs d time replaces x: x entonces.generalmente introduced the adverb while. sorts: – simultaneity: while, as, as, as … “before: just as soon as, once, not good .. (1st sub, 2nd prop)-immediate succession as … (after 2 nd sub 1 prop) * so the adverb introduced x CC como.funciona as the main verb. Replace x asi.nexos: agree, as such, and cmo, and just like that. Adverbial * sub improper grounds: express the cause justification or explanation states deloq main prop nla .- * sub dla final action to express principal.nx verb to affirm, to deq cn order conditional dq .. * sub. PAQS express a condition normally meets the action principal.expresan cause hipotetica.nx to noserq, contaldeq, unless consecutive sub q … * . Oel results indicate therefore expressed xel action verb dla dla principal.dos prop types, provides main q triggers an intensification result as expressed in the subordinada.nx … q, … q.-inferential as the main clause does not contains a Conq intensivo.nx then sub .* d modoq concessive. PAQS pose an impediment to comply with the main proposition expressed nla, fails to produce DC-efecto.: aunq, despite, even, so C-orac : although, even comparative sub .* + gerund are structures composed of qse 2oraciones between establishing a cmparacion. Both como.el 2nd term … dla cmparacion deleted elemnts tds ls Q & aparecn nel1 º. In the analysis are q rcuperarlos. classes, the quantifier menos.-d as well as equality, igualq, the same q-superiority uses the quantifier most