Hand and Machine Tools: Usage, Techniques, and Operations

Hand tools: placed in panels. Machine tools: fixed or portable. Fixed: tables or located in designated areas. Portable: guards in lockers or storage.

Technical Working previous operations, manufacturing and finishing.

Operations Prior

Measurement: determining the dimensions of parts. Instruments:

  • Measuring Tape: Length measuring above a meter.
  • Rules: Measuring small lengths.
  • Protractor: Measure angles.

Drawn: marks on the material dimensions of the designed object.

  • Carpenter’s pencil: To draw what we want to build.
  • Compass: Draw circles or arcs.
  • Square: Right angles.
  • Bevel square: Measure different angles.
  • Gramil: Trace parallel lines.
  • Punch: To mark.

Subjection of the Material

  • Vise: Attached to the work table. It has 2 steel jaws, one fixed and one mobile.
  • Sergeant: Clamp workpieces.
  • Gag: Subject to the workbench.

Manufacturing Techniques


Consists in changing the form of a material without loss.


One part is to separate material through straight or curved cuts.

  • Scissors: Cut some little thickness.
  • Cutter: Medium thickness.
  • Pliers: Basically to cut wires.


Involves cutting the material using specific tools called saws.

  • Handsaws regular: Formed by a handle and a flexible sheet of steel.
  • Sawtooth rib: It has a reinforcement at the top.
  • Sawtooth edge: Interior and exterior curved cuts through its narrow blade which facilitates the rotation of the tool.
Types of Saws
  • Bow saw
  • Hair saw: Helical, thin, wide, flat plane.


Remove fine particles of material to achieve a desired shape or aesthetic finish.

  • Rasp: There are different sized triangular teeth. Only used for wood.
  • File: Checker has teeth but much smaller. Used for metal and plastic.


Lower the surplus wood to smooth the surface of a piece and give it a uniform finish.

  • Plane: Formed by a box where you insert a steel blade.
  • Small plane: On metal parts for small jobs.
  • Long plane: With a handle for large surfaces.


Recesses and holes in the wood.

  • Gouge: Curved for carving artistic figures.
  • Chisel: Straight edge. Two types: carvings and mortises.


Practice holes.

  • Auger: Consists of a metal rod attached to a tip.
  • Brace: Formed by a steel rod with a U-shaped elbow in the center, which allows manual movement.
  • Manual drill: Simple, lightweight, quiet, and easy to handle.
  • Drill bits: Those used to drill into the wood have a tool tip centered.

Machine Tools

A device capable of machining operations using a source of power other than human muscular power.

  • Portable circular saw: Make straight cuts.
  • Jigsaw: Straight and curved cuts.
  • Portable drill: Make holes in any position.
  • Column drill: Practice holes with precision.