Gynecological Exam: Phases, Care, and Delivery Room Essentials
Gynecological Examination: Four Phases
Abdominal Palpation: Palpate the abdomen to discover tumors or lesions with abnormal volume increases.
Vaginal Speculum Exam: An instrument is introduced to separate the vaginal walls, allowing observation of the interior and cervix. The speculum is inserted with closed valves, then opened to separate the walls.
Vaginal Touch: The doctor inserts the index and middle finger into the vagina to scan the cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, checking for changes in consistency, size, and position of the uterus.
Breast Scan: Observe the shape and surface of the breasts for tenderness and perform palpation to discover any abnormal lumps or bumps. Breast carcinoma is the most common malignancy in women.
Recommended Actions During This Period
- Oral Hygiene: Visit the dentist and maintain good oral hygiene.
- Breast Care: Follow recommended breast care practices.
- Sexual Hygiene: Avoid certain sexual positions.
- Clothing and Footwear Hygiene: Wear loose clothing and wide, low-heeled shoes.
- Mental Hygiene: Continue normal occupations and resolve doubts and fears.
- Physical Hygiene and Rest: Avoid great efforts and strenuous exercise. Walking is recommended. Sleep a minimum of 8 hours.
- Childbirth Preparation: Learn to relax and control breathing. Attend childbirth preparation classes.
- Nutrition: Eat for one, not two. Avoid excessive weight gain, which can lead to complications in childbirth.
Own Material Expansion of the Board
Fetomaternal monitors, amnioscope, Pinard stethoscopes, antiseptic solution, sterile gloves, pads, wedge, and amniorrhexis lancet (a long, flat, disposable stick to break the amniotic fluid bag).
Functions During the Expansion Phase
- Prepare, clean, and replace materials.
- Administer a cleansing enema.
- Clean the external genitalia.
- Shave pubic hair.
- Ensure the patient is comfortable and reassured.
- Encourage breathing exercises.
- Collaborate with the obstetrician and midwife as needed.
Delivery Room Material
Sink, delivery table or rack, oxygen and vacuum outlets, auxiliary lamp, stool, waste container, instrument table (sterile dressings, sterile gloves, belts and trays, momentary bladder evacuation probe, sterile gowns and drapes), table with hats, pants, and masks.
The TAE in the Delivery Room
- Prepare and check the material.
- Help the patient onto the table and explain the procedure.
- Reassure the patient and help with breathing.
- Instruct the patient on where to be placed and what to do.
- Assist the midwife and doctor as needed.
- Collect, clean, and replace used materials.
The puerperium is the period from childbirth until the genital organs and the general state of the woman return to their pre-pregnancy condition. It takes about 40-45 days and is called quarantine.